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Neutralitätsbogen zurückgebaut!



Jeder kennt ihn, den berühmten Neutralitätbogen in Aschgabat.Und die goldene Statue des 2006 verstorbenen Präsidenten Saparmurad Turkmenbaschi an der Spitze, welche sich um die eigene Achse drehen konnte um der Sonne zu folgen.Soeben habe ich erfahren das der Neutralitätsbogen abgebaut wurde.

Der Neutralitätsbogen so wie wir ihn kennen:



Und während des Abbaus:




On 18 January 2010 Niyazov's successor as president, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, signed a decree to begin work on dismantling and moving the arch.[1][4] There were reports that the arch would be dismantled as early as 2008, but the president did not approve the move until 2010.[4] The dismantling was officially said to be a move to improve urban design in Ashgabat but is seen as part of Berdimuhamedow's campaign to remove traces of the personality cult that Niyazov had created in his two decades at the head of one of the world's most authoritarian regimes.[2][5] Niyazov also named cities and airports after himself, ordered the building of an ice palace and a 40-metre (130 ft) tall pyramid but the gold-plated statue has been described as the most notorious symbol of his legacy.[1][2]
Berdimuhamedow has said that he will replace the arch with a 95-metre (312 ft) tall monument to neutrality which will be located in the suburbs.[1] The president has appointed Turkish construction firm Polimeks to carry out the demolition of the arch and the construction of the new monument.[4] The demolition will begin in March 2010 and the new monument will be constructed by 2011.
Eine Schande. Ich bereue dass ich den Neutralitätsbogen nicht besucht habe solange er noch stand. Wer hätte schon gedacht dass der mal abgebaut wird. :(