die griechischen Pläne vor dem 2 WK, vor der Machtergreifung Hitler´s,
entsprechen einer faschistischen ideologie:
ein großes reich auf kosten anderer Völker, andere Völker werden systematisch vernichtet (türken, bulgaren, slawo-mazedonier,albaner, und andere),...
das eigene volk soll die sog. "herrenrasse" darstellen...
Viele Griechen stellen andere Nachbarvölker als Faschisten dar, als kollaborateure der nazi´s...
komischerweise haben die griechen eine faschistische kriegsführung vor den nazi´s betrieben und zeigen immer auf andere völker...
Greek massacres of Turks
British historian Arnold J. Toynbee wrote that there were organized atrocities since the Greek occupation of Smyrna on the 15 May 1919. Toynbee also stated that he and his wife were witnesses to the atrocities perpetrated by Greeks in the Yalova, Gemlik, and Ismid areas and they not only obtained abundant material evidence in the shape of "burnt and plundred houses, recent corpses, and terror stricken survivors" but also witnessed robbery by Greek civilians and arsons by Greek soldiers in uniform in the act of perpetration.[40] Toynbee wrote:[41]
"No sooner had they landed than they began a ruthless warfare against the Turkish population, not omitting the commission of atrocities in the worst Near Eastern manner, they laid waste the fertile Maender Valley, and forced thousands of homeless Turks to take refuge beyond the occupied area".Historian Taner Akcam noted that a British officer claimed:[42]
"The National forces were established solely for the purpose of fighting the Greeks...The Turks are willing to remain under the control of any other state...There was not even an organized resistance at the time of the Greek occupation. Yet the Greeks are persisting in their oppression, and they have continued to burn villages, kill Turks and rape and kill women and young girls and throttle to death children".Inter-Allied commission in the Yalova-Gemlik peninsula, in their report of the 23rd May 1921, during the Greek occupation of western Anatolia, wrote that:[43]
"A distinct and regular method appears to have been followed in the destruction of villages, group by group, for the last two months, which destruction has even reached the neighbourhood of the Greek headquarters. The members of the Commission consider that, in the part of the kazas of Yalova and Guemlek occupied by the Greek army, there is a systematic plan of destruction of Turkish villages and extinction of the Muslim population. This plan is being carried out by Greek and Armenian bands, which appear to operate under Greek instructions and sometimes even with the assistance of detachments of regular troops".Inter Allied commission also stated that the destruction of villages and the disappearance of the Muslim population might have at its objective to create in this region a political situation favourable to the Greek Government.[43]
M. Gehri, the representative of the Geneva International Red Cross who accompanied the Inter-Allied Commission wrote as follows:[44]
"...The Greek army of occupation have been employed in the extermination of the Muslim population of the Yalova-Gemlik peninsula. The facts established -burning of villages, massacres, terror of the inhabitants, coincidence of place and date- leave no room for doubt in regard to this. The atrocities which we have seen, or of which we have seen the material evidence, were the work of irregular bands of armed civilians(tcheti) and of organised units of the regular army...Instead of being disarmed and broken up, the bands have been assisted in their activities and have collaborated hand in hand with organised units of regulars".Arnold J. Toynbee wrote that they obtained convincing evidence that similar atrocities had been started in wide areas all over the remainder of the Greek occupied territories since June 1921.[45] Toynbee argued that: " the situation of the Turks in Smyrna City had become what could be called without exaggeration a 'reign of terror', it was to be inferred that their treatment in the country districts had grown worse in proportion."[46]
die griechischen Pläne vor dem 2 WK, vor der Machtergreifung Hitler´s,
entsprechen einer faschistischen ideologie:
ein großes reich auf kosten anderer Völker, andere Völker werden systematisch vernichtet (türken, bulgaren, slawo-mazedonier,albaner, und andere),...
das eigene volk soll die sog. "herrenrasse" darstellen...
Viele Griechen stellen andere Nachbarvölker als Faschisten dar, als kollaborateure der nazi´s...
komischerweise haben die griechen eine faschistische kriegsführung vor den nazi´s betrieben und zeigen immer auf andere völker...