Allah schütze unsere Sandzakfraktion. Mit die mutigsten und tapfersten gewesen.
The following are excerpts from the book “The Islamic Declaration” (“Islamska deklaracija”), written by Mr. Alija Izetbegovic, internationally recognized, adored and supported President of Bosnia-Herzegovina, leader of Muslims and Jihadists in Bosnia and Hercegovina.
The book was reprinted by “BOSNA”, Sarajevo, 1990, 127 pages.
QUOTE:“… Do we want the Muslim nations to cease moving in circles, to stop being dependent, backward and poverty-stricken;
do we want them to once again with a sure step climb the road of dignity and enlightment and to become masters of their own fate;
do we want the springs of courage, genius and virtue to come forth strongly once again;
then we must show the way which leads to that objective:
The implementation of Islam in all fields of individuals’ personal lives, in family and in society, by renewal of the Islamic religious thought and creating a uniform Muslim community from Morocco to Indonesia. ...“
“… A nation, and an individual, who has accepted Islam is incapable of living and dying for another ideal after that fact. It is unthinkable for a Muslim to sacrifice himself for any tzar or ruler, no matter what his name may be, or for the glory of any nation, party or some such, because acting on the strongest Muslim instinct he recognizes in this a certain type of godlessness and idolatry. A Muslim can die only with the name of Allah on his lips and for the glory of Islam, or he may run away from the battlefield. …“
“… Muslim nations will never accept anything that is explicitly against Islam, because Islam here is not merely a faith and the law, Islam has become love and compassion. He who rises against Islam will reap nothing but hate and resistance. …”
page 17
“… In perspective, there is but one way out in sight: creation and gathering of a new intelligence which thinks and feels along Islamic lines. This intelligence would then raise the flag of the Islamic order and together with the Muslim masses embark into action to implement this order. …”
page 18
“… The shortest definition of the Islamic order defines it as a unity of faith and law, upbringing and force, ideals and interests, spiritual community and state, free will andforce. As a synthesis of these components, the Islamic order has two fundamental premises: an Islamic society and Islamic authority. The former is the essence, and the latter the form of an Islamic order. An Islamic society without Islamic power is incomplete and weak; Islamic power without an Islamic society is either a utopia or violence.
A Muslim generally does not exist as an individual. If he wishes to live and survive as a Muslim, he must create an environment, a community, an order. He must change the world or be changed himself. History knows of no true Islamic movement which was not at the same time a political movement as well. This is because Islam is a faith, but also a philosophy, a set of moral codes, an order of things, a style, an atmosphere – in a nutshell, an integral way of life. …”
“… The first and foremost of such conclusions is surely the one on the incompatibility of Islam and non-Islamic systems. There can be no peace or coexistence between the “Islamic faith” and non- Islamic societies and political institutions. …Islam clearly excludes the right and possibility of activity of any strange ideology on its own turf.
” Islam contains the principle of ummet, i.e. the tendency towards unification of all Muslims into a single community – a spiritual, cultural and political community. Islam is not a nationality, it is above nationalities. …”
page 27
“… The upbringing of the nation, and especially the mass media – the press, TV and film – should be in the hands of people whose Islamic moral and intellectual authority is undisputed. …
… Islamic renewal cannot be initiated without a religious, and cannot be successfully continued and concluded without a political revolution.”
