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Schock in Griechenland - Makedonien als Makedonien

Gegen Dich Heulsuse würde sogar das Zinnsoldatenregiment ausm Flohzirkus den Krieg gewinnen. :lol:


Nochmals zum mitschreiben Heracle, ich weiß dass du "manchmal" etwas schwer von Begriff (fast immer) :veles: Kein Makedonier will Krieg, die Groß-Makedonien Träume haben auch andere unserer Nachbarsländer, ihr mit eingeschlossen, also erzähl keine Gschichtn :hinterkopf:

Und wenn gegen mich Heulsuse :fts: ein Zinnsoldatenregiment ausm Flohzirkus gewinnen würde, dann würde gegen dich ein Einzeller völlig ausreichen :loool:


Macedonian-Pride :mk1:


Scheiss auf Oxford,Cambridge, Harvard, usw

Scheiss auf die Austellungen im Louvre,Australien,Deutschland usw

Scheiss auf die Dokus vom History Channel, BBC usw

Alles westliche propaganda !!!!

Du warst in Oxford, Cambridge und Harvard sturdieren? :make91:

Vielleicht solltes du ihnen bei deinem nächsten Studienaufenthalt diesen Beitrag präsentieren, mal schauen was die Profs dazu sagen? :confundido:

Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2004.02.13
Reviewed by Jona Lendering

...There is a problem here. The Babylonian text contradicts the Greek source that is often accepted as the best, Arrian. He says that Darius was the first to turn and run, after which the other Persians followed suit (Anabasis 3.14.3). One way to harmonize these conflicting pieces of information is to render 'The army abandoned Darius' as 'Darius abandoned his army'.6 Suspending the rules of grammar, however, will not solve the problem. We must accept that either Arrian or the Diary is wrong, and in this case we must prefer the Babylonian source, which was written two weeks after the battle. ...

...The same cuneiform tablet offers an interesting account of Alexander's diplomatic moves before entering Babylon. We read about his offer to rebuild the temple of Marduk and learn how he announced that the houses of the Babylonians would not be looted. These negotiations are not mentioned by Curtius Rufus and Arrian, who state that the Macedonians prepared for battle when they approached Babylon (History of Alexander 5.1.19 and Anabasis 3.16.3). More intriguingly, the Diary makes it clear that Alexander did not send Macedonian envoys, but Greeks. Did he consider it unsafe to send the very soldiers who had recently fought against the Babylonian cavalry?...

...The Astronomical Diaries offer further useful information. They may help us find the hitherto unknown date of the battle near Issus. Diary -332 B rev.10 mentions a solar eclipse that was 'omitted', which means that a predicted evil omen did not occur, so that there was no reason to fear the future. In this case, the omitted dangerous period would have started with the eclipse of 27 October 333 and the portended disaster would have befallen Darius within 100 days. According to the astronomical advisers in the Persian army, the great king could safely set out from Sochi and attack the Macedonians in Cilicia. Assuming that Darius left immediately after he had received his astronomer' s green light, and accepting normal marching distances for the next days, Darius must have reached Issus between 3 and 6 November. The battle took place on the next day.7

The Diaries also offer information about Babylonian food prices, and we are lucky to have tablets for two occasions when an army was staying in Babylon. In the summer of 333, when Darius assembled the army that was to be defeated near Issus, the prices were normal. On the other hand, in 323, when Alexander's army was in Babylon, the prices were higher than after an ordinary crop failure. In my view, there are two possible explanations: (1) Darius assembled his army not in Babylon, but somewhere else; (2) the king of Asia was less interested in the well-being of the populace of Babylon than of the king of kings.

Finally, it is interesting to take a look at the spelling of Alexander's name in the cuneiform texts. The correct rendering of Alexandros would have been A-lek-sa-an-dar-ru-su, but until now, no tablet has been discovered that uses this Greek name.
Instead, after some first attempts to render the conqueror's name, the Babylonian scribes settled upon A-lek-sa-an-dar.
Probably, this only shows that the scribes found it difficult to render a foreign name. On the other hand, it can not be excluded that Alexandar is the Macedonian name by which the conqueror of Asia was known to his courtiers. Cuneiform renderings of Seleucus (Si-lu-uk-ku) and other names may also offer clues for linguists studying the Macedonian language.

