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Griechenland und die Türkei rüsten auf

ägäis yok

[h=1]Turkey Issues New NAVTEX, Blocking Large Area in Aegean[/h]

File photoWith the issuance of a new Navigational Telex (NAVTEX) issued on Friday, March 8, Turkey intends to block off a large area in the Central Aegean Sea for new military exercises.
The new NAVTEX comes only a few days after the end of the wide-ranging ”Blue Homeland” military exercise conducted by Turkey between February and March.
According to the Turkish telex, the area in the Aegean Sea will be used by Turkey for eight different days and group of days between March 11 and April 30.
The large area that the Turkish armed forces intends to use for its military exercises lies between the islands of Skyros and Chios, exactly in the middle of the Aegean Sea between the two countries.
Greek officials have not responded to the Turkish announcement yet.
The new exercise could be seen as yet another Turkish provocation, because it blocks off a large area of the Aegean for a very long period of time.

die türkei steigt zum vergleich 2017 vom 13 auf den 12 platz der größten waffenlieferanten länder weltweit auf..ich frag lieber nicht wo griechenland steht ^^



Das mit 2023 kann nicht stimmen Stealth Fighter ypk so wie Ägäis und Mittelmeer.
keine angst grekos,die türken fliegen über türkischen luftraum-mavivatan

[h=2]Turkish jets violate Greek airspace[/h]

TAGS: Turkey, Defense
A pair of Turkish fighter jets violated Greek airspace on Friday morning, flying over the island cluster of Oinousses in the eastern Aegean.
According to the Hellenic National Defense General Staff (GEETHA), the two F-16s made their first passage over the small islets shortly after at 10 a.m., flying at an altitude of 25,000 feet.

Turkish jets violate Greek airspace | News | ekathimerini.com

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die grekos bestätigen offiziell,das auch türkische drohnen in den angeblichen gr luftraum eindringen,was natürlich eigentlich int luftraum ist..


19/03/2019 - 20:24 | Τελευταία ενημέρωση: 19/03/2019 - 20:49
[h=1]Το ΓΕΕΘΑ παραδέχθηκε για πρώτη φορά παραβιάσεις από τουρκικό UAV - Ερντογάν: «Δοκιμάζουν την υπομονή μας στο Αιγαίο»![/h]