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MURICA! Fuck yeah

inb4 red fags rage

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[h=1]A group of hikers who high-fived each other and celebrated after toppling a 200-million-year-old rock formation in a Utah park are facing possible felony charges after a video of them pushing the formation over was posted on YouTube.
The men, named on the The Salt Lake TribuneYouTube page as Dave Hall, Glenn Taylor and Dylan Taylor, are shown pushing over large rock boulders in the Goblin Valley, Utah.
The valley, in south-central Utah, Emery County, is at the edge of the San Rafael Desert and is host to goblin-shaped sandstone hoodoos and pedestals, which are thought to be between 180 to 200 million years old.

Illegal activity? Men destroy rock formation in Goblin Valley, Utah - YouTube
naja meine sicht auf Amerika ist zwiegespalten

auf der einen seite gibts schon gute dinge die aus amerika kommen

auf der anderen seite sind die echt schon eine seytan-nation
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