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Familiengeschichte/Heraldik/Christentum: Die Vlastos familie


Ein link auf den ich durch zufall stolperte als ich nach langer zeit mal wieder richtig rumstoeberte.


Es geht dabei um die Vlasto Familie ,deren Familiengeschichte ,Heraldik und Einfluss durch die Geschichte hinweg aber auch nur einfache erzaehlungen.

Sehr interessant bezueglich byzantinischer Heraldik und frueher Kirchengeschichte.

Auszuege allgemein:
The Vlastos being already prominent in Rome by the end of the 2nd Century A.D. and probably long before that, their position was almost certainly augmented by Constantine The Great (c. 274 – 337 A.D.)

am grateful to François R. Velde for this interesting introduction to the orgin of the double-headed eagle 'motif' which appeared in Byzantium in the C12th-13th and was adopted by a number of the principal noble families at that time – later being assumed by several imperial houses, such as in Russia, and states such as Serbia. The mystery is why the Vlasto family appears to have adopted it as their symbol centuries earlier (see examples below) and what its significance was then – long before the arrival of the Empire in Byzantium which looked 'east and west'.

Auszuege speziell:
Rome – c.185 AD – Vlasto tries and fails to fix the date of Easter – with consequences to this day..

The Greek priest and theologian Vlasto became prominent in Rome during the reign of Commodus (180 – 192 A.D.) – the son of Marcus Aurelius who had persecuted the Christians in Rome. Vlasto was a contemporary of St Irenaeus to whom he dedicated an epistle. At a time of great schisms in the early Christian church in Rome, Vlasto caused added controversy.

selbst in der bibel tauchen sie auf:

Hier mal das Familienwappen von 300 vor Christus auf stein:

alles sehr interessant.
weiss noch nicht was ich so alles von halten soll aber stelle es trotzdem mal rein.
