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Kosovo live:Kosovaren Institutionen sind vollkommen korrupt


Die unter der Kontrolle der Albanischen Politik Mafia stehende KEK, ist geradezu der Motor dieser kriminellen UCK Banden und vollkommen korrupt, wie die eigenen Medien feststellen.

Und wer hat diese kriminellen Systeme aufgebaut: Deutsche Politiker natürlich, denn der erste Chef der KEK sitzt ja im Knast: Herr Jo Trutschler und enger Freund von Joschka Fischer und König aus der "Grünen Partei". Wie es sich halt für einen Grünen Politiker gehört, arbeitet man mit Verbrechern zusammen und hofiert Diese. Und dann leitete Herr Trutschler schnell mal 4,8 Millionen € auf sein Bankkonto in Gibraltar um, wie es halt so bei UN Leuten üblich ist.

Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Government Reallocates Over € 8 Million to KEK, But Does Not Give Extra Funds

PRISHTINË (KosovaLive) – Kosova’s government has not allocated additional funds to KEK, but allowed it to change the destination of a part of the previously allocated funds.
The decision follows KEK management presentation of emergent measures to overcome the challenges on power supply.
“KEK officials have requested allocation of additional funds for power supply,� said the spokesperson for the government, Mimoza Kusari.
She said that the government has accepted to reallocate €8.669.000 for operational purposes.
However the government has not allocated additional funds. “Additional funds were not given, so as not to affect the capital investments for 2004,� she said.
KEK has allocated €27 million to KEK some months ago.

Survey Indicates that KEK is the Most Corrupted Institution

PRISHTINA (KosovaLive) – A survey of Kosova Index shows that KEK, hospitals, Customs, the Government and the Presidency are the five most corrupted institutions in Kosova.
This result was presented today at the launch of the Anti-Corruption Campaign in Kosova, organized by the PM’s Advisory Office for Good Governance and the UNDP.
50% of respondents think that low salaries in public sector are the main factors that lead to corruption.
The survey included 1,136 citizens of Kosova.

Mustafa: UNMIK is not Protecting Kosova Businesses

Und dann leitete Herr Trutschler schnell mal 4,8 Millionen € auf sein Bankkonot in Gibraltar um, wie es halt so bei UN Leuten üblich ist.

Höre ich da nicht einen gewissen Neid heraus, Albaner-Verschnitt? :wink: