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Sali Berisha

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Albania was one of the countries in the world with economic growth and real estate appreciation in 2008. The Prime Minister, Sali Berisha was formerly a succesfull cardiologist who lead Albanian students including myself in a final push against the dying communist regime. Mr. Berisha clearly understood at the time that the virus of Marxist ideology needed to be removed permanently frome Albanian society. Last four years of his administration he has done an amazing job in fighting crime and corruption, establishing a stable legal system, building infrastructure ,creating an ideal environment for foreign investment in Albania. Billions of dollars are currently being invested in all sectors. He has doubled the budget, raised salaries, lifted Albanians from the poverty line and done an amazing job on the education system. Albanian tourism is flourishing and millions of Albanians working in the EU and U.S. are returning to the land once called Iliria.By Sahit Muja www.albanianminerals.com

Wall Street Journal: Sali Berisha Topics

Albania was one of the countries in the world with economic growth and real estate appreciation in 2008. The Prime Minister, Sali Berisha was formerly a succesfull cardiologist who lead Albanian students including myself in a final push against the dying communist regime. Mr. Berisha clearly understood at the time that the virus of Marxist ideology needed to be removed permanently frome Albanian society. Last four years of his administration he has done an amazing job in fighting crime and corruption, establishing a stable legal system, building infrastructure ,creating an ideal environment for foreign investment in Albania. Billions of dollars are currently being invested in all sectors. He has doubled the budget, raised salaries, lifted Albanians from the poverty line and done an amazing job on the education system. Albanian tourism is flourishing and millions of Albanians working in the EU and U.S. are returning to the land once called Iliria.By Sahit Muja www.albanianminerals.com

Wall Street Journal: Sali Berisha Topics

Mein Beileid, aber das ist kein Beitrag, auf den man stolz sein könnte oder sollte.
Vielleicht als Aussenstehender, der von Wirtschaft und Politik wenig oder keine Ahnung hat, dann klingt schon der erste Satz recht beeindruckend.
Damit hat es sich aber auch.
Mein Beileid, aber das ist kein Beitrag, auf den man stolz sein könnte oder sollte.
Vielleicht als Aussenstehender, der von Wirtschaft und Politik wenig oder keine Ahnung hat, dann klingt schon der erste Satz recht beeindruckend.
Damit hat es sich aber auch.

Hör mal ich hab nen Pennis ... meld dich wenn du willst :birdman:
Mein Beileid, aber das ist kein Beitrag, auf den man stolz sein könnte oder sollte.
Vielleicht als Aussenstehender, der von Wirtschaft und Politik wenig oder keine Ahnung hat, dann klingt schon der erste Satz recht beeindruckend.
Damit hat es sich aber auch.

Anscheinend kannst du kein Englisch ...
Albania was one of the countries in the world with economic growth and real estate appreciation in 2008. The Prime Minister, Sali Berisha was formerly a succesfull cardiologist who lead Albanian students including myself in a final push against the dying communist regime. Mr. Berisha clearly understood at the time that the virus of Marxist ideology needed to be removed permanently frome Albanian society. Last four years of his administration he has done an amazing job in fighting crime and corruption, establishing a stable legal system, building infrastructure ,creating an ideal environment for foreign investment in Albania.Billions of dollars are currently being invested in all sectors. He has doubled the budget, raised salaries, lifted Albanians from the poverty line and done an amazing job on the education system. Albanian tourism is flourishing and millions of Albanians working in the EU and U.S. are returning to the land once called Iliria. By Sahit Muja www.albanianminerals.com

Wall Street Journal: Sali Berisha Topics


Balkanmensch braucht halt eben Aufmerksamkeit.

Sein Land in welchem leider auch unser Südqameria liegt, ist zurzeit in einer Finanziellen Notlage und dies führt anscheinend zu "Neidanfällen".
Wieso schreibe ich überhaupt mit dem ?

Naja ich bin draußen, soll er mit sich selber diskutieren, denn jeder der nur ein bisschen Englisch kann, weiß das dieser Beitrag nur Fortschritte Albaniens mit Sali Berisha zeigt !