page 32
“… Establishing of an Islamic order is thus shown as the ultimate act of democracy,because it means the implementation of the deepest desires of the Muslim nations and common man. One thing is certain: no matter what a part of the rich and the intelligence wants, the common man wants Islam and living in his Islamic community. …”
page 33
“… In the struggle for an Islamic order all methods are permitted, except one – except crime. No-one has the right to smear the beautiful name of Islam and this struggle by uncontrolled and excessive use of violence. …”
page 37
“… Islamic order may be implemented only in countries where Muslims represent the majority of the population. Without this majority, the Islamic order is reduced to authority only (because the other element is lacking – the Islamic society), and may turn into violence. …”
page 37
“… the Islamic movement should and must start taking over the power as soon as it is morally and numerically strong enough to not only overthrow the existing non-Islamic, but also to build up a new Islamic authority. …”
page 43
“… Pakistan was a general rehearsal of introducing Islamic order under modern conditions and on the present stage of development. …
… The conclusions from the twenty-odd year of Pakistan’s existence are clear enough. They are:
First, the struggle for Islamic order and a general reconstruction of the Muslim society can be successfully conducted only by experienced and seasoned individuals, aligned into a staunch and homogenous organization. This organization is no political party from the arsenal of the Western democracy; it is a movement based on Islamic ideology and with clear moral and ideological criteria of belonging;
Second, the struggle for an Islamic order today is a struggle to implement the essence of Islam, and this means that in practice one must ensure religious and moral upbringing of the people and provide for basic elements of social justice. At this time, forms are of secondary importance; and
Third, the functions of the Islamic republic are not to primarily declare equality of all men and brotherhood of all Muslims, but to struggle for some of these high moral principles in practice. The awakened Islam should in every community take into its own hands the flag for a more just social order and to clearly state that in struggling for Islam another war is being declared as well, the one against ignorance, injustice and poverty, a war without compromises and setbacks. …”
pages 45-46
“… In one of the thesis for an Islamic order today we have stated that it is a natural function of the Islamic order to gather all Muslims and Muslim communities throughout the world into one. Under present conditions, this desire means a struggle for creating a great Islamic federation from Morocco to Indonesia, from the tropical Africa to the Central Asia. …”
page 46
“… Panislamism always came from the very heart of the Muslim peoples, nationalism was always imported stuff. …”
page 49
“… This politics in Palestine is a provocation to all Muslims of the world. Jerusalem is not only a question of Palestinians, neither is it a question of Arabs only. It is a question of all the Muslim nations. TO KEEP JERUSALEM, THE JEWS WOULD HAVE TO DEFEAT ISLAM AND THE MUSLIMS, AND THAT – THANK GOD – IS OUTSIDE THEIR POWER.”
pages 53-54— END —
Ich glaube du musst dir keine Sorgen machen, dass ein neuer Mihailovic oder Mladic an die Macht kommen werden bei uns, jedenfalls hoffe ich es. Und wenn, dann hätte ich solche Pfosten sicher nicht supportet sondern würde Widerstand leisten.Die absolute Mehrheit der bosniaken wollte einfach in Ruhe leben.nix fundamental einfach normal leben.....nicht die bosniaken sind mit toten Gebeinen durch ex-gelaufen um Rache Geister zu erwecken oder Meetings abgehalten in der man offen mit krieg drohte,noch haben die bosniaken gedroht ein komplettes volk auszulösche...ich würde euch Serben verstehen wenn der alija irgendein Scharia Gesetz verabschiedet hätte oder sonst was isis mässige gemacht hätt... aber ne er wollte noch mit Kiro ju retten
das dann zlobo&sranjo ablehnte.das was man alija unterstellen könnte war die Naivität gegenüber den Westen. Aber hej Serben sind so innovativ das man sekündare&tertiäre Massengräber erfunden hat und hej Serbische Nachbarn haben sich bereit erklärt nach 20 Jahren zu sagen wo ein masssengrab ist aus sorge das das Grundwasser nicht vergiftet wird... bravissimo... bosniaken werden wieder vergessen&verzeihen und bratstvo&jedinstvo abfeieren bis in 50 Jahren ein neuer ratko/draza auftaucht und denn Rest erledigt...
Ich glaube du musst dir keine Sorgen machen, dass ein neuer Mihailovic oder Mladic an die Macht kommen werden bei uns, jedenfalls hoffe ich es. Und wenn, dann hätte ich solche Pfosten sicher nicht supportet sondern würde Widerstand leisten.
Ich frage mich immer für was haben die Bürger die zur Wahl gegangen sind zu 99% abgestimmt.
Für ein islamisiertes Bosnien oder für ein Grosskroatien.
Ach ja jetzt hab ich es für ein unabhängiges Bosnien mit allen Völkern die dazu gehörten.
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