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Halilovic: Sandzak will leave Serbia befor RS leaves BiH

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BPS tells Dodik: Sandzak will leave Serbia before RS leaves BiH | DAILY NEWS | Oslobo?enje | Bosanskohercegova?ke nezavisne novine - vijesti iz BiH, osvrti, mi?ljenja

BPS tells Dodik: Sandzak will leave Serbia before RS leaves BiH

Given that the BiH Patriot Party (BPS-Sefer Halilovic) is determined to not allow deniers and destroyers of the BiH state space to leave their secessionist statements without a response, to the new statements by Milorad Dodik where he presents BiH as an impossible state and the RS entity as a future state modeled on Kosovo, BPS-Sefer Halilovic says that Milorad Dodik’s secessionists statements are just a pale attempt to mobilize his electorate, which has recognized that Dodik’s government is marked by terrible corruption scandals for which BiH citizens are living drastically worse lives.

Dodik’s invocation of the statehood of the RS entity is a move of desperation, as he is aware that Cosic-Milosevic politics in BiH led to a military and political fiasco, and today Dodik is trying with the frustration of the work of state institutions to present BiH as a dysfunctional state, a task in which his federal coalition partners are certainly helping him with their behavior.


BPS-Sefer Halilovic believes that the possibility of secession by Sandzak and Vojvodina from Serbia is a far more optimal possibility, politically feasible, while RS seceding from BiH is ordinary electioneering phrasing for whose realization Dodik needs the former JNA, hundreds of volunteers from Serbia, and millions of marks of military assistance, and he would need to move 2.5 million people from BiH who won’t give up their country, and this is already enough to discern that Dodik’s statements are the moves of a loser, the BPS statement reads.

Sefer Halilović: Ako budu htjeli nezavisnost RS, uzet ćemo Srbiji Sandžak!

”Ta priča je lišena historijske realnosti. Dakle, ako hoćete u vojnom smislu, Srbija je bila uspješnija na Kosovu nego u Bosni. Bilo bi logično da tamo traže taj svoj životni prostor. Štaviše, oni 200 godina uvjeravaju svoju javnost da im je to i kolijevka državnosti, što za njih BiH nikad nije bila, ako u međuvremenu ne postane. Dodik se na ovaj način, ovom retorikom želi samo dodvoravati nacionalistima da ostane na vlasti. To isto rade i ovi u Srbiji. Šalju lažne nade narodu da će, ako izgube Kosovo, dobiti RS. RS nikad nije bila u sastavu Srbije. Mnogo će prije Sandžak biti u sastav Bosne, nego RS u sastav Srbije. Jer, Sandžak je bio dio srednjovjekovne, a i osmanske Bosne, sve do Berlinskog kongresa”, kazao je Halilović za agenciju Anadolija.

”Ali, ponavljam, ako Dodik i Nikolić nastave s tom pričom, neka znaju da su objavili rat u BiH i neka znaju da će izgubiti taj rat”, upozorio je.

Er sagt wenn Dodik und Nikolic so weitermachen und eine Unabhängigkeit der RS wollen, dann nehmen wir uns Sandzak und gliedern ihn an Bosnien an.

Den Rest könnt ihr auf Englisch weiterlesen.

Hier was über Sefer Halilovic der gebürtlich aus Sandzak ist

Sefer Halilovi
Dieses "before" ist irgendwie irritierend, weil die RS bzw das Territorium geht nirgendwo hin! :D
Ob es Halilović wirklich so gesagt hat hmmm :eh:
Wer denkt, dass er es nicht gesagt hat, kennt Sefer Halilovic nicht... So ein Mann wird nur einmal in 1000 Jahren geboren. Der gute Mann hat Schlachten gewonnen, wo andere längst aufgegeben hätten.
Patriotska Liga BiH wird auf jeden Fall gewählt