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Gjergji: Muslimanet e Kosoves do te pagëzohen në katolicizëm nga Selia e Shenjtë

The majority of Kosovo’s population may be Islamic, but that is not stopping the Vatican from launching a full-scale evangelistic campaign in Kosovo. Pope Benedict xvi has called for Europe to return to its Catholic roots, and Dode Gjergji—Kosovo’s Roman Catholic bishop—is doing all he can to convert Kosovo’s Muslims.

Both Kosovo and Albania have Catholic roots almost as deep as Rome itself. The Roman province of Illyria on the Balkan Peninsula was one of the first territories to which Catholicism spread. It all changed after the Ottoman conquest of Balkans in the 14th century, however. Under the rule of the Ottoman Turks, the majority of Albanians converted to Islam.

This history was on Gjergji’s mind as he spoke recently before a gathering of European Democratic Party officials in Brussels. In this speech, Gjergji called the Kosovo Albanians Islamized Catholics who were converted only because of Ottoman terror. Now, as Kosovo is increasingly looking to the European Union and the Vatican for support against Serbia, Gjergji says there is a need for a “cultural baptism” in Kosovo.

As the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network put it:

Far from being marginalized—as is the story in so many mainly Muslim societies—in Kosovo the small Catholic minority has seen a resurgence in its fortunes as Kosovars of all faiths look to Europe to resolve their political destiny. …

Since nato drove Serbian forces from Kosovo in 1999, Catholics have increasingly emerged from the sidelines in Kosovo.

As Gjergji presses forward with his missionary activities, he is also devoting considerable effort to supporting the construction of a major Catholic cathedral in Pristina. This cathedral—which is being built with the support of Kosovar President Fatmir Sejdiu—has been hailed by the New Kosova Report as a symbol of the Vatican’s attempts at “cultural baptism.”

Gjergji was appointed as bishop of the Albanian Sape Diocese by Pope Benedict xvi before he was transferred to Kosovo. Vatican involvement in Kosovo, however, runs a lot deeper than the pope’s relationship with Gjergji. Kosovar President Fatmir Sejdiu met with Benedict himself in the Vatican on February 2. This visit was reminiscent of the long-standing relationship between former Kosovar President Ibrahim Rugova and Pope John Paul ii.

It makes sense that Kosovar leadership would want a relationship with the Vatican. The Vatican was one of the first states to recognize both Croatia and Slovenia when they broke away from Yugoslavia back in the early 1990s. Kosovo also would like Vatican support for its independence—but the Vatican does not give its support for nothing.

Both Croatia and Slovenia were Catholic entities trying to break away from an Eastern Orthodox-dominated Yugoslavia. Kosovo is primarily Islamic. Because of this, Pope Benedict has been more low-key in his support for Kosovo. He still offered symbolic support by meeting with the Kosovar president, but for now he is holding off official recognition while he has Gjergji sow the seeds of “cultural baptism.”

As Gjergji said, the Vatican is “very influential in the province [of Kosovo], and not just among Catholics.”

As the European Union continues to annex the Balkans, the Roman Catholic Church will be working to give areas like Kosovo their European ID card—Roman Catholicism. Of course, it is going to take a lot more than “seeds” for the Vatican to make much of a dent in an area that is still almost completely Islamic, but the process has been started. Five Islamic terrorists were arrested in Bosnia on March 30 on grounds that they were planning to bomb Catholic churches, among other alleged targets. As the Vatican’s evangelical campaign builds speed, events like this could become more and more frequent throughout the Balkans—Kosovo included.

For more information on the Vatican’s involvement in the Balkans, read Germany and the Holy Roman Empire and the The Rising Beast—Germany’s Conquest of the Balkans.
na dann mal viel glück für den vatikan...die hoffnung stirbt zuletzt ::lol:
Habe ich das jetzt richtig verstanden der Vatikan will die albanischen Muslime in Ks zum christlichen Glauben führen?!

Es stimmt ja schon, dass unsere Vorfahren den muslimischen Glauben nicht "freiwillig" angenommen haben bzw. vom osmanischen Reich auferzwungen wurde...und auch wenn die Mehrheit der Albaner in Ks werder gläubig noch wirklich religiös ist, praktizieren die meisten Ihr Glauben jetzt aus Überzeugung! Und ich glaube kaum, dass die Theorie die Albaner in Ks umzustimmen funktionieren wird.
zurück in die vergangenheit...

sicherlich werden alle zum vatikan reisen um sich umtaufen zu lassen....

pse, a na ka pranu vatikani, si shtet i pavarur??

ich glaube ich habe es den haupttalibanen hier ( LS_89, rockafella etc. etc.) mit diesem thema ordentlich gezeigt.

107 leute haben sich bis jetzt dieses thema angesehen die oben genannten idioten sind bestimmt auch darunter
aber nur 3 haben was geschrieben

hats euch so die sprache verschlagen ? ^^
ich glaube ich habe es den haupttalibanen hier ( LS_89, rockafella etc. etc.) mit diesem thema ordentlich gezeigt.

107 leute haben sich bis jetzt dieses thema angesehen die oben genannten idioten sind bestimmt auch darunter
aber nur 3 haben was geschrieben

hats euch so die sprache verschlagen ? ^^

oh ja man,du hast es uns richtig gegeben.:toothy4:

war nichts anderes zu erwarten von einem p(j)eder dem grossen.:toothy4:
ich glaube ich habe es den haupttalibanen hier ( LS_89, rockafella etc. etc.) mit diesem thema ordentlich gezeigt.

107 leute haben sich bis jetzt dieses thema angesehen die oben genannten idioten sind bestimmt auch darunter
aber nur 3 haben was geschrieben

hats euch so die sprache verschlagen ? ^^
ja ey ich bin so richtig baff...

habe mich heute morgen beim vatikan angemeldet und werde mich diesen donnerstag mit ein paar andren 100 000 ex-muslimischen albanern noch vor ostern vom papst persönlich taufen lassen und dem katholizismus beitreten. :toothy10: