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Hit des Tages // Welches Lied hörst du gerade?



P.s. Ein sehr schönes Lied für eine gute Werbung.


WikiAnswers - What are the lyrics to the Discovery Channel song Boom De Ya Da

This song is properly titled "The World Is Awesome," and is part of a new Discovery Channel make-over. The original song is a traditional campfire song. There are several versions of the commercial. Here are two of the most commonly-seen: Two astronauts float in space - voiceover:
Astronaut 1: It never gets old, huh?
Astronaut 2: Nope.

Astronaut 1: It kinda makes you want to...
Astronaut 2: Break into song?
Astronaut 1: Yep
I love the mountains, I love the clear blue skies ...
change to a shot of the Millau Viaduct bridge​
I love big bridges ...
a shot of a great white shark breaching​
I love when great whites fly ...
a shot of Les Stroud from Survivorman, lying in the desert with a camera​
I love the whole world ...
a shot of Hong Kong at night​
And all its sights and sounds ...
shots of crab fishermen from Deadliest Catch, followed by African tribal dancers​
Boom-de-ah-da, Boom-de-ah-da, Boom-de-ah-da, Boom-de-ah-da!
a shot of a surfer paddling beyond the waves​
I love the ocean ...
a shot of Mike Rowe from Dirty Jobs, in a sewer surrounded by rats​
I love real dirty things ...
a shot of a super-powered car racing across the desert​
I love to go fast ...
a shot of a woman scientist examining a mummy​
I love Egyptian kings ...
either a shot of Buddhist monks at a temple, or in one alternate version, a shot of a space shuttle launching​
I love the whole world ...
a shot of James Cameron in a deep sea sub​
And all its craziness ...
a shot of a rock concert - followed by Richard Machowicz from Future Weapons, firing a grenade launcher - followed by an erupting volcano​
Boom-de-ah-da, Boom-de-ah-da, Boom-de-ah-da, Boom-de-ah-da!
a shot of Josh Bernstein from Into the Unknown, in front of a tornado​
I love tornadoes ...
a shot of Bear Grylls from Man Vs. Wild, with a tarantula​
I love arachnids ...
a shot of a scientist in a fire-proof suit beside a Hawaiian volcano​
I love hot magma ...
a shot of a Humboldt squid​
I love the giant squid ...
a shot of people sitting on a beach after dark, watching fireworks​
I love the whole world, it's such a brilliant place ...
several rapid shots - Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman from Mythbusters (Adam is setting Jamie's arm on fire) - Stephen Hawking using his synthesizer to speak (in one alternate version, a mountain climber from Everest: Beyond the Limit is shown instead, flashing the peace sign) - a man BASE-jumping into the Cave of Swallows - finally, the original astronauts from the first shot​
Boom-de-ah-da, Boom-de-ah-da, Boom-de-ah-da, Boom-de-ah-da!
In a shorter version, you have the same first four lyrics, but the line "I love the whole world" shows a shot of Bear Grylls from Man Vs. Wild with a tarantula on his shoulder instead of the shot of Les Stroud from Survivorman. Also, instead of the line "I love the oceans," there is a shot of Adam Savage setting Jamie Hyneman's arm on fire in Mythbusters, with the line "I love to try things."
Er ist sooooooooooooooooo out, das er wieder in ist.. ;)
Eminem ist doch nicht out.. :mad::D


Also weiß ja nicht so recht. Kenn mich auch nicht so aus. Ich dachte nur. Also ich würde behaupten, dass es so is'. Aber mit Sicherheit... ähmm.. nee also mit Sicherheit könnte ich das höchstwahrscheinlich doch nicht schreiben. Aber ich meinte ja nur und dachte es wäre so. Man kann sich ja mal irren.
