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PS: Radio Albana Kumanove
Kumanovo is a city located in the northern part of the Republic of Macedonia, some 20 km from the border crossing point with FR Yugoslavia (Serbia & Montenegro), 40 km away from the capital Skopje, 44 km away from Sveti Nikole and 60 km from Kriva Palanka. It has 100,482 residents and located on altitude of 342 meters above the sea level. The city is one of the most important cities in Macedonia (economic center of prosperous agricultural surroundings). It is important merchant, industry, metal-processing and agricultural center. Here lives Macedonians, Albanians, Serbs & Turks.

Kumanovo is well known city by the uprising against the German & Bulgarian ocupators in the second world war. The citizens of Kumanovo, on October 11th, as those the people of Prilep, held an anti-fascist uprising. Also during the second Balkan war, here the Serbs won a decisive victory over the Ottoman Turks in 1912.

the region of Kumanovo is rich with medieval cultural monuments. Matejče monastery, dates from the 14th century and lies on the slopes of Skopska Crna Gora mountain (between Skopje and Kumanovo). On the way to Kriva Palanka, in the region of the villages of Mlado and Staro Nagoričane is a group of medieval churches, of which the church St. Gjorgi, in the village Staro Nagoričane (14th century), with frescoes of the same period done by the famous zoographs, Michael and Eutithie, is especially outstanding. Also in the Staro Nagoričane district, there is the famous ancient Kokino observatory.
Kumanovo ist bestimmt eine schöne mazedonische Stadt.Zweit grösste Mazedoniens oder?

Ach ja und eine Frage hätte ich noch Klement,wieviel Prozent Albaner leben in Kumanovo?
TeQuIlA_BoY_KuMaNoVe schrieb:
Albanesi schrieb:
Kumanovo ist geiler und sauberer als Skopje !

Wenn man das Sinti und Romaviertel nicht zählen würde,aber sicher.

Wie auch dem, sind die Städte im Westen Mazedoniens sauberer.

;LOL,daass glaubst du ja wohl selber nicht.Gerde der westen Mazedoniens ist der ärmste Teil Mazedoniensgenau so wie das Kosovo der ärmste Teil Serbiens.