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Sarajevo / Sarajewo (Bosnien und Herzegowina/Bosna i Hercegovina/BiH)

Würdet Ihr nach Sarajevo gehen?

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"Frisch" aufgenommen...:D

Das Kaffee im Avaz Twist Tower ist zu empfehlen . Kaffe + tollen Ausblick auf die Stadt


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Na endlich :app: Hoffentlich stimmts auch...bis jetzt wurden bereits Kempinski, Shaza, Sheraton und Westin angekündigt...
Also der Stadt mangelt es an guten Hotels sicherlich nicht. War jetzt auch im Colors Inn ( 4sterne ) und war positiv überrascht. Preis/Leistung war perfekt. Nicht weit vom Centrum , in der Umgebung ist es ruhig etc

- - - Aktualisiert - - -

Izdata urbanistička dozvola za izgradnju Trebevićke žičare


Eine sehr gute Nachricht :)
Also der Stadt mangelt es an guten Hotels sicherlich nicht. War jetzt auch im Colors Inn ( 4sterne ) und war positiv überrascht. Preis/Leistung war perfekt. Nicht weit vom Centrum , in der Umgebung ist es ruhig etc

- - - Aktualisiert - - -

Izdata urbanistička dozvola za izgradnju Trebevićke žičare

Izdata urbanisti?ka dozvola za izgradnju Trebevi?ke ?i?are | Faktor.ba

Eine sehr gute Nachricht :)

War eher auf das SCC bezogen. Die oberste Etage steht ja seit der Fertigstellung leer.

Kakvo ti je vrjeme tamo jarane? :D

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Na današnji dan 1895.: Sarajevo dobilo električnu rasvjetu – prije Londona i Pariza, a eletrični tramvaj prije Istanbula, Atine, Budimpešte…

Prvi dan maja 1895. godine, zvanično je puštena električna rasvjeta u Sarajevu. Nakon generalne probe 3. i 4. aprila iste godine, Sarajevo je dobilo rasvjetu ulica, javnih objekata i stanova, a zatim i pokretanje industrijskih pogona.

Sarajevo dobiva električnu rasvjetu ulica među prvim gradovima Evrope, pa i prije Londona koji se u tim vremenima i dalje osvjetljavao na plin. A u obližnjem Semizovcu prva sijalica je upaljena pet godina prije nego u Sarajevu – 1890.

Električna rasvjeta je zasijala u Begovoj džamiji 1898. godine, kao prvoj džamiji osvjetljenoj električnom energijom u cijelom islamskom svijetu.

Također, 01. maja 1895. god. Sarajevo dobiva električni tramvaj –prije metropola Srednje i Jugoistočne Evrope (Praga, Bratislave, Beča, Graca, Budimpešte, Ljubljane, Zagreba, Beograda, Sofije, Atine, Istanbula…) Vozila je proizvela firma “Siemens-Sohukert” (bili su to prvi tramvaji nastali u njenim pogonima), a gazdovanje je povjereno preduzeću “Električna željeznica” koje se nalazilo pod upravom Bosanskohercegovačke državne željeznice.

Trasa električnog tramvaja išla je od željezničke stanice, koja se nalazila kod današnjeg hotela “Bristol” pa do Latinske ćuprije.



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Aleš Kurt

There are only a few places where one can live like in Sarajevo!

Director Aleš Kurt is also Director of Sarajevo War Theater and the Street Art Festival. He has lived in Belgrade and Paris, but says there are only a few places where one can live like in Sarajevo.


He believes the reason is that our city has kept its original style of living.

- Here people love to live and socialize at an easy pace, over long meals and coffee, which makes life nicer. Sarajevo is an oasis in Europe, with its own blend of the Mediterranean and the Orient, a place where this way of life has remained unchanged, which is why people love us and visit.

He likes quiet morning coffees in Baščaršija, where he can take in the rhythm of the old town. Čaršija is also home to his favorite restaurant, which he says best captures Sarajevo’s unique spirit.

- There is no other place quite like Hadžibajrić Aščinica, where they have been preparing food in the same way for centuries. Whether you try the pače, okra or something else, each dish is prepared to perfection. The warmth of the staff and owner always makes my day.

Aleš also recommends Mala Kuhinja, with its interesting selection of Asian food and kind staff who attend to guests.

He recharges his batteries in Lukomir and Umoljani, or other excursion spots outside of town, where he enjoys walking, picking mushrooms, skiing…. He relaxes at Central Hotel’s
Wellness and Spa Center

He is glad that SARTR is again offering a concert program and part of this year’s Sarajevo Jazz Fest will be held at the Center for Social Activities, once a cult venue.

- On a perfect day in Sarajevo I usually make my rounds to the theaters or attend a festival. I find the architectural concept of the mystical Kamerni (Chamber) Theater especially intriguing, as it is the only theater in town to be housed in an apartment building.

Aleš never returns from a trip without a fridge magnet, so he says this is the perfect Sarajevo souvenir. He also suggests a walk through the mahalas, which hide interesting stories and are a great way to get to know our city.
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