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Serbien verschweigt in schulbüchern eigene 2.WK KZ`s


Serbien verschweigt in Schulbüchern eigene 2. WK KZ's

warum ist das so ?


Unique history class, watched by half the mankind, missed

The new history textbooks for III and IV grades of secondary schools do not mention Sajmiste, Banjica, Topovske Supe, and make only brief references to the perishing of the Jews. At a recent launch of the book “We Survived – Yugoslav Jews in the Holocaust” a historian Emil Kerenji noted that the history textbook for the IV grade of secondary school does not mention Auschwitz, or the words “holocaust” and “anti-semitism”.
“This year marks the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Belgrade. Belgrade’s WW II victims included the following: already in 1942, it was the first city in Europe to be declared judenfrei – free of Jews; the city which patented the gas chamber, the infamous truck-mounted chambers, used to gas the Jews on route from Sajmiste to Avala, to be buried in Jajinci. About 68 thousand people were buried in Jajinci. There are places in Belgrade where inconceivable executions took place. One of them is the Sajmiste camp, which has only one sign indicating that, and that is all…”, said Dr. Branka Prpa, director of Belgrade Archives.
The dry language of statistics and numbers reveals that during WW II 14,500 of the total number of 16,000 Serbian Jews perished, accounting for 90 percent of the population living on the territory of Serbia in April 1941. The predicament of 12,000 Belgrade Jews was similar. By mid-May 1942, the extermination of Jewish families was complete.
The agility and efficiency demonstrated in killing the Jews in Serbia were emphasized and commended at a conference of Hitler’s top operatives held at Wansse lake in early 1942: Belgrade Jews became the victims of a new, “economic” means for mass liquidation – truck-mounted gas chambers… That is where a wide-scope action on all territories under German occupation was considered – the “last stage” in “solving the Jewish problem”.
“In this way, with the predicament of its small Jewish community, Belgrade became a kind of a killing ‘testing range’ of the Nazi project for complete physical liquidation of Jews in Europe,” emphasizes Dr. Milan Ristovic in his Foreword to the book The Perishing of Jews in Occupied Belgrade, 1941-1944, recently published by Srpska skolska knjiga.
Europe has, this year, arranged a large meeting of its statesmen in the former Auschwitz camp to mark the 60th anniversary of liberation of this fascist death machine. Heads of 25 states, Chirac, Putin, Blair, Schroeder...all came to pay their homage to the dead. The president of Serbia and Montenegro cancelled his attendance because he “had a cold”, but that notwithstanding turned up before TV cameras that same evening to cheerfully chat with Bojana Lekic...
Serbien verschweigt in Schulbüchern eigene 2. WK KZ's

warum ist das so ?


Unique history class, watched by half the mankind, missed

The new history textbooks for III and IV grades of secondary schools do not mention Sajmiste, Banjica, Topovske Supe, and make only brief references to the perishing of the Jews. At a recent launch of the book “We Survived – Yugoslav Jews in the Holocaust” a historian Emil Kerenji noted that the history textbook for the IV grade of secondary school does not mention Auschwitz, or the words “holocaust” and “anti-semitism”.
“This year marks the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Belgrade. Belgrade’s WW II victims included the following: already in 1942, it was the first city in Europe to be declared judenfrei – free of Jews; the city which patented the gas chamber, the infamous truck-mounted chambers, used to gas the Jews on route from Sajmiste to Avala, to be buried in Jajinci. About 68 thousand people were buried in Jajinci. There are places in Belgrade where inconceivable executions took place. One of them is the Sajmiste camp, which has only one sign indicating that, and that is all…”, said Dr. Branka Prpa, director of Belgrade Archives.
The dry language of statistics and numbers reveals that during WW II 14,500 of the total number of 16,000 Serbian Jews perished, accounting for 90 percent of the population living on the territory of Serbia in April 1941. The predicament of 12,000 Belgrade Jews was similar. By mid-May 1942, the extermination of Jewish families was complete.
The agility and efficiency demonstrated in killing the Jews in Serbia were emphasized and commended at a conference of Hitler’s top operatives held at Wansse lake in early 1942: Belgrade Jews became the victims of a new, “economic” means for mass liquidation – truck-mounted gas chambers… That is where a wide-scope action on all territories under German occupation was considered – the “last stage” in “solving the Jewish problem”.
“In this way, with the predicament of its small Jewish community, Belgrade became a kind of a killing ‘testing range’ of the Nazi project for complete physical liquidation of Jews in Europe,” emphasizes Dr. Milan Ristovic in his Foreword to the book The Perishing of Jews in Occupied Belgrade, 1941-1944, recently published by Srpska skolska knjiga.
Europe has, this year, arranged a large meeting of its statesmen in the former Auschwitz camp to mark the 60th anniversary of liberation of this fascist death machine. Heads of 25 states, Chirac, Putin, Blair, Schroeder...all came to pay their homage to the dead. The president of Serbia and Montenegro cancelled his attendance because he “had a cold”, but that notwithstanding turned up before TV cameras that same evening to cheerfully chat with Bojana Lekic...

hast du eigentlich nichts anderes zu tun als den ganzen tag im interent negatives über serbien raus zu suchen!

ich sag nur serbkomplexe und serbophobie. ernstgemeinter rat such dir profesionelle hife du opfer:birdman::birdman::birdman:
hm wäre mir nicht bekannt!

das ist ja das problem daran....:rolleyes:

weil man es verschiegen hat und alles unternommen hat die zu verschweigen weist du nichts darüber....:idea1:

und all die das thema nicht interessiert lasst es doch einfach sein es zwingt euch niemand euch daran zu beteiligen.....

und mich beleidigen oder sonst mundtot kriegen müsst ihr schon was besseres einfallen lassen....:cool:
Serbien verschweigt in Schulbüchern eigene 2. WK KZ's

warum ist das so ?


Unique history class, watched by half the mankind, missed

The new history textbooks for III and IV grades of secondary schools do not mention Sajmiste, Banjica, Topovske Supe, and make only brief references to the perishing of the Jews. At a recent launch of the book “We Survived – Yugoslav Jews in the Holocaust” a historian Emil Kerenji noted that the history textbook for the IV grade of secondary school does not mention Auschwitz, or the words “holocaust” and “anti-semitism”.
“This year marks the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Belgrade. Belgrade’s WW II victims included the following: already in 1942, it was the first city in Europe to be declared judenfrei – free of Jews; the city which patented the gas chamber, the infamous truck-mounted chambers, used to gas the Jews on route from Sajmiste to Avala, to be buried in Jajinci. About 68 thousand people were buried in Jajinci. There are places in Belgrade where inconceivable executions took place. One of them is the Sajmiste camp, which has only one sign indicating that, and that is all…”, said Dr. Branka Prpa, director of Belgrade Archives.
The dry language of statistics and numbers reveals that during WