Secrets Of Being Successful With Girls
Have you ever wondered why some men always seem to have more than their fair share of attractive girls ? And enjoy all the advantages that go with this ? And are you not getting your fair share ?
Isn't it incredible also that we study how to be good at a myriad of different activities but never give a thought or spend any time increasing our skills at being successful with girls ? Believe me - this skill , like any other , can be taught , practiced and perfected to the best of your potential just like any other . That is the aim of this book --to get you up there with the best of them!!
To be a big success with girls you don't need hot-shot looks nor a lot of money (obviously these help but are not the most important things you need) . What you do need to know is some basic secrets about WHAT TO DO and WHAT TO SAY to attract the girls you want .
This book contains those secrets . It's a complete guide that will show you how to be extra successful with girls in a very short time from now .
The tips you pick up in this book come from years of experience but it's very simple and easy to follow . Once you know the basic secrets you'll find that they work time and time again to give you all the girls you could ever handle !
In the first half of this book I'll explain how to attract more girls to you and how and where to meet them . In the second half I'll take you through each of the four levels that will get you where you want to be . These are THE OPEN-UP , THE CHAT-UP , THE WARM-UP and , best of all , THE SEDUCTION . Read each part carefully and try out the techniques for yourself . As your skills increase simply move up from level to level and go as far and as fast as you want!!
If you are wondering why these methods work the answer is simple . Mostly they are things that girls expect want and are very often begging for men to do . Once you know what these are then all the action you could ever want is out there waiting for YOU.
The first thing to remember is that girls just aren't the same as men ! OK, so you knew that . But what you probably don't know and what you've probably never even thought about is just HOW DIFFERENT THEY ARE .
For most men a dream date is a girl with stunning looks, a fantastic figure and who'll be eager to give him as much mind - blowing sex as he could handle. If she's got a nice personality that's a bonus , but it's not the main thing. Am I right ?
For most girls, this is COMPLETELY & UTTERLY DIFFERENT . Her dream date is a man who will compliment her, love her and make her feel secure. Sounds old-fashioned ?-but it's TRUE. Of course girls do think about looks and sex, but they are MUCH MUCH further down their list of priorities than they are for men. She'd much rather have a man who is nice to be with and loving than one who is aggressive and cold , no matter how good looking he is.
Now be warned . This is where most men slip up. SO NEVER EVER FORGET THIS -- On first approach a straightforward suggestion of sex leaves the vast majority of girls stone cold. This also applies to things non-verbal. First impressions are vital and if the first thing you do is mention sex, touch her , or get caught looking down her cleavage then she will conclude that you are not for her . REMEMBER - it's what she is looking for that MATTERS TO HER. Go in like a sex-starved rottweiler with your tongue hanging out and sex on your mind and you are almost certain to be rejected . On the contrary if her first impression of you is someone that is likely to offer her love and affection and care she'll be very interested indeed .
So the most important secret of success with girls is to GIVE HER WHAT SHE WANTS not what you think she wants !!
A girl's mind works in strange ways-as if you didn't know-and the things that attract them to men are mostly NOT what you expect . Here's what they are( not necessarily in order of importance ) :--
Sense of humor
Eye contact
Looks (this one is definitely in the right place in order of importance!)
Ever noticed how a girl goes completely berserk when she finds out you've lied . What's all the fuss about? you think . The big fuss they make tells you something crucial -- HONESTY is very very important to girls. Remember this if you are naturally honest and use your honesty to full advantage. Be honest with her even if your natural instinct in a particular situation is not to be . If you are naturally dishonest conceal this at all costs-you're probably good at that anyway!
A good sense of humor is amazingly attractive to most girls . They want a man who is FUN to be with .If you can make a girl laugh you're 90% there . If you have a good sense of humor-use it at every appropriate opportunity . If you haven't- WORK on it - and develop one . This can be done - watch those that have this and use their techniques - try the one that suits your personality best-experiment .
EYE-CONTACT is in my opinion the single most important factor in your success and for this reason I will go into this in more detail later . (similarly with SMILES )
A strong personality draws most girls . They really do go for a man who knows what he wants to do - no matter what anybody else thinks about him .
Girls are also drawn to confident men who are assertive , positive and don't dither . If you are less than confident - don't show it . LOOK CONFIDENT . How do you do this? TRY-study body language , either get a book on this or just observe & imitate any confident men you see around you . Stand up straight ,never fidget , head up high , slow ,steady movements and above all EYE to EYE contact at all times. You know the things I mean -observe & learn & apply .
