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Es gibt keine Heizung in Albanischen Krankenhäusern


ich finde das ja ziemlich krass, was da unten im Moment abgeht.

Selbst im Universtiäts Krankenhaus "Mutter Theresa" gibt es keinerlei Heizung und die Leute frieren. In Tirana wird es bekanntlich auch unter 0 Grad kalt!

Blankets, patients’ solely survivor
All buildings of the Academic Hospital Centre “Mother Teresa” have no heating at all, because the heating system has gone off-work. The patients of the biggest hospital of the country say they have to face the bitter cold of these days only covered in blankets.Over the situation, the newly appointed officials of AHC blame the former officials of this institution, who, according to them, though of reconstructing the heating system pretty late. Surprisingly, it was found the coldest period of the year to commence the works and, according to AHC this situation will last until mid-October. The deputy chairman of AHC, Arben Ivanaj admits the situation created in the hospital due to malfunction of the heating system, adding the patients must get hot only from the blankets until mid-October. “Actually, the situation is not good, because the heating system of the entire centre is in reconstruction process,”- Ivanaj said. According to him, the reconstruction commenced under the administration of the previous staff and the contract defines the works must be completed on December. “During this time, the patients are heating up only from the blankets,” - responded Ivanaj while was asked how the patients can face the situation. Until the reconstruction of the heating system completes, the citizens hospitalised here should face also the cold besides the health problems they are suffering from. Apart the fact, the hospital have constant electric power, the patients are not permitted to use electric heaters and if they try, they should guard on the nurses to come. But some citizens have found the solution to it, paying under table money to them, besides what it is needed to pay in addition.

lupo-de-mare schrieb:
ich finde das ja ziemlich krass, was da unten im Moment abgeht.

Selbst im Universtiäts Krankenhaus "Mutter Theresa" gibt es keinerlei Heizung und die Leute frieren. In Tirana wird es bekanntlich auch unter 0 Grad kalt!

Blankets, patients’ solely survivor
All buildings of the Academic Hospital Centre “Mother Teresa” have no heating at all, because the heating system has gone off-work. The patients of the biggest hospital of the country say they have to face the bitter cold of these days only covered in blankets.Over the situation, the newly appointed officials of AHC blame the former officials of this institution, who, according to them, though of reconstructing the heating system pretty late. Surprisingly, it was found the coldest period of the year to commence the works and, according to AHC this situation will last until mid-October. The deputy chairman of AHC, Arben Ivanaj admits the situation created in the hospital due to malfunction of the heating system, adding the patients must get hot only from the blankets until mid-October. “Actually, the situation is not good, because the heating system of the entire centre is in reconstruction process,”- Ivanaj said. According to him, the reconstruction commenced under the administration of the previous staff and the contract defines the works must be completed on December. “During this time, the patients are heating up only from the blankets,” - responded Ivanaj while was asked how the patients can face the situation. Until the reconstruction of the heating system completes, the citizens hospitalised here should face also the cold besides the health problems they are suffering from. Apart the fact, the hospital have constant electric power, the patients are not permitted to use electric heaters and if they try, they should guard on the nurses to come. But some citizens have found the solution to it, paying under table money to them, besides what it is needed to pay in addition.


dritte welt standard in Albanien.....und das mitten in europa......traurig !
Wer braucht den schon Heizung, wenn man weiss, dass Napoleon und andere historische Groessen.....ALBANER waren....????

Szene aus einem albanischen Spital....

Patient: Ich friere, Doktor...

Arzt: ohhhhh....naja...aber Napoleon war Albaner....
Partibrejker schrieb:
saaadi schrieb:
Das mit den Krankenhäusern ohne Heizung ist echt übel :?

die Leute frieren sich doch zu tode da

Wer braucht den schon Heizung in Krankenhaeusern, wenn man so kurz davor steht Mitglied in der EU und NATO zu werden...???

hast stangenfieber oder was für nen quatsch gibst du grad von dir? soll das ne provokation in irgend ne richtung werden?
Minci schrieb:
Partibrejker schrieb:
saaadi schrieb:
Das mit den Krankenhäusern ohne Heizung ist echt übel :?

die Leute frieren sich doch zu tode da

Wer braucht den schon Heizung in Krankenhaeusern, wenn man so kurz davor steht Mitglied in der EU und NATO zu werden...???

hast stangenfieber oder was für nen quatsch gibst du grad von dir? soll das ne provokation in irgend ne richtung werden?

kao da neznas kako se na ovom forumu igra kolo :lol: :wink:
Minci schrieb:
hast stangenfieber oder was für nen quatsch gibst du grad von dir? soll das ne provokation in irgend ne richtung werden?

Warum Provokation...????

Jedem Albaner sollte das Herz vor Freude ergluehen, wenn er/sie erfaehrt, dass Napoleon Albaner war....
lupo-de-mare schrieb:
ich finde das ja ziemlich krass, was da unten im Moment abgeht.

Selbst im Universtiäts Krankenhaus "Mutter Theresa" gibt es keinerlei Heizung und die Leute frieren. In Tirana wird es bekanntlich auch unter 0 Grad kalt!

Blankets, patients’ solely survivor
All buildings of the Academic Hospital Centre “Mother Teresa” have no heating at all, because the heating system has gone off-work. The patients of the biggest hospital of the country say they have to face the bitter cold of these days only covered in blankets.Over the situation, the newly appointed officials of AHC blame the former officials of this institution, who, according to them, though of reconstructing the heating system pretty late. Surprisingly, it was found the coldest period of the year to commence the works and, according to AHC this situation will last until mid-October. The deputy chairman of AHC, Arben Ivanaj admits the situation created in the hospital due to malfunction of the heating system, adding the patients must get hot only from the blankets until mid-October. “Actually, the situation is not good, because the heating system of the entire centre is in reconstruction process,”- Ivanaj said. According to him, the reconstruction commenced under the administration of the previous staff and the contract defines the works must be completed on December. “During this time, the patients are heating up only from the blankets,” - responded Ivanaj while was asked how the patients can face the situation. Until the reconstruction of the heating system completes, the citizens hospitalised here should face also the cold besides the health problems they are suffering from. Apart the fact, the hospital have constant electric power, the patients are not permitted to use electric heaters and if they try, they should guard on the nurses to come. But some citizens have found the solution to it, paying under table money to them, besides what it is needed to pay in addition.


Die armen Leute. :(
HABEN WIR ALLES DIESEM HUND "FATOS NANO" ZU VERDANKEN, denn genau dieser Hurensohn war es, der auf die Infrastruktur scheisste und das Stromnetz nie modernisiert hatte.

In 3 Jahren sind die Probleme Albaniens(Infrastruktur,Korruption,etc.) grösstenteils beseitigt.