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Montenegriner: Serben oder eigenes Volk?

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[h=4]Origins of Montenegrins/Crnogorci [/h][h=6]Bewerten[/h]

von sanktmikael
am Heute um 16:12 (0 Hits)

Montenegrins are Obotrits, Velets, partly Pomeranians and they originate from Mecklenburg area. Those obotrits and velets who stayed established state Mecklenburg and are today they saxionazed/germanized. One impotant thing to know is that Montenegro never got conquered by the Ottomanempire. Our tribe obotrits-velets has given name to almost every town in Mecklenburg and Brandenburg, like Berlin, Lubeck, Rostock and Schwerin. On Mecklenburgs flag you can see a obotrit symbol the black bull and the griffin that is the symbol of pomeranians, that tribe is also a part of Montenegrins. The obotrits/velets/pomeranians = wenden/wends conquered the roman provence Doclea 500 AC thats today Montenegro and Montenegrins are there descendents.
Montenegro has had a queen from House of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, the reason for this is that both states had obotrits/veletian/pomeranien=wenden/wendish background.

http://www.montenegro-architects.com.../brief-history - 19:th sentence from above
www.montenet.org/history/prehys.htm - 14:th sentence from above

Here is a site about the fact that Montenegro was never a part/under the Ottomanempire.

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[h=4]Origins of Montenegrins/Crnogorci [/h][h=6]Bewerten[/h]

von sanktmikael
am Heute um 16:12 (0 Hits)

Montenegrins are Obotrits, Velets, partly Pomeranians and they originate from Mecklenburg area. Those obotrits and velets who stayed established state Mecklenburg and are today they saxionazed/germanized. One impotant thing to know is that Montenegro never got conquered by the Ottomanempire. Our tribe obotrits-velets has given name to almost every town in Mecklenburg and Brandenburg, like Berlin, Lubeck, Rostock and Schwerin. On Mecklenburgs flag you can see a obotrit symbol the black bull and the griffin that is the symbol of pomeranians, that tribe is also a part of Montenegrins. The obotrits/velets/pomeranians = wenden/wends conquered the roman provence Doclea 500 AC thats today Montenegro and Montenegrins are there descendents.
Montenegro has had a queen from House of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, the reason for this is that both states had obotrits/veletian/pomeranien=wenden/wendish background.

http://www.montenegro-architects.com.../brief-history - 19:th sentence from above
www.montenet.org/history/prehys.htm - 14:th sentence from above

Here is a site about the fact that Montenegro was never a part/under the Ottomanempire.

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[h=4]Origins of Montenegrins/Crnogorci [/h][h=6]Bewerten[/h]

von sanktmikael
am Heute um 16:12 (0 Hits)

Montenegrins are Obotrits, Velets, partly Pomeranians and they originate from Mecklenburg area. Those obotrits and velets who stayed established state Mecklenburg and are today they saxionazed/germanized. One impotant thing to know is that Montenegro never got conquered by the Ottomanempire. Our tribe obotrits-velets has given name to almost every town in Mecklenburg and Brandenburg, like Berlin, Lubeck, Rostock and Schwerin. On Mecklenburgs flag you can see a obotrit symbol the black bull and the griffin that is the symbol of pomeranians, that tribe is also a part of Montenegrins. The obotrits/velets/pomeranians = wenden/wends conquered the roman provence Doclea 500 AC thats today Montenegro and Montenegrins are there descendents.
Montenegro has had a queen from House of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, the reason for this is that both states had obotrits/veletian/pomeranien=wenden/wendish background.

http://www.montenegro-architects.com.../brief-history - 19:th sentence from above
www.montenet.org/history/prehys.htm - 14:th sentence from above

Here is a site about the fact that Montenegro was never a part/under the Ottomanempire.
