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Name Origin and Ethnicity finder


by the order of the peaky fookin blinders

For the US race census you can add for improved results your country of residence and zip code, i think in austria 4690 im the only svetozar plemic. It is a town of 5000 inhabitants, but if you are john doe in new york then i guess it would be less accurate because there are many.

About Name US Race ZIP
Name US Race ZIP feature analyzes a name to identify the most likely US race with improved accuracy than the basic feature Name US Race. Adding a first and last name and a country of residence increases the accuracy of the determined US race.
The feature returns the most likely US race ethnicity and a list of the most likely US race ethnicities, sorted from most likely to least likely. Each race returned is accompanied by a calibrated probability.

US race is a categorization from United States Census Taxonomy

Detailed results
Provided values:

First name: Svetozar ;
Last name: Plemic ;
Country of residence: Austria AT ;
Postal code of residence: 4690.
Alphabet :

Script: Latin.
Race ethnicity :

US race ethnicity: White, non latino W_NL ;
Alternative US race ethnicity: Asian, non latino A ;
Top US race ethnicities:
White, non latino W_NL ;
Asian, non latino A ;
Hispano latino HL ;
Black, non latino B_NL.
Probability :

Calibrated probability: 97.27% ;
Alternative calibrated probability: 98.69% ;
Score: 46.63.

About Name Diaspora
Name Diaspora feature analyzes a name to identify the most likely ethnicity or diaspora. Adding a first and last name and a country of residence increases the accuracy of the determined diaspora.
The feature returns the most likely ethnicity or a diaspora and the top 10 most likely ethnicities, ordered from most likely to least likely. Each ethnicity returned is accompanied by a calibrated probability.

Detailed results
Provided values:

First name: Svetozar ;
Last name: Plemic ;
Country of residence: Austria AT.
Alphabet :

Script: Latin.
Ethnicity :

Ethnicity or diaspora: Serbian ;
Alternative ethnicity: Montenegrin ;
Top ethnicities:
Serbian ;
Montenegrin ;
Croat ;
Slovanian ;
Bosniak ;
Moldova ;
Slovakian ;
Jewish ;
Romanian ;
Probability :

Calibrated probability: 58.75% ;
Alternative calibrated probability: 70.31% ;
Score: 11.27 ;
Lifted: null.
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