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Jason Miko: The name and identity of Macedonia cannot be changed

Makedonec do Koska

[h=3]Jason Miko: The name and identity of Macedonia cannot be changed[/h]Labels: News, Politik

What can be expected of Macedonia in 2014 regarding the so-called “Name dispute”? I do not expect big changes from Greece or from the international community, except continuous impersonal statements that both Macedonia and Greece must reach a “mutually acceptable solution” that does absolutely nothing in practice. Macedonia, for its part, has already made series of attempts to invite our Greek friends to sit at the same table wherever and whenever to discuss the issue. However, the offers did not reach the Greek and international ears, they were ignored. Here are some of my thoughts (in no particular order) concerning the subject at the beginning of 2014.

First point: If the idea of ​​getting membership at EU and NATO is to achieve greater prosperity and if prosperity measured by GDP growth, then why is it necessary to join these groups when Macedonia’s GDP is growing even without being member of any of these organizations? I realize that I simplify things, but the point is that you do not need to be member of either of these two organizations to increase GDP. Of course, the leaders of both organizations and others, especially some leaders of non-governmental organizations, will say that you must be member of both organizations for your GDP to grow (and to become member you have to change the name and identity). In addition, this is a notorious lie.

These organizations, especially the EU, will also say that you have to join their little club for much more than a simple progress. You have to join all these “wonderful” cultural benefits they offer, increase of abortion at own will, gay marriage, and adoption, to mention few. They certainly will not force you to accept these things, but will put enormous pressure on you, especially if you are in the club.

Second point: It was said that Ambassador Nimetz proposed the name “Upper Macedonia” which will modify the form of government as republic. It was also announced that the Greeks sought “Upper” be inserted before “Macedonia”, which modify the name and identity of the state and the people. What no one so far pay attention to, as far as I know, is the use of the word “Upper”.

A few thoughts: If there is “Upper” there must be “Lower”. If Greece’s main argument is that “Macedonia” implies territorial claims on Greek Macedonia, then “Upper Macedonia” implies territorial pretensions to and the “Lower Macedonia”. The same problem occurs in every country called “North Macedonia” and that therefore every modifier must stand to form of the government, not the state. The last state what was called “Upper” was “Upper Volta”, i.e. “Republic of Upper Volta”, a country in West Africa from 1960 to 1984, when it was renamed to Burkina Faso (“Volta” refers to the river). In other words, “Upper Volta” disappeared and that the Greeks probably had in mind when they agreed to “Upper Macedonia”.

Third point: I have resorted to basic university course in Psychology and I will call it Psychology 101 under the U.S. system of appointment of university programs in discussing the reaction of the EU and NATO representatives when they spoke about Macedonia. Needless to say but if you want to build credibility with someone – be it an individual or group of people, first you have to show respect for him / them. When you have contact “one on one” with the other people it usually helps if you call them by their name. This is especially true in the service industry, when you are in a restaurant and the waiter / waitress wearing name plate, you call them by their name. It is documented fact that people throughout the world and throughout history they want to hear their name. It is part of the human need to be necessary as once noticed the daughter of Skopje, Mother Teresa. It is not acceptable to call the waiter: Hey boy, when is enough to say hey Igor! If this principle is applicable in the relations “one on one”, then it is as applicable to groups of people and nations.

In this context, I was also taken aback when Stefan Fule or Anders Fogh Rasmussen or any other leader in the EU or NATO will say “this country” or “your state” or whatever other than Macedonia. How they can expect to win the Macedonian people? How can they expect to build their own credibility at the Macedonian people if they cannot get them-selves to say “Macedonia” in public? Don’t they know the basics of “Psychology 101″? If these so-called leaders want credibility at the Macedonian people, then they will simply have to show little decency and respect.

Of course, efforts to join the EU now provide some economic benefits, as are pre-accession funds (IPA), which are helpful. But EU leaders – through their inability or refusal to utter “Macedonia” and “Macedonians” do not do anything to became favorite to the Macedonian people, because this looks a bit like marriage without love and joy. Yes, there is a legal relationship, but we all know that it leads nowhere and will probably break.

Finally, as I wrote many times over the years, the main thing is Macedonia to continue to work hard by focusing to the rule of law, prudent fiscal policy and continuous attraction of foreign direct investment and maintenance of a strong moral compass in the cultural sphere. This is the recipe for success for Macedonia and the name and identity of Macedonia cannot be changed.

Jason Miko

The author is manager of public relations from Arizona (USA) and longtime observer to the situation in Macedonia and Southeast Europe.

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[h=3]First German diplomat to put Athens under pressure in terms of the name issue?[/h]Labels: Politik, Problemkind Griechenland

The Macedonian-Greek relations are to be one of the subjects of discussion of German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier with the top officials in Athens.

“I believe I am heading to Athens well-prepared. My readiness also refers to the relations between Greece and Macedonia – a topic I am sure will be tackled. I’ll talk with Greece about all open issues, such as those related to the European Union, the economic crisis and the relations with neighbours,” Steinmeier tells the Deutsche Welle – Macedonian Language Program.

Yesterday, Steinmeier held talks with his Swedish counterpart Carl Bildt. Asked about his engagement in resolving the long-standing Athens-Skopje name dispute that hinders Macedonia’s Euro-Atlantic integration, Bildt said he expected constructiveness from both Skopje and Athens.

“Skopje and Athens should be constructive. They should be ready to make a compromise that is obviously in the interest of both countries and one that will enable Macedonia to kick off the EU accession talks I consider as necessary. That is needed for the stability and will show that the country is making progress. Macedonia has been in a deadlock for a longer period of time and I believe it should be ‘broken’. But that requires good will from both Skopje and Athens,” Bildt said.

Steinmeier, who is visiting Athens on January 9-10, to discuss Greece’s EU Presidency and Greek financial situation with the country’s leadership – President Karolos Papoulias, Premier Antonis Samaras, Foreign Minister Evangelos Venizelos, MPs and businessmen.
Wenn nicht Miko, wer sonst? :^^:

Der letzte Satz sehr aussagekräftig!!!

This is the recipe for success for Macedonia and the name and identity of Macedonia cannot be changed.

Грците потрошија милиони долари да не избришат, и не успеаја

Зборевме грчки само во сколија, по излегувањето бевме Македонци. И на улица со децата зборувавме македонски. Цело село со 3.500 жители беше со Македонци, раскажува една од интервјуираните учеснички во документарниот филм

"Грците потрошија милиони долари да не избришат, и не успеаја" - со вакви и слични изјави на македонски емигранти протерани од Егејска Македонија, вчера во Кинотека започна претставувањето на проектот "Евидентирање, фотографирање, снимање и архивирање на видеоматеријали и разговори со Македонци протерани од Егејска Македонија во 20 век".

"Зборевме грчки само во сколија, по излегувањето бевме Македонци. И на улица со децата зборувавме македонски. Цело село со 3.500 жители беше со Македонци", раскажува една од интервјуираните учеснички во документарниот филм кој произлезе од овие интервјуа, Сведоци: Канада", снимен во продукција на Кинотека на Македонија по сценарио и во режија на Атанас Чупоски.
Вчера промовираниот филм, како што ни изјави режисерот Чупоски, е втор дел од трилогијата "Сведоци" (Македонија, Канада, Австралија), а содржи 70 интервјуа од интервјуирани 93 емигранти во Канада. Интервјуата се снимани во ноември и декември 2011 во Канада.
Директорката на Кинотека, Мими Ѓоргоска-Илиевска најави дека ќе се работат интервјуа и во САД, Европа и државите од Балканот, а досега се снимени околу 700 интервјуа.
На промоцијата присуствуваше и министерката за култура, Елизабета Канческа-Милевска. За филмот рече дека е "автентично сведоштво за тешката судбина и личната драма на децата-бегалци од Граѓанската војна во Грција, кои иако го продолжија својот животен пат во Канада не ја заборавија својата татковина, ниту пак сопственото чувство на припадност".

"Во овој филм се забележани искажувањата на Македонци со потекло од Егејска Македонија, кои беа прогонети, дискриминирани и репресирани поради сопствениот македонски, етнички, јазичен и културен идентитет. Ова е нивната приказна, нивната животна историја која ни ја открива вистината и голгота со која се соочуваа децата- бегалци во почетокот на 20-тиот век", рече министерката Канческа-Милевска, најавувајќи и дека сите овие искажувања како и обемната документација наскоро ќе биде презентирана и во постојаната историска поставка посветена на децата-бегалци од Егејска Македонија, која ќе биде дел од Музејот на Македонија.
Jason Miko: The name and identity of Macedonia cannot be changed

Labels: News, Politik

What can be expected of Macedonia in 2014 regarding the so-called “Name dispute”? I do not expect big changes from Greece or from the international community, except continuous impersonal statements that both Macedonia and Greece must reach a “mutually acceptable solution” that does absolutely nothing in practice. Macedonia, for its part, has already made series of attempts to invite our Greek friends to sit at the same table wherever and whenever to discuss the issue. However, the offers did not reach the Greek and international ears, they were ignored. Here are some of my thoughts (in no particular order) concerning the subject at the beginning of 2014.

First point: If the idea of ​​getting membership at EU and NATO is to achieve greater prosperity and if prosperity measured by GDP growth, then why is it necessary to join these groups when Macedonia’s GDP is growing even without being member of any of these organizations? I realize that I simplify things, but the point is that you do not need to be member of either of these two organizations to increase GDP. Of course, the leaders of both organizations and others, especially some leaders of non-governmental organizations, will say that you must be member of both organizations for your GDP to grow (and to become member you have to change the name and identity). In addition, this is a notorious lie.

These organizations, especially the EU, will also say that you have to join their little club for much more than a simple progress. You have to join all these “wonderful” cultural benefits they offer, increase of abortion at own will, gay marriage, and adoption, to mention few. They certainly will not force you to accept these things, but will put enormous pressure on you, especially if you are in the club.

Second point: It was said that Ambassador Nimetz proposed the name “Upper Macedonia” which will modify the form of government as republic. It was also announced that the Greeks sought “Upper” be inserted before “Macedonia”, which modify the name and identity of the state and the people. What no one so far pay attention to, as far as I know, is the use of the word “Upper”.

A few thoughts: If there is “Upper” there must be “Lower”. If Greece’s main argument is that “Macedonia” implies territorial claims on Greek Macedonia, then “Upper Macedonia” implies territorial pretensions to and the “Lower Macedonia”. The same problem occurs in every country called “North Macedonia” and that therefore every modifier must stand to form of the government, not the state. The last state what was called “Upper” was “Upper Volta”, i.e. “Republic of Upper Volta”, a country in West Africa from 1960 to 1984, when it was renamed to Burkina Faso (“Volta” refers to the river). In other words, “Upper Volta” disappeared and that the Greeks probably had in mind when they agreed to “Upper Macedonia”.

Third point: I have resorted to basic university course in Psychology and I will call it Psychology 101 under the U.S. system of appointment of university programs in discussing the reaction of the EU and NATO representatives when they spoke about Macedonia. Needless to say but if you want to build credibility with someone – be it an individual or group of people, first you have to show respect for him / them. When you have contact “one on one” with the other people it usually helps if you call them by their name. This is especially true in the service industry, when you are in a restaurant and the waiter / waitress wearing name plate, you call them by their name. It is documented fact that people throughout the world and throughout history they want to hear their name. It is part of the human need to be necessary as once noticed the daughter of Skopje, Mother Teresa. It is not acceptable to call the waiter: Hey boy, when is enough to say hey Igor! If this principle is applicable in the relations “one on one”, then it is as applicable to groups of people and nations.

In this context, I was also taken aback when Stefan Fule or Anders Fogh Rasmussen or any other leader in the EU or NATO will say “this country” or “your state” or whatever other than Macedonia. How they can expect to win the Macedonian people? How can they expect to build their own credibility at the Macedonian people if they cannot get them-selves to say “Macedonia” in public? Don’t they know the basics of “Psychology 101″? If these so-called leaders want credibility at the Macedonian people, then they will simply have to show little decency and respect.

Of course, efforts to join the EU now provide some economic benefits, as are pre-accession funds (IPA), which are helpful. But EU leaders – through their inability or refusal to utter “Macedonia” and “Macedonians” do not do anything to became favorite to the Macedonian people, because this looks a bit like marriage without love and joy. Yes, there is a legal relationship, but we all know that it leads nowhere and will probably break.

Finally, as I wrote many times over the years, the main thing is Macedonia to continue to work hard by focusing to the rule of law, prudent fiscal policy and continuous attraction of foreign direct investment and maintenance of a strong moral compass in the cultural sphere. This is the recipe for success for Macedonia and the name and identity of Macedonia cannot be changed.

Jason Miko

The author is manager of public relations from Arizona (USA) and longtime observer to the situation in Macedonia and Southeast Europe.

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First German diplomat to put Athens under pressure in terms of the name issue?

Labels: Politik, Problemkind Griechenland

The Macedonian-Greek relations are to be one of the subjects of discussion of German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier with the top officials in Athens.

“I believe I am heading to Athens well-prepared. My readiness also refers to the relations between Greece and Macedonia – a topic I am sure will be tackled. I’ll talk with Greece about all open issues, such as those related to the European Union, the economic crisis and the relations with neighbours,” Steinmeier tells the Deutsche Welle – Macedonian Language Program.

Yesterday, Steinmeier held talks with his Swedish counterpart Carl Bildt. Asked about his engagement in resolving the long-standing Athens-Skopje name dispute that hinders Macedonia’s Euro-Atlantic integration, Bildt said he expected constructiveness from both Skopje and Athens.

“Skopje and Athens should be constructive. They should be ready to make a compromise that is obviously in the interest of both countries and one that will enable Macedonia to kick off the EU accession talks I consider as necessary. That is needed for the stability and will show that the country is making progress. Macedonia has been in a deadlock for a longer period of time and I believe it should be ‘broken’. But that requires good will from both Skopje and Athens,” Bildt said.

Steinmeier, who is visiting Athens on January 9-10, to discuss Greece’s EU Presidency and Greek financial situation with the country’s leadership – President Karolos Papoulias, Premier Antonis Samaras, Foreign Minister Evangelos Venizelos, MPs and businessmen.

Haben die antiken Makedonen eigentlich auch slawische Gesichtszüge gehabt? Oder sahen die so wie Zoran aus?
Haben die antiken Makedonen eigentlich auch slawische Gesichtszüge gehabt? Oder sahen die so wie Zoran aus?

Hmmm... du siehst ja auch wie ein Mongoloid aus, kommst aus dem Pontus und hast einen gr. Pass :facepalm: so what? Und ich glaube kaum dass ein Mongoloid wie du slawische Gesichtszüge von nicht slawischen erkennen kann :loser:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hmmm... du siehst ja auch wie ein Mongoloid aus, kommst aus dem Pontus und hast einen gr. Pass :facepalm: so what? Und ich glaube kaum dass ein Mongoloid wie du slawische Gesichtszüge von nicht slawischen erkennen kann :loser:

Siehst du auch wie ein Slawe aus oder eher wie ein Zoran? Wie kommst du darauf ich hätte einen griechischen Pass? So what? Träumst du? :lol:

Keine sorge wie du sehe ich nicht aus meine Zähne sind alle gesund da ich sie regelmäßig putze..... ;-)
[h=3]Austrian Foreign Ministry: Greece to stop blocking Macedonia[/h]Labels: News, Politik, Problemkind Griechenland

The name issue should not hinder Macedonia, the Austria’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Sebastian Kurtz said in Brussels, after a meeting with EU Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fule, Netpress Athens reports.

Greek media report that Kurtz expressed hope that “during the Greek Presidency an end to the Greek blockade of Macedonia’s accession to the European Union will be put, caused by the dispute over the name of the country”. Kurtz said he and Fule quickly agreed that the name should not impede Macedonia’s European course.

“I hope this will happen during the Greek Presidency, because I think that Greece is definitely interested in achieving success during the presidency,” Kurtz said, adding that “it is an open secret that the Greek image in the European Union is not always the best”.

“As the youngest minister in EU informed, Fule asked support from him because he considered Austria a strong partner in the issue of EU enlargement in the Western Balkans”, according to Greek media.
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Ein schönes hellenisches Symbol.... :salute: