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Heroj Srđan Aleksić

Es wurde auch ein Film gedreht, der auf dem Fall basiert, aber es wurden auch einige Dinge verändert. Hier der Trailer.

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Klingt türkisch. Sercan ?


Srđan (Serbian Cyrillic: Срђан; Croatian: Srđan) (or Srdan, or Srdjan) is a Croatian and Serbian masculine given name. The prevailing stance reckons this name originates from the Roman nomen (family name) Sergius, and this from a more ancient Etruscan name. The Latin names of two saints "Saints Sergius and Bacchus" are both translated as "Sveti Srđ i Vlaha" or "Srđevdan", so it is highly possible that Srđan has only Christian etymology. The other possibility is that it derives from another Serbian adjective: srdit, meaningfiery, ardent. A medieval version of the name was Srdan. Srđa is a nickname form of Srđan.