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Die Seite ist krank, es soll auch eine in Deutsch geben. Also fast so wie Chathaus..

Bei mir kam so ein fetter behaarter Asiate mit einem Rosa BH .. :rolleyes::D

Ansonsten kamen nur kleine Gangster Rapper und viele unter 12 Jährige xD
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
hab grad ne deutsch türkin aus FFM geaddet, hab mit ihr über cam geredet. scheint in ordnung zu sein
Stranger: hello

You: selam

You: may allah be with you

Stranger: yes may he be with you as well

You: do you believe in allah too ?

Stranger: of course not hes the devil

You: WTF

Stranger: what'

You: he is my soul and i am his soul

You: i changed my religion ....

You: actually i was an israeli jew .......

You: but then i met Hamza

You: and i became a Muslim elhamdulilah!!!

Stranger: yah id like to see that when your burning in hell

You: i will not burn in hell ... i will be in paradise with many virgins ....

Stranger: yah that sounds like fun you have to teach many virgins how to have sex... FUN?

You: i am not allowed to talk that freely about sex

You: where are you from?

Stranger: of course but youl kill yourself for it

You: no i won't

You: i will wait for the next jihad

You: and then i will fight against western society

Stranger: oh

Stranger: interestting you can do that in hell

Stranger: did you know theres no athiests in hell

You: do you know where they are ....

Stranger: no they arnt athiests because there believing when there burning in hell

You: why do you think that your religion is the good/better one?

Stranger: its the only one because if your the other one your burning in hell

Stranger: hell

Stranger: hell

Stranger: HELL

You: how can you know?

Stranger: i know all

You: i don't think so

You: you seem to be primitive and not able for a discussion

Stranger: i know all you couldnt prove my religion wrong

You: and you can't give proof that mine is wrong

You: i was a jew

You: but then i saw, how good allah is

Stranger: yah well you can see how good he is when your burning in hell

You: ok my brother

You: i see, you don't want to be muslim elhamdulilah

You: alejkum selam & allahu ekbar!

Stranger: hell

Stranger: hell

Stranger: HELL

boah du bist wirklich so beknackt,gibst dich als moslem aus und laberst voll den mist :birdman:
und man weiß nicht wer bescheuerter ist du odr der andere hahahahah:mrgreen: