Stranger: hello
You: selam
You: may allah be with you
Stranger: yes may he be with you as well
You: do you believe in allah too ?
Stranger: of course not hes the devil
You: WTF
Stranger: what'
You: he is my soul and i am his soul
You: i changed my religion ....
You: actually i was an israeli jew .......
You: but then i met Hamza
You: and i became a Muslim elhamdulilah!!!
Stranger: yah id like to see that when your burning in hell
You: i will not burn in hell ... i will be in paradise with many virgins ....
Stranger: yah that sounds like fun you have to teach many virgins how to have sex... FUN?
You: i am not allowed to talk that freely about sex
You: where are you from?
Stranger: of course but youl kill yourself for it
You: no i won't
You: i will wait for the next jihad
You: and then i will fight against western society
Stranger: oh
Stranger: interestting you can do that in hell
Stranger: did you know theres no athiests in hell
You: do you know where they are ....
Stranger: no they arnt athiests because there believing when there burning in hell
You: why do you think that your religion is the good/better one?
Stranger: its the only one because if your the other one your burning in hell
Stranger: hell
Stranger: hell
Stranger: HELL
You: how can you know?
Stranger: i know all
You: i don't think so
You: you seem to be primitive and not able for a discussion
Stranger: i know all you couldnt prove my religion wrong
You: and you can't give proof that mine is wrong
You: i was a jew
You: but then i saw, how good allah is
Stranger: yah well you can see how good he is when your burning in hell
You: ok my brother
You: i see, you don't want to be muslim elhamdulilah
You: alejkum selam & allahu ekbar!
Stranger: hell
Stranger: hell
Stranger: HELL
boah du bist wirklich so beknackt,gibst dich als moslem aus und laberst voll den mistund man weiß nicht wer bescheuerter ist du odr der andere hahahahah
Ich gab mich nicht als Moslem aus, sondern als Islamist.
ah komm,es gibt kein "Islamist" so ne scheisse haben sich dumme idioten ausgedacht !!!
Außerdem kannst du nicht sagen, dass ich schlimmer bin als der andere mit seinem "Hell Hell Hell" [smilie=to[/quote]
der andere war ja hoffnungsloser fall,ein satan persönlich :help:
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