More Russians Welcome Kosovo’s Independence
The number of Russians supporting the independence of Kosovo more than doubled in the last past year. Some 31 percent of respondents recognize Kosovo an independent state, showed the recent poll of All-Russia’s Center for Public Opinion Studies.
At the same time, the number of Russians refusing to recognize Kosovo went down to 28 percent vs. 41 percent in March of 2008, and the number of those saying that Russia should back up Serbia in the conflict around Kosovo lowered from 37 percent to 25 percent.
Of interest is that the number of respondents unable to give an answer remained at the same level of a bit of above 40 percent. More than 50 percent of the polled found it too difficult to determine Russia’s role in the conflict.
All Russia’s Center for Public Opinion Studies held the poll September 13 and 14, i.e. after Russia’s military clashes with Georgia and after Russia recognized independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. The poll covered 1,600 respondents in 142 settlements of 40 regions, districts and republics of Russia.
übersetzung: die anzahl der russen die den kosovo anerkennen würden hat sich seit märz 2008 verdoppelt demnach würden 31% der russen den kosovo sofort anerkennen und 28% lehnen dies märz 2008 lehnten noch 41% der russen eine kosovo-anerkennung ab.diese die finden das russland serbien beim kosovo unterstützen sollte ist von 37% auf 25% gesunken.
Quelle: Russias Daily
More Russians Welcome Kosovo?s Independence - Kommersant Moscow