In der arachischen Kosovo Gesellschaft, werden Frauen verkauft und zwangs verheiratet und damit jahrelang vergewaltigt.
Schläge gegen Frauen, das ist auch in diese Region Tages Alltag.
Ehrenmorde, wie Deutsche Gerichtsurteile zeigen an den Töchtern, kommen durchaus vor. Ebenso in Albanien.
Aus genannten Gründen, beginnt die OSCE diese geschundenen Frauen im Kosovo zu schützen.
Die armen geschundenen Kosovo Frauen haben ab sofort eine eigene Telefon Nr. wo sie umgehend Schutz finden.
Die lokale Gewalt und vor allem die Menschrechte, für die eigene Albanische Bevölkerung wird jetzt versucht im Kosovo umzusetzen.
Wie aus dem OSCE Report hervorgeht, ist die Gewalt gegen Frauen im Kosovo, weit verbreitet, was alle NGO's bestätigen.
Die Presse wird für ein Meeting am 25.11. nach Pristina eingeladen, um diese Kampane für Frauen und gegen die Kosovaren Gewalt publik zu machen, durch die Medien und über dieses grosse Problem zu informieren,was sich in dieser kranken Kosovaren Gesellschaft abspielt.
T: 063 848 7991
OSCE campaign on domestic violence offers assistance to Kosovo women
News > Media Advisory
In an effort to encourage victims of domestic violence to get help, the OSCE Mission in Kosovo launched a public information campaign: "Domestic violence can be stopped! Accept protection - call 063 848 7991", 24 November 2004. (Photo OSCE Mission in Kosovo)
PRISTINA, 24 November 2004 - A public information campaign on domestic violence against women will be launched tomorrow, the International Day Against Domestic Violence, by the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, the Office of the Prime Minister and the UNMIK Department of Justice.
A campaign goal is to support the increasing trend in reporting domestic violence to the authorities. Over the last two years, the police in Kosovo have received more than 2,200 reports of domestic violence, although local NGOs estimate that the problem is more widespread than this figure shows.
This year's days of activism campaign will run for the same 16-day period as it did in 2003, ending on 10 December.
It will encourage the women of Kosovo to turn to Victims' Advocates if they have suffered domestic violence by calling special helplines.
Women and the public at large will be made aware that such protection does exist for women through a multi-faceted information campaign using radio and television spots and programmes, calling cards, leaflets and posters. The campaign is co-ordinated with the UN and the local authorities. Local NGOs will also take part.
Media representatives are invited to the campaign launch press conference at 14:00 tomorrow, 25 November, at the OSCE Mission headquarters (4th floor conference room) in Prishtine/Pristina.
The Head of the OSCE Mission, Ambassador Pascal Fieschi, will also attend the event.
Schläge gegen Frauen, das ist auch in diese Region Tages Alltag.
Ehrenmorde, wie Deutsche Gerichtsurteile zeigen an den Töchtern, kommen durchaus vor. Ebenso in Albanien.
Aus genannten Gründen, beginnt die OSCE diese geschundenen Frauen im Kosovo zu schützen.
Die armen geschundenen Kosovo Frauen haben ab sofort eine eigene Telefon Nr. wo sie umgehend Schutz finden.
Die lokale Gewalt und vor allem die Menschrechte, für die eigene Albanische Bevölkerung wird jetzt versucht im Kosovo umzusetzen.
Wie aus dem OSCE Report hervorgeht, ist die Gewalt gegen Frauen im Kosovo, weit verbreitet, was alle NGO's bestätigen.
Die Presse wird für ein Meeting am 25.11. nach Pristina eingeladen, um diese Kampane für Frauen und gegen die Kosovaren Gewalt publik zu machen, durch die Medien und über dieses grosse Problem zu informieren,was sich in dieser kranken Kosovaren Gesellschaft abspielt.
T: 063 848 7991
OSCE campaign on domestic violence offers assistance to Kosovo women
News > Media Advisory
In an effort to encourage victims of domestic violence to get help, the OSCE Mission in Kosovo launched a public information campaign: "Domestic violence can be stopped! Accept protection - call 063 848 7991", 24 November 2004. (Photo OSCE Mission in Kosovo)
PRISTINA, 24 November 2004 - A public information campaign on domestic violence against women will be launched tomorrow, the International Day Against Domestic Violence, by the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, the Office of the Prime Minister and the UNMIK Department of Justice.
A campaign goal is to support the increasing trend in reporting domestic violence to the authorities. Over the last two years, the police in Kosovo have received more than 2,200 reports of domestic violence, although local NGOs estimate that the problem is more widespread than this figure shows.
This year's days of activism campaign will run for the same 16-day period as it did in 2003, ending on 10 December.
It will encourage the women of Kosovo to turn to Victims' Advocates if they have suffered domestic violence by calling special helplines.
Women and the public at large will be made aware that such protection does exist for women through a multi-faceted information campaign using radio and television spots and programmes, calling cards, leaflets and posters. The campaign is co-ordinated with the UN and the local authorities. Local NGOs will also take part.
Media representatives are invited to the campaign launch press conference at 14:00 tomorrow, 25 November, at the OSCE Mission headquarters (4th floor conference room) in Prishtine/Pristina.
The Head of the OSCE Mission, Ambassador Pascal Fieschi, will also attend the event.