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Kroatien ist Käseweltmeister


Croatian ?Pa?ki Sir? Wins at World Cheese Awards in Spain | Croatia Week

[FONT=open_sans]In the competition of more than 3,000 cheeses, Croatian cheese was named the best in Central and Eastern Europe.

[FONT=open_sans]At the World Cheese Awards held in San Sebastian, Spain, over 3,000 cheeses from around the world competed. Paški sir (cheese from Pag) from Paška Sirana d.d. was voted the best cheese in Central and Eastern Europe at the World Cheese Awards.

Leider nur für Mittel- und Osteuropa.

unser Käse ist wahrscheinlich auch der beste der ganzen Welt! Aber irgendjemand hat dafür gesorgt, dass wir in die Mitteleuropaecke gecschoben werden..