Die Vertreter des gegnerischen Lagers halten sich bitte mit Spam zurück:NEIN:
An Arsenal fan is forced to ditch his first love and switch allegiances to a new team. Handed a Foreign Office posting to Belgrade, James Moor gives up his season ticket and looks for a new Serbian team to support. Being a veteran of the Congo and Helmand Province war zones stands him in good stead for what follows. Having chosen Partizan over Red Star, James enters a scene awash with nationalism, xenophobia and conspiracy theories. He lifts the lid on Serbian fan culture, Partizan's internal disputes, violence between the club's own Grobari (Undertakers) supporters as well as with their hated local rivals. Moor attends matches among crowds of 50,000 and 2,000, and sees games interrupted by stadium fires at a club permanently at war with itself. And this is before former Chelsea boss Avram Grant takes over midway through a tumultuous season at home and in Europe.
Grobar is James Moor's first book. Born in Crawley, West Sussex, and brought up an Arsenal fan, he now lives in Belgrade where he works in the British Embassy. His arrival in Serbia in 2011 followed posts to DR Congo and Helmand Province. James lives with his girlfriend, Jenny, and can be found in the east stand at Partizan every other weekend.
Habs gerade gelesen :-( Sehr traurige Sache...tut immer wieder weh, wenn so junge talentierte Menschen sterben! R.I.P!!! Sind das Juden gewesen?Rukometaši mlađih kategorija Rukometnog kluba Partizan, braća Jevrem Popović (16) i Ignjat Popović (18), poginuli su danas u saobraćajnoj nesreći na Ibarskoj magistrali.
Nesreća se dogodila u selu Zagrađe u podnožju Rudnika, a pored braće Popović, koji su odmah podlegli povredama, preminula je žena koja je upravljala vozilom.
U Policijskoj upravi u Čačku Tanjugu je rečeno da je do nesreće došlo kada je putničko vozilo marke “jugo” beogradske registracije, kojim je iz pravca Beograda upravljala V.S. (44), iz neutvrđenih razloga prešlo na suprotnu stranu kolovoza i direktno se sudarilo sa teretnim motornim vozilom marke “skanija” novopazarske registracije kojim je upravljao A.Z. (37) iz Kruševca.
Rukometni klub Partizan duboko žali za gubitkom dvojice dečaka i zbog nedelje žalosti, koja će trajati do petka, odlaže mečeve svih kategorija.
Ignjat Popović je kao golman prošao sve Partizanove selekcije, a njegov mlađi brat, Jevrem, godinama je osvajao titule najboljeg igrača domaće lige. Bio je i pionirski reprezentativac Srbije, igrač od koga se mnogo očekivalo.
Saobraćaj na tom delu Ibarske magistrale je još u prekidu.
Pošto pretpostavljam da si pročitao, tvoja preporuka je sasvim dovoljna, knjiga će biti kupljena ^^Ein Buch dass ich den Partizan-Fans (und auch für die, die sich für den serbischen Fussball interessieren) empfehlen kann - ist aber auf Englisch.
Grobar: Amazon.de: James Moor: Englische Bücher
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