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Sammelthread: Bildung in Albanien

Re: Pisa: Albanien-Mazedonien" Schulsystem für Idioten

lupo-de-mare schrieb:
Als besonders dramatisch schätzt die Studie die Grundbildungssituation in den Entwicklungsländern ein. Während in den OECD-Ländern im Schnitt 18 Prozent der Schüler die niedrigste Stufe der Lesekompetenz erreichten oder darunter lägen, seien es in Albanien, Brasilien, Mazedonien und Peru weit über 50 Prozent. Diese Schüler seien in Gefahr, Analphabeten zu werden.


Was soll man denn in diesen Ländern lernen? Da kommen ja nur noch Idioten hervor, bei dem Schul System und die könenn bestenfalls UCK Mörder und Terroristen Karrieren erreichen.[/b]

hehehe, witzigerweise kann jeder vierte (25%) 15 jährige in deutschland einfache texte weder lesen noch schreiben. da frag ich mich doch, ob diese nicht womöglich in albanien oder mazedonien zur schule gegangen sind ?!
Tausende von Albaner Kinder, gehen nicht mehr zur Schule

Albanian Education Ministry Warns of Drop-out Rate


TIRANA, Albania -- The education ministry issued a report Wednesday (5 January) indicating that up to 9,000 children left school during the past academic year. The report found that education problems are most serious in the towns of Lac and Mallakastra, where the economic situation is the worst in Albania. In general, children in rural or outlying areas are more likely to leave school to start jobs, the ministry said. (Albanian Daily News - 06/01/05)

Und im Kosovo ist die Situation noch viel Schlimmer, denn die UN stellte fest, das über 50% der Kinder praktische Analphabeten sind.

Dort hat sich das Bildungs System unter UCK Banditen Herrschaft, enorm verschlechert.
Fatos Nano kritisiert das niedrige Schul Niveau

Wenn ein Trottel wie Luan Memushi schon Minister werden kann, sollte sich jeder vorstellen, was dann für Trottel Albanische Lehrer sind.

Auf Grund ausländischer Kritik, kritiisert nun der PM, die Minister,weil das Lehrer und Schul Niveau so niedrig ist.

PM Critical of Ministries' Performance; Commends KESH

TIRANA - After a long period of analyses on the performance of all ministries, Prime Minister Fatos Nano concluded Monday with the general analysis of the government, where Minister of Education Luan Memushi and Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Engjell Bejtaj were mostly criticized."The phenomena of low teaching level and the pressure to compensate it with private supplementary courses with disorienting curricula, missing of labs and incompatibility with the labor market are evident," Nano said referring to the performance of the Ministry of Education.

Albania's Nano Criticises Work of Two Ministers


TIRANA, Albania -- Prime Minister Fatos Nano criticised the work of two members of his cabinet -- Minister of Education Luan Memushi and Minister of Labour and Social Affairs Engjell Bejtaj, in comments Monday (24 January). Nano said Memushi's mandate has been marked by a low level of teaching at state-run schools, as well as lack of transparency in tenders organised by the ministry for preparation of schoolbooks. Nano also expressed dissatisfaction with the work of Labour Minister Bejtaj, who he said has failed to achieve any positive results.

In other news, a court in Vlora sentenced 11 smugglers to prison terms ranging between nine and 25 years for the deaths of at least 19 illegal immigrants who drowned when their boat sank in the Adriatic a year ago. Two senior police officials were sacked in the course of the ensuing investigation.

Meanwhile, police say eight people were killed in an accident that occurred during a heavy snowstorm. Many roads across the country have been closed because of the blizzard. (Albanian News - 25/01/05; AFP - 24/01/05)
