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Endlosschleife Part 2: Mazedonier vs. Griechen

Ein gescheiter Kommi unter Millionen

  • The ethnic Macedonians and the Macedonian language are a result of a Cominternconspiracy.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venko_Markovski
    • Venko Markovski, Yugoslavian writer, poet and Communist politician (who in 1945 participated in the Commission for the Creation of the Macedonian Alphabet) in an interview for Bulgarian National Television on 31/12/1987. Mitewa, Yulia (2001), "ИДЕЯТА ЗА ЕЗИКА В МАКЕДОНСКИЯ ЛИТЕРАТУРЕН КРЪЖОК — ЕСТЕТИЧЕСКИ И ИДЕОЛОГИЧЕСКИ АСПЕКТИ", Veliko Tarnovo: Litera.

Fake News

das Alpahabet und die Schrift ...das Altkirchenslawisch gibt es schon seit einigen hundert Jahren. Du vebreitest Lügen und Fake News
und du kannst nach HAuse gehen, nach Ägypten.
  • Macedonian is similar to Bulgarian and is sometimes been regarded as a variety of that language.
    • "Encyclopedia of Bilingualism and Bilingual Education", Colin Baker, Sylvia Prys Jones, p. 415.

  • From a strictly linguistic point of view Macedonian can be called a Bulgarian dialect, as structurally it is most similar to Bulgarian.
    • "Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics", R.E.Asher, J.M.Y.Simpson (editors), 1994, vol.1, p. 429.

Laut den ist eure Sprache Bulgarisch :haha:
  • Macedonian is similar to Bulgarian and is sometimes been regarded as a variety of that language.
    • "Encyclopedia of Bilingualism and Bilingual Education", Colin Baker, Sylvia Prys Jones, p. 415.

  • From a strictly linguistic point of view Macedonian can be called a Bulgarian dialect, as structurally it is most similar to Bulgarian.
    • "Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics", R.E.Asher, J.M.Y.Simpson (editors), 1994, vol.1, p. 429.

Laut den ist eure Sprache Bulgarisch :haha:

Die Serben beanspruchen Macedonien
Die Bulgaren dasselbe
Genauso die Griechen
Warum lässt ihr die Nachfahren Alexander‘s nicht einfach in Ruhe
Ihr Griechen müsst euch halt mit Arschillis und Amınamemnon zufrieden geben :mrgreen:
  • We must remember too that Philip and Alexander were Greeks, descended from Heracles, wished to be recognised as Greeks, as benefactors of the Greeks,even as Heracles had been.
    • N. G. L. Hammond, British scholar and expert on Macedon, Alexander the Great: King, Commander and Statesman, p. 257
  • After Philip's assassination at Aegae in 336, Alexander inherited, together with the Macedonian kingdom, his father's Panhellenic project to lead the Greeks in the conquest of Persia.
    • Waldemar Heckel, Lawrence A. Tritle, Alexander the Great: A New History, Wiley-Blackwell, 2009, p.99