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NATO repariert 60 Brücken in Mazedonien


NATO to Repair 60 Bridges in Macedonia


NATO is investing 34m euros to help reconstruct bridges in Macedonia damaged during the intervention in Kosovo.

By Zoran Nikolovski for Southeast European Times in Skopje – 21/06/05

The bridges are located along routes used by NATO convoys for the needs of troops in Kosovo. [Getty Images]

On 14 June, NATO and the Macedonian government signed a memorandum of understanding on a grant for reconstruction and recovery of road infrastructure. Specifically, 35m euros will be invested in repairing 60 bridges damaged during the intervention in Kosovo.

The bridges are located on the Gevgelija-Skopje highway and Skopje-Blace motorway, at the entry to Kosovo. The route was and is still being used by NATO convoys for the needs of the KFOR troops in Kosovo.

The donation is a part of NATO's co-operation and partnership with Macedonia, Brigadier General Dennis Blease, commander of the NATO Headquarters in Skopje, said after the signing ceremony.

The Alliance's investment in the repair of roads is not only a financial injection for the Macedonian economy, but will aid the development of European standards in the country and boost prospects for integration into the EU and NATO, said Transport and Communications Minister Xhemail Mehasi.

Restoration of the bridges is to be completed by 2008. The project will be managed by the NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency (NAMSA) in collaboration with the NATO Headquarters Skopje (NHQS). Throughout the project, NAMSA will apply NATO standard regulations concerning bidding procedures and contract management. In its role as the project manager, NAMSA is responsible for the design, supervision and execution of the repair work.

Signing of the memorandum initiates the bidding process. Only companies in NATO member states are eligible to apply for the tender or to be chosen as the main contractor, but Macedonian construction firms could be chosen as subcontractors.

Blease said he hopes some local firms would be selected, though he cautioned that this option is not always available in countries that have yet to become NATO members. The transport and communications ministry has already submitted a request to the NATO Infrastructure Committee to allow for such an opportunity.

mamu im jebem. prvo bombardiraju sve pa onda plate da se popravi.

Scheiss egal, die sollen den neuaufbau bezahlen, boli me kurac majku im jebem usta
Krajisnik schrieb:
Und was ist mit Serbien?

Sehr gute Frage!

Vor allem weil es kriminelle und Völkerrechtswidrige Befehle von Wesley Clar waren, das die NATO Zivilie Ziel bombardiert. Den kriminellen Schwachsinn, haben verantwortlose, kriminelle West Politiker zu verantworten. Es war Terrorismus durch die Amerikaner !
lupo-de-mare schrieb:
Krajisnik schrieb:
Und was ist mit Serbien?

Sehr gute Frage!

Vor allem weil es kriminelle und Völkerrechtswidrige Befehle von Wesley Clar waren, das die NATO Zivilie Ziel bombardiert. Den kriminellen Schwachsinn, haben verantwortlose, kriminelle West Politiker zu verantworten. Es war Terrorismus durch die Amerikaner !

Nicht der erste und auch nicht der letzte
KoSoVa_BoY schrieb:
lupo-de-mare schrieb:
Krajisnik schrieb:
Und was ist mit Serbien?

Sehr gute Frage!

Vor allem weil es kriminelle und Völkerrechtswidrige Befehle von Wesley Clar waren, das die NATO Zivilie Ziel bombardiert. Den kriminellen Schwachsinn, haben verantwortlose, kriminelle West Politiker zu verantworten. Es war Terrorismus durch die Amerikaner !

Nicht der erste und auch nicht der letzte

Der Irak zeigt deutlich, welche Kultur die Amerikaner vertreten und gerade hat ein Italienicher Richter Haftbefehl gegen 13 CIA Agenten ausgestellt!

Das sind die wahren Terroristen, denn die haben wie bewiesen auch in Mazedonien und Albanien, Leute entführt, wobei die Äygpter welche 1998 in Tirana entführt wurden, dann später zu Tode in Äygpten gefoltert wurden.