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Länder, die Kosova anerkennnen

Arabische Emiraten haben's auch getan, aber ich hab leider keine Quelle, war gestern in den Nachrichten von 21!
Auch Finnland möchte uns anerkennen!

Vielen Dank für die Unterstützung!

Finland announced it will recognise Kosovo's independence and it will launch national preparations to this end.
Finland will participate in the police and judicial operation in Kosovo with a significant contribution. Finland will assume command of the central KFOR battlegroup in summer, and the number of the country’s peacekeepers will rise to 450. In addition, Foreign Minister Kanerva, the Chairman-in-Office of the OSCE, stated the importance of the continued presence of the organisation in the region.

Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland: Current affairs
Albanien unserer Bruderstaat anerkennt uns natürlich auch! ^^

[FONT=&quot]Qeveria e Republikës së Shqipërisë e konsideron krijimin e Shtetit të Kosovës një ngjarje historike, që sanksionon të drejtën e qytetarëve të Kosovës për të vetvendosur dhe që e bën Ballkanin më të lirë, më të drejtë se kurrë në tërë historinë e tij shekullore. Pavarësia e Kosovës i jep fund procesit të shpërbërjes së ish-Jugosllavisë, krijon kushtet e nevojshme për zhvillimin e qëndrueshëm e të gjithanshëm të të gjithë shoqërisë kosovare, përfshirë perspektivën konkrete për integrimin sa më të shpejtë të saj në institucionet europiane dhe euro-atlantike. Me shpalljen e pavarësisë, Republika e Kosovës bëhet një aktor i denjë në arenën ndërkombëtare, faktor madhor paqeje dhe stabiliteti në rajon, me orientim të qartë euro-atlantik, faktor i rëndësishëm për paqen, stabilitetin, sigurinë, zhvillimin dhe integrimin e harmonizuar të rajonit të Evropës Juglindore.[/FONT]

Keshilli i Ministrave
Auch Litauen anerkennt uns!

Vielen Dank!

Monday, February 18, Ixtapa, Mexico – President Valdas Adamkus welcomed Kosovo’s declaration of independence, describing it as the only way of ensuring long-term stability in region.

“I have therefore asked Lithuania’s Foreign Minister Petras Vaitiekūnas to request the Seimas in the immediate future to start the procedure of Kosovo’s recognition. Most of EU member states also intend to take this path,” Mr. Adamkus said.
He pointed out that the Kosovo case was unique and could not be treated as a precedent for other countries where the situation was radically different.

President of the Republic of Lithuania - President Adamkus Welcomes Kosovo Independence


Vielen Dank, dass ich dein Freund sein darf! :mrgreen:

Die Belgier wollen auch unsere Freunde sein, sie anerkennen uns auch:

Der Belgische Minister Karel De Gucht meint:

“This Declaration of Independence is one step in a long discussion, in which
we established that the current status‐quo was no longer tenable. It is
essential that the security and stability in the region remain guaranteed”
“We can only conclude that the status process has exhausted all avenues in
pursuit of a negotiated outcome. We regret that the UN Security Council
has been unable to agree on the way forward. But this impasse has been clear
for many months. It is not going to change”.

“In this context, I welcome the call from the Kosovar authorities for respect and tolerance for all communities in Kosovo and their commitment to implement as a priority the Ahtisaari plan, which guarantees rule of law, participation in central and local government and freedom and respect for culture, religion and language and to establish good neighborly relations”

“Therefore, the Belgian Government on 18.2.2008 decided to initiate the
process of formal recognition of Kosovo”.
“This week, the Government will propose His Majesty the King Albert II to
sign a Royal Decree recognizing the Republic of Kosovo as an independent and sovereign state

Deutschland möchte sich bei der Anerkennung Kosovas auch anschlliessen, Vielen Dank!

[h1] Auch Deutschland erkennt Kosovo an[/h1]
[h2] Aufnahme diplomatischer Beziehungen[/h2]
[h2] Deutschland bestätigt die Souveränitat des Kosovo. Einen entsprechenden Beschluss fasste die Regierung in Berlin.[/h2]

Formell wird die Anerkennung der Republik Kosovo durch ein Schreiben von Bundespräsident Horst Köhler an seinen Amtskollegen Fatmir Sejdiu ausgesprochen. Diese Note soll unverzüglich nach Pristina übermittelt werden. Zugleich soll der früheren serbischen Provinz die Aufnahme diplomatischer Beziehungen angeboten werden.
Aussenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier will im Bundestag zum Thema Kosovo sprechen. Mit dem Anerkennungsbeschluss folgt Deutschland dem Beispiel der USA, Frankreichs, Grossbritanniens und anderer Staaten.
KFOR soll für Sicherheit sorgen
In Pristina rief Kosovos Präsident Fatmir Sejdiu die Serben zur Ruhe auf. «Wir rufen die serbischen Bürger auf, sich uns beim gemeinsamen neuen Leben anzuschliessen», sagte er. Die internationale Schutztruppe KFOR sei aufgefordert, die Lage im Norden unter Kontrolle zu bringen.
Hunderte Serben hatten am Vortag die von der UNO betriebenen Grenzübergänge Jarinje und Zubin Potok in Brand gesteckt. Die UNMIK zog darauf alle albanischen Polizisten ab. Stattdessen bezog die KFOR Stellung. Die Grenzübergänge bleiben geschlossen.

Auch Deutschland erkennt Kosovo an / International / SF Tagesschau