Auch in Nord Albanien wie am Strand von Velipoja werden die Problem der illegalen Bebauung immer deutlicher. Die Albaner haben ihr gesamtes Touristisches Potential zerstört, durch die Mafia Politiker des Fatos Nano und zuletzt durch den Minister Bashkim Fino und Artan Lame, welche nur noch ihren kriminellen Neigungen nachgingen.
E Hene, 15 Gusht 2005
Shkoder- Plazhi i Velipojes ka nisur te kete jeohen ne tij me qindra kilometra larg Shkodres. Ne nje vije bregdetare prej 12 km, ndodhen me shume se 520 ndertime. Ndersa ne paradoks me gjithe kete, plazhit i mungojne investimet. Edhe ato pak para qe jane hedhur na individe te vecante, jane ndertime ne me te shumten pa leje. Problemi me i madh ne Velipoje, si ne te gjithe Shqiperine, jane infrastruktura, energjia elektrike, uji i pijshem, e kanalizimet.
In Durres verliessen wegen den verdreckten Stränden die Touristen die Gegend. Zehntausende haben sich dort illegal angesiedelt, vor allem auch die gesamte Kosovaren Mafia und leiten ihre Abwässer direkt über Strände in das Meer, nachdem sie dort ganze Wälder zubetoniert haben.
erlin Wasser sollte eine neue Wasser Infrastruktur für die illegalen Hotels und Appartments Blocks der Albanisch Politischen Mafia und Amerikanischen Mafia des Gambino, Luchese und Genovese Clan in Verbindung zum Internatinalem Terrorismus bauen.
Die Europa Zentrale für den Drogen Handel, sollte eine exklusive Kanalisation und Drink Wasser Versorgung erhalten.
• Tourists pack off because of water pollution
Durres- After many warnings, Durres District Office cancelled the contract with the German company “Berlin Wasser”.The head of this office undertook this extreme act as a result of irresponsible and indifferent attitude of the officials of the German company, who after some constraints undertaken by local organs, are following their old habit of not supplying the inhabitants of the coastal city of Durres, for which the Albanian state invested 20 million dollars during these last years. Apart this fact, the continuous lack of water supplying in Plash (beach) area resulted into a sensitive diminishment of tourists’ flux. Although Plazh’s maintenance office has done an appreciable preliminary job in the eve of tourist session, like cleaning the sand from wracks and solid wastes, the lack of water, spilling over of sewage into the sea, lack of public water closets throughout the whole territory of Durres beach resulted into the diminishment of tourist frequentation below the predicted levels. The zone of Plazh still is suffering the lack of water supplying and other infrastructure facilities even after the investments from the state budget for the reconstruction of the road from Ura e Dajlanit to Plepa, which cost 9 million euro and after promises full of political rhetoric articulated during the electoral campaign. The lack of water supplying came naturally after the indolent job of the German company “Berlin Wasser”, which manages the water system in the coastal city of Durres. In a recent meeting with the head of Durres district, Genc Alizoti, the officials of this company have been warned several times for canceling the contract, while these days the head of the district has already prepared the official document to undertake such extreme act.