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αρτεmi;1986714 schrieb:
267 beiträge später

als außenstehender slawe - was sind jetzt pelasger, griechen oder albaner?

Comments on the text of Æschylus By Francis William Newman 1884



Link : Comments on the Text of Aeschylus - Google Books
Pelasger gab es nie,dieser Name wird für alle Gruppen die vor den Griechen dort siedelten gebraucht,warscheinlich waren es verschiedene Bevölkerungsgruppen mit verschiedener Abstammung die in den damaligen Hellenen aufgegangen sind
Pelasger gab es nie,dieser Name wird für alle Gruppen die vor den Griechen dort siedelten gebraucht,warscheinlich waren es verschiedene Bevölkerungsgruppen mit verschiedener Abstammung die in den damaligen Hellenen aufgegangen sind

so ist es;) es waren verschiedene stämme! die auf dem balkan lebten ! aber ein paar denken es sind ein ganz anderes volk und haben eine eigene kultur...
Comments on the text of Æschylus By Francis William Newman 1884



Link : Comments on the Text of Aeschylus - Google Books

auf seite 21 weiterlesen.

Comments vom F. W. Newman.


Warum die kommentare wichtiger als das original sein soll ist mir ein Raetsel. Newmann in seine kommentare greift auf herodot zu. Schauen wir was Herodot sagt:

Herodotus, like Homer, has a denotative as well as a connotative use. He describes actual Pelasgians surviving and speaking mutually intelligible dialects

  • at Placie and Scylace on the Asiatic shore of the Hellespont;
  • near Creston on the Strymon; in this area they have "Tyrrhenian" neighbors (Persian Wars 1.57).
He alludes to other districts where Pelasgian peoples lived on under changed names; Samothrace and Antandrus in the Troad probably provide instances of this. In discussing Lemnos and Imbros he describes a Pelasgian population whom the Athenians conquered only shortly before 500 BC, and in connection with this he tells a story of earlier raids of these Pelasgians on Attica, and of a temporary settlement there of Hellespontine Pelasgians, all dating from a time "when the Athenians were first beginning to count as Greeks."

Contrary to modern understanding, Herodotus was convinced that the Hellenes were not invaders, but descendents of Pelasgians:

"The Hellenic race has never, since its first origin, changed its speech. This at least seems evident to me. It was a branch of the Pelasgic, which separated from the main body, and at first was scanty in numbers and of little power; but it gradually spread and increased to a multitude of nations, chiefly by the voluntary entrance into its ranks of numerous tribes of barbarians. The Pelasgi, on the other hand, were, as I think, a barbarian race which never greatly multiplied."

That the Athenians were autochthonous was expressed mythically in the stories of Erechtheus and Erichthonius and was emphatically stated by Isocrates in Panegyric 23-5:

"For we did not win the country we dwell in by expelling others from it, or by seizing it when uninhabited, nor are we a mixed race collected together from many nations, but so noble and genuine is our descent, that we have continued for all time in possession of the land from which we sprang, being children of our native soil, and able to address our city by the same titles that we give to our nearest relations, for we alone of all the Hellenes have the right to call our city at once nurse and fatherland and mother."

Elsewhere "Pelasgian" in Herodotus connotes anything typical of, or surviving from, the state of things in Greece before the coming of the Greeks (in this sense one could regard all of Greece as formerly "Pelasgic"). The clearest instances of Pelasgian survivals in ritual and customs and antiquities occur in Arcadia, the "Ionian" districts of the north-west Peloponnese, and Attica, which have suffered least from hellenization. In Athens itself the prehistoric wall of the Acropolis and a plot of ground close below it received veneration in the 5th century as "Pelasgian"; so too in Thucydides (2.17).
Eher eure nerven.
Eher deine Personenkenntniss und dein einschaetzungsvermoegen...egal...

Wird auch durch eure "ich zieh alles ins lächerliche"-Antworten, bemerkbar ^^
Du meinst das mit dem Universitaetsprofessor?
Das war cool von ihm!!

er ist heute noch Direktor der Universität in Athen
Wenn das nicht laecherlich ist...er muss schon wissen was er schreibt und wie tief er blicken laesst...

Gut's Naechtle