I am not claiming that the Babylonian sources are better than the classical texts, but I hope to have shown that they can offer useful information. Van der Spek's edition of Chronicle 8 has probably shown the name of a hitherto unknown satrap, a possible reference to Bessus, and something that looks like the execution of the famous astronomer Kidinnu. There is a lot more to be expected from Babylonia and I hope to have convinced the readers of this review that a scholar studying Alexander can no longer ignore the cuneiform texts.

Fox who the Fuck is Fox? :fts:

Einer der wichtigsten Professoren in Oxford und Historiker der dutzende Preise gewonnen hat und als Experte für Alexander den Grossen und die antiken Makedonen gillt

Robin James Lane Fox, FRSL (born 5 October 1946[SUP][1][/SUP]) is an English historian of antiquity and a gardening writer.[SUP][2][/SUP]
Lane Fox is an Emeritus Fellow of New College, Oxford, and Reader in Ancient History, University of Oxford. Fellow and Tutor in Ancient History at New College from 1977 to 2012, he serves as Garden Master and as Extraordinary Lecturer in Ancient History for both New and Exeter Colleges. He has also taught Greek and Latin literature and early Islamic history.[SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP]
His major publications, for which he has won literary prizes including the James Tait Black Award,[SUP][5][/SUP] the Duff Cooper Prize,[SUP][6][/SUP] the W.H. Heinemann Award[SUP][7][/SUP] and the Runciman Award,[SUP][8][/SUP] include studies of Alexander the Great and Ancient Macedon, Late Antiquity, Christianity and Paganism, the Bible and history, and the Greek Dark Ages.
Einer der wichtigsten Professoren in Oxford und Historiker der dutzende Preise gewonnen hat und als Experte für Alexander den Grossen und die antiken Makedonen gillt

Robin James Lane Fox, FRSL (born 5 October 1946[SUP][1][/SUP]) is an English historian of antiquity and a gardening writer.[SUP][2][/SUP]
Lane Fox is an Emeritus Fellow of New College, Oxford, and Reader in Ancient History, University of Oxford. Fellow and Tutor in Ancient History at New College from 1977 to 2012, he serves as Garden Master and as Extraordinary Lecturer in Ancient History for both New and Exeter Colleges. He has also taught Greek and Latin literature and early Islamic history.[SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP]
His major publications, for which he has won literary prizes including the James Tait Black Award,[SUP][5][/SUP] the Duff Cooper Prize,[SUP][6][/SUP] the W.H. Heinemann Award[SUP][7][/SUP] and the Runciman Award,[SUP][8][/SUP] include studies of Alexander the Great and Ancient Macedon, Late Antiquity, Christianity and Paganism, the Bible and history, and the Greek Dark Ages.

Fox der Meister der Erzählkunst...
Einer der wichtigsten Professoren in Oxford und Historiker der dutzende Preise gewonnen hat und als Experte für Alexander den Grossen und die antiken Makedonen gillt

Robin James Lane Fox, FRSL (born 5 October 1946[SUP][1][/SUP]) is an English historian of antiquity and a gardening writer.[SUP][2][/SUP]
Lane Fox is an Emeritus Fellow of New College, Oxford, and Reader in Ancient History, University of Oxford. Fellow and Tutor in Ancient History at New College from 1977 to 2012, he serves as Garden Master and as Extraordinary Lecturer in Ancient History for both New and Exeter Colleges. He has also taught Greek and Latin literature and early Islamic history.[SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP]
His major publications, for which he has won literary prizes including the James Tait Black Award,[SUP][5][/SUP] the Duff Cooper Prize,[SUP][6][/SUP] the W.H. Heinemann Award[SUP][7][/SUP] and the Runciman Award,[SUP][8][/SUP] include studies of Alexander the Great and Ancient Macedon, Late Antiquity, Christianity and Paganism, the Bible and history, and the Greek Dark Ages.

Naja, man lernt ja im Leben schließlich nie aus, und vielleicht braucht es bei Fixi Foxi, bei dem alten Phillhellenen bis es klick macht, oder die Gelder nicht mehr fließen :^^:

Frag ihn mal das nächste mal wenn du ihn in Oxford antriffst was er so über die Steintafel denkt oder dir zu sagen hat, ok? :kneif:

- - - Aktualisiert - - -

Vassilakis offers Slavo-Albanian Macedonia

my ass

:haha: :haha::haha:
