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Kapedan Cerciz Topulli

Çerçiz Topulli, me veshjën e tij ushtarake

Çerçiz Topulli (1880 - 15 July 1915) was an Albanian kachak, writer, and patriot, and is a People's Hero of Albania. He was the younger brother of Bajo Topulli.
In April 1907 he led the movement that acted against the Ottoman Empire in Southern Albania. He took the decision of killing the Gjirokastër's Turkish commander and led the Mashkullora War on March 18, 1908.
He wrote an article "From the Mountains of Albania" in the journal "The Hope of Albania" in its issue of January 1907. In that article he condemned the many thefts that the Turkish administration would commit towards the Albanains and asked for full independence of Albania. In the article he made calls for an armed insurgency.
After the proclamation of the independence of Albania on November 28, 1912 Topulli fought to protect Albania from the Montenegrins. He was killed in the Shtoi plain (Shkoder) from the Montenegrin invadors. In 1937 his bones were brought back to Gjirokastër.
Ensemble "Çerçiz Topulli", Gjirokastër, ALBANIA:
