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McDonalds Fight



The story: Two girls want to order food and pay with a $50. When McIntosh (the worker) wants to check if its real, the girl in the grey hoodie throws a punch at him.
He then stumbles and pushes them back. She then hops the counter as her other friend walks around the counter.
Both run after him to attack him some more but he grabs something from the kitchen and starts hitting them in self-defense.
He tells them to stay on the ground at the 0:45 point.
They keep trying to get up and that is why he throws in the last couple hits at the end.
Godzilla comes in and roars "STAWWWWP"

*OFFICIAL* McDonalds Fight in New York - The Burger Basher - YouTube

Bleibt wohl nichts anderes zu sagen als: I'm lovin' it. :lol:


"Staaawwppp Staaawwwppp Staaawwpp it, oh ma gaawwddd staawpp it, coowl the cawps" :lol:
Legende :haha: