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Eure Lieblings Strophen aus Liedern

These mist covered mountains
are a home now for me
but my home is the lowlands
and always will be
someday you'll return to
your valleys and your farms
and you'll no longer burn to be brothers in arms
Through these fields of destruction
baptisms of fire
I've witnessed your suffering
as the battle raised higher
and though they did hurt me so bad
in the fear and alarm
you did not desert me my brothers in arms
There're so many different worlds
so many different suns
and we have just one world
but we live in different ones
Now the sun's gone to hell
and the moon's riding high
let me bid you farewell
every man has to die
but it's written in the starlight
and every line in your palm
we're fools to make war on our brothers in arms
...krv se mnoga za te prolila, borba te je nasa rodila, radnicka te ruka stvorila, zivi sretna u slobodi ljubav nasa nek te vodi...

Gänsehaut :cool:
Prvo sam uz’o malo džointa, pa mi se kita nije dizala
mislio sam: jebo ovo, trebam ljudi nešto novo, pa sam onda kupio Esida
vidio sam stvari koje niko ne vidi, bijeli miševi...
uzo kokain, heroin, na TV-u to je sada in,
zarast’o u kosu i u bradu kao Laden Bin
smiju mi se ljudi ispadaju zubi, nijedna cura više nije htjela da me ljubi
ni mati ni babo jer smrdim pravo ni moja grupa jer pun sam rupa,
ko gobleni sami problemi kad hoću nešto reći ljudi se smiju meni
ja se zovem... :D

The Books of Knjige feat. Edo Maajka - Ja suludan
"Lako je kad te neko ni ne zavoli
Tad samo tamna strana srca zaboli...
Teško je kad za nekog jedinog i svog postaneš zrnce soli
Teško je kad Tvoj Neko prestane da te voli."

Djordje Balasevic - "Tvoj Neko"


Je l' Sarajevo gdje je nekad bilo
il' se mome srcu ucinilo
je l' se sta promjenilo

Je l' Miljacka voda presusila
je l' mi stara mati ozdravila
je l' me draga ostavila.."

Dino Merlin - Je l' Sarajevo gdje je nekad bilo

Nisam 'Sarajlija", aber das Gefühl dieser paar Linien..


EKV - 7 Dana
- alles. Ein Lied für die Ewigkeit.
Saliva - I walk alone

I'm sick of all these people talking out their heads
I've never understood a damn thing that they said
From words to actions, never knowing what they're about
I guess I'll have to chew them up and spit them out


Hollywood undead - The loss (zeile)

this is all that I can be, i can't breath as I bleed

the birthday massacre - blue

Black toungues speak faster than the car can crash.
You supply the rumours and I'll provide the wrath.
Romance is breaking every heart in two.
Casting shadows in the pale shade of blue.

Plastic blue conversations in my room.
Saving every tear for you.
Trusting every word untrue.
Twilight fading.


Motörhead - the game

It's all about the game and how you play it.
It's all about control and if you can take it.
It's all about your debt and if you can pay it.
It's all about pain and who's gonna make it.
I am the game, you don't wanna play me.
I am control, there's no way you can change me.
I am your debt, and you know you can't pay me.
I am your pain and I know you can't take me.


Waterproof Blonde ~ Just close your eyes

Deceived by my eyes and all I was told I should see
Opinions not mine, the person they taught me to be
One night in the dark, a vision of someone I knew
And in the darkness I saw, a voice say, I'm you.
Inside me a light was turned on Then I was alive

und viel zu viele andere noch... :cuteandinnocent:
Marcelo & Edo Majka -suze

Suze za raju u starom kraju. Celom svetu! Nek znaju!
Nek znaju da se ovde pucalo i plakalo iz istog ocaja!
Nek znaju da ni dan danas ne znamo ni razloga ni znacaja!
Rokao sam mikrofon u Tuzlu, primili su me kao brata...
Pa svima je dosta rata! Mrznja nije nasa, vec nam je data!
O tata, reci zar danas treba da mrzim Hrvata ili Muslimana?
Pa sve nas muci ista rana iz starih dana!
Ljudi su ljudi, bez obzira sa ovog ili onog meridijana.
Iste nas stvari plase...
Oprosti nam grehove nase.
Oce nas!
Ja nisam taj sto zna, al' nadam se da bar ti znas
otkud toliki bol, suze i strah?
Pepeo pepelu i prah opet postace prah,
al' niko nece znati sto je na brata pucao brat

"[/I]Je l' Sarajevo gdje je nekad bilo
il' se mome srcu ucinilo
je l' se sta promjenilo

Je l' Miljacka voda presusila
je l' mi stara mati ozdravila
je l' me draga ostavila.."

Dino Merlin - Je l' Sarajevo gdje je nekad bilo

Nisam 'Sarajlija", aber das Gefühl dieser paar Linien..

ja mislio da si zensko?:)

ako jesi zensko onda moras reci umijesto sarajlija sarajka.:D