Der Admiral Timothy Keatin einer der höchsten US Militärs, stellte klar, das das Verteidigungs Ministerin unter dem Kommanda von Rumsfeld (Bush Order) die zentrale Verantwortung hat, für das Desaster bei diesem Wirbel Sturm.
Sowas hat es in der US Geschichte noch nie gegeben.
Der Admiral kommandiert das US Nord Kommando, eines der wichtigsten und stärksten US Kommando Stellen.
The idea that the U.S. military should take a greater role in
responding to disasters such as Hurricane Katrina, as proposed by
President Bush and others, has elicited strong opposition among state
leaders and national guard officials, one of whom suggested that it
amounted to "domestic regime change."
Critics were exercised by a recent statement from Adm. Timothy Keating
of U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM) who recommended that the Department
of Defense be given "complete authority" for response to disasters
like Hurricane Katrina.
"Although usually couched in terms of 'support for governors', the
NORTHCOM proposals would bring about a fundamental change in the
emergency governance of states impacted by large scale disasters,"
complained Major General Timothy Lowenberg of the Washington state
National Guard.
"Some might liken this to a policy of domestic regime change," he
wrote in an October 31 email message to National Guard colleagues.
A copy of the email message from Maj. Gen. Lowenberg, a portion of
which was quoted by the Associated Press on November 4, was obtained
by Secrecy News and is available here: