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Hip-Hop & Rap Thread

Also ich finde den einzigen Hip-Hop Rap denn mann hören kann ist der US Hip-Hop/Rap ich finde Deutsch-Rap irgendwie... Seltsam vor allem wenn die mit Absicht so tun als wurden die mit Akzent reden aber dabei 1A Deutsch sprechen können
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Mixing that electro thump with the sample-heavy boom-bap of hip-hop, DJ/producer Gramatik was born in Portoroz, Slovenia, but he always seemed bound for Brooklyn. It was an older sister with a large cassette collection who turned the young Gramatik on to tapes of funk, jazz, R&B, and other genres that naturally lent themselves to dancefloors. By the time he was 13, he was making beats on his PC, and by the time he was in his late teens, his productions had earned him a loyal fan base and, eventually, the attention of the Colorado-based Pretty Lights. The like-minded producer signed to Gramatik to his Web label, also dubbed Pretty Lights, and released his Beatz & Pieces, Vol. 1 album in 2011. The #DigitalFreedom EP followed in 2012 along with Gramatik's new apartment in Brooklyn. ~ David Jeffries, Rovi

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Jun Seba (jap. 瀬場 潤 Seba Jun; * 7. Februar 1974; † 26. Februar 2010) war ein japanischer Hip-Hop-Musikproduzent, der unter dem Namen Nujabes (ヌジャベス) produzierte. Der japanische DJ und Produzent Nujabes verstarb am 26. Februar 2010 bei einem Autounfall. Die Bestätigung dazu kam von seinem selbstgegründeten Label Hydeout Productions sowie dem langjährigen Freund Shing02, der Folgendes sagte:
"Through his soulful music, Nujabes has touched so many people around the world, even beyond his dreams. He was a mysterious character to most as he avoided the public limelight, rarely conducted interviews, so only a few got to know the man behind the signature production. Yet it continued to amaze me how young listeners of all backgrounds learned of his enigmatic name, and expressed support for his music."[SUP][1]

Ruhe in Frieden [/SUP]
瀬場 潤 ich pump dich jeden Tag.
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