Maturity is a big turn on with most girls . This is one reason that quite a lot find older men attractive . So it usually pays to act pretty sensibly when you're with girls ( not to the extent that you lose your sense of humor and fun of course ). Drinking beer until it comes out of your ears, falling over senseless and going on the rampage might be a good laugh when you're with the lads but it won't impress her. She might laugh but inside she'll be eaten up with embarrassment.
A lot of men think that girls are turned on by very macho men - but most girls think completely the OPPOSITE . Girls like their men to be sensitive . Don't take this too far , girls want their men to act like men but try and mix being a man with being caring and sensitive . A heady cocktail that girls find irresistible ! If you find something 'nice' or 'pretty' or something upsets you - tell her. You'll be surprised how much she warms to you . Especially if the something nice or pretty is about her!!
Whilst girls obviously go for good looks and a decent body it comes surprisingly LOW on THEIR list of priorities . By itself it doesn't turn them on like it does men . Ask a girl if she is turned on by these things , she will probably say yes but deep down a girl knows she can't find any man a turn-on unless he CARES for her too.
For this reason , if you are worried about your looks and body (and who isn't?)-put your worry out of your mind and concentrate on the things given in this book that girls want . This is probably the hardest thing that you have to do in the entire book.
How to turn her head
Now , most men judge a girl by how she looks . Is it the same for girls? The simple answer is no . Again , girls are a bit more complex than that! Before being really attracted to you they'll weigh you up as a complete package , and not just take you on your looks .
But girls are attracted to men who've made an effort . After all , she probably spent 3 hours getting ready for her night out! Here are some tricks that will help make sure SHE sees you before YOU see HER!
What to Wear
So just what sort of clothes turn girls on? Now. I'd have said a suit, but they're well down the list. In a survey in one of the girls' mags EIGHT out of TEN girls said they find JEANS the sexiest thing a man can wear. They can be as old as you want but they should always be clean. Plus, make sure they are as tight as possible round the waist and fit well round the backside - because this is the ONLY part of a man's body that girls can't resist!
T-shirts and sweatshirts are usually better than open-necked shirts. If you've got a decent body then show her it with a T-shirt that's a size too small. If you haven't bulk up with a baggy one. Bomber jackets are better than suit jackets or anoraks - these give you the tight waist-big chest look which most girls admire.
Dirty or worn shoes are a big turn-off apparently, and clean black or brown shoes or boots are much better than trainers which never look clean and can easily smell.
Hair Etc.
When it comes to hair - skin head - shoulder length - whatever style you like is fine. But it must be a proper style that is regularly cut or styled and CLEAN .
Clean shaven is in . That survey said that most girls think beards are a turn-off. Unshaven stubble might go down well with her the next morning, but the night before it just makes you look dirty .
Girls worry about their skin like crazy and she'll run a mile before getting close to a spotty face! If you've got any spots get rid of them with one of those anti-bacterial face washes.
What Do You Smell Like ?
Girls have got ultra-sensitive noses and so it's vital to smell right if you want success. Never, go out smelling the slightest bit sweaty because she'll come nowhere near you.
This means a bath or shower before every date - especially if your work makes you smell of anything strong.
Use unperfumed soaps and deodorants so you can smell clean without smelling like a flower shop. And girls do go for a good aftershave - that means the expensive stuff! You'd be amazed how many girls can tell the different brands. But do use small amounts so you don't cover up your natural smell - men give off a natural musk smell which girls are attracted to .
If you smoke this will reduce your chances with non-smoking girls. Plus, I don't know any girls who like stale-beer-flavored breath - so a mouthwash or spray is a good idea.
Clean hands and properly cut nails are another thing girls notice .
What She REALLY Goes For
It's not what you think. Again, those magazine surveys have shown time and time again that most girls judge a man's attractiveness by his - EYES!!
So, it always pays to make sure your eyes are bright. If you're tired use eye drops to avoid that red-eye look. If you wear glasses then make sure they suit you, or consider contact lenses. Plus, wearing sunglasses may look cool but it's a sure and certain way to AVOID getting noticed by girls.
As I said before, overall build is much less important to most girls than your personality - Though it's a lie to say that a decent body won't attract their glances. In the same survey the things girls found sexiest, after EYES, were a firm BOTTOM, a decent sized CHEST and finally - a suntan. Most girls weren't turned on by body-builder types and not one said they found the contents of a man's boxer shorts attracted them.
What You Probably Didn't Know About Her
Most girls have got an amazing inferiority complex about THEIR own appearance. They always worry that they are too fat/thin, their hair is a mess, skirt is half an inch too long or short etc. Yes this even applies to the most stunning ones!
So, it always pays to make the best of your appearance and never think she's too good for you. Because then, in most cases, with all the faults she THINKS she has it will usually be HER that feels she isn't good enough for YOU!
How To Attract Girls To You Without Saying A Word
Even today, not many girls will chat up men or ask them out. For a start, they're brought up not to , and rejection hurts them much more than it does us. Plus they think if you're a man worth going out with you've got to have the guts to ask them!
What girls will do though is give off SIGNALS that they want to be chatted up. Most men don't know what these are. The secret to being successful is to know what these signals are and whenever you go out look out for these. If you get just ONE signal then swing into action IMMEDIATELY !
Remember, there's only one part of a man's body that most girls will melt for - and it's not what you think - it's your EYES. So, the first step to scoring is to make GOOD STRONG EYE CONTACT with any girl you fancy. It doesn't matter what you look like - If you have a good, strong gaze it can TURN HER ON. (Most men go wrong here - by looking at a girl's legs or breasts no way can you attract her to you.)
The minute you walk into a room start looking at every girl you fancy. Even if you think she's far too stunning to ever go out with you. And look at her eyes. Make full eye contact. And give her a smile too. Don't leer or glare. This is a sure fire way to get the chemistry going. It tells her she's under scrutiny and in this situation there is no way a girl cannot react one way or the other.
Finally remember - The best looking girls are often short of dates because few men dare to make EYE CONTACT with them. The better looking she is the more likely she is to warm to eye contact .
And How to Tell That She's Interested ....
You'll know immediately if a girl's interested. She'll look straight back, then turn away, and perhaps smile. If she fixes you in a steely glare it's probably not going to happen. IT'S THE TURNING AWAY THAT TELLS YOU THAT SOMETHING'S CLICKED.
There are other signs you should look for too. If she plays with her hair or jewellery , adjusts her clothing or breathes in (to show you how slim she is!) these are all so-called preening signs. They say that she's interested in your approach, and she's trying to look her best for you.
From a girl's point of view these signs say 'I'd like to talk to you !' SO IF THIS HAPPENS YOU MUST MAKE THE EFFORT TO TALK TO HER .
Again, YOU have to make the move - it's unlikely she will. I've talked to hundreds of girls and they all say the same - If you want to chat us up come and ASK - don't just stand there and stare. If you can, just walk over and talk to her. This shows real guts and confidence which she will admire. If you daren't then MAKE AN EXCUSE to walk past her - on the way back from the bar or the toilets etc. - and 'accidentally' bump into her. Successful men do this all the time. It's usually no accident and if you've read her signals right she won't mind a bit!
When you're passing the first rule is CATCH HER EYE AGAIN with a firm glance. (Just think, if you're in a bar how do you signal to the barmaid that you want serving? Well, usually you catch their eye. Picking up girls is not all that different.)
At this stage don't preen - such as mess with your hair or adjust your tie. To a girl these are obvious signs you are 'moving in' on her. Her immediate reaction will be to put up the defences, whether she actually wants to or not.
The second rule - saying ANYTHING is better than saying NOTHING. Every opening line seems stupid at the time but probably isn't.
Probably the single best way to get a conversation going with girls is to use PEOPLE TALK. Girls are naturally nosy and natural gossips. (Just look at the gossip stories in the mags they read.) So your opening chat should be about people - YOU and YOURS, HER and HERS, THEM and THEIRS. 1 don't know any girl who isn't interested in this sort of thing ! Try and get the balance just right. Too much about her seems nosy. Too much about you and you could appear big-headed .
Here are some good other subjects to talk about
The News - Scandal and gossip stuff , not serious .
Well known people.
What NOT to say : Anything she's unlikely to be interested in, e.g. football. No problems, moans or complaints. Stay away from those boring, worn-out openers like the time or the weather.
The next important technique you must use is to avoid asking her QUESTIONS which can be answered with 'YES' or 'NO'. If she just answers 'no' and your nerve breaks then you've virtually blown it. It's far better to say something to which she has to give a proper answer. Then USE THAT ANSWER TO BASE YOUR NEXT BIT OF CHAT ON. This way you should never be stuck for something to say because she will tell you what she wants to talk about without even realising it !
Girls hardly ever use an obvious pick up line with men. The female brain is far too complicated for that! But they DO things that say 'I fancy you'. Most men don't know about these or take them the wrong way. You must learn to spot them and act immediately !
If a girl you've made eye contact with does or says anything that's not ACTUALLY NECESSARY or DOESN'T SEEM TO MAKE SENSE then she could be moving in on YOU. The following are classic signs:--
She asks you the time when she's got a watch.
She asks you for a light when she's got a lighter.
She makes any sort of joke.
She criticises your clothes/hair etc.
She bumps into you accidentally ( a much more common female trick than you might think )
She stares or looks you up and down then turns away quickly when you notice
She 'preens' or laughs or smiles every time you break eye-contact .
If any of the above happen start talking with her straight away. SHE DEFINITELY WANTS YOU TO !!
The open-up level is usually the most difficult. The chat-up should be slightly easier. The overall game plan here is to make your chat gradually more and more personal and so get her deeper and deeper involved as you go on. Make sure she's still interested before going on to the warm-up level. If she isn't try another line of chat before you start to bore her!
There are three things to remember here
Don't expect to do it all today. You'll probably need a proper one-to-one date before you can get past the chat-up level
Don't try and get her into bed tonight. (If you do - great but the chances are you won't date her again.) Far better to work on building up a long lasting relationship so that she's still there any time you want her in future. Believe me, you can only do this by getting her to feel that you're the man for her BEFORE it comes to sex.
Getting her phone no., address etc. should be a NUMBER ONE PRIORITY .This way, even if you don't get through the chat-up level now you can still come back to her again and again.
Everything you say at this stage should be something that will get her going - not get her snoring! The subjects I mentioned earlier are pretty good bets. So keep trying them until you find something that appeals to her and then focus on it.
Usually, you can't go wrong with ....
Anything funny. Something funny that has happened to you is best. If not a joke will do.
Anything honest. Girls really go for honest men ( Or, at least those that sound honest! )
Anything sensitive - such as what a nice colour her outfit is. Girls find a man who can say something is 'nice' or 'pretty' a big turn on.
Anything that shows confidence and assertiveness - such as your opinion on something or other.
Anything that shows an exciting, couldn't care-less attitude 'So I got soaked on the way here -so what!
ABOVE ALL - Compliments! These really are a BIG turn on for her. Compliment her hair and clothes especially.
BUT - Learn how to tell if you're being BORING and change to something else pretty quick. (If she keeps looking away, or looks at her watch etc., this is a clear sign that she's going cold.)
Never forget that the chat up isn't all about what you SAY. What you DO is just as important, if not more important. So always think about everything you do.
If you act TOO MACHO she will just assume that you can never care for or love someone - and a girl can NEVER find someone like this sexually attractive. It's for this reason that ice-cold stares, aggressive behaviour and treating-em-mean-to-keep-em-keen is usually a mistake. But well controlled physical power is a big turn on to girls and so you should always let her see that you've got the power!
Many girls have reported that there's one thing that makes a man really IRRESISTIBLE to them. This is to be HARD on the outside but SOFT on the inside. Yes - you're a man - masculine and maybe a bit aggressive on the surface. But, when you're with her you're just a little kid at heart. Now it sounds stupid to me too - but girls seem to love it!
All the following tricks can help
Always keep her in eye contact.
Always laugh and smile as much as possible.
Always stand face-to-face with her not side-by-side and not too near -So she can see you from head to toe.
Don't be afraid to 'pose-it-up' at this stage. Stand up straight. Stick your chest out a little. Smooth your hair. All these things tell her you're trying to look good just for her Girls know about and understand these things.
BUT - If you get the chance, get lower than her! Sit when she's standing or crouch when she's sitting etc. This makes her feel more powerful and it's the very reason why small men can often be very successful.
Look interested in everything she says, even if you know it's wrong.
Touch her LIGHTLY. But don't 'paw' her at this stage. Don't put your arm right round her, or on her thigh. These say 'you are mine' and are big turn-offs BEFORE SHE'S READY to be yours
Don't fidget with your tie/drink/change/pen etc. These are obvious signs of nervousness and lack of confidence which are very unattractive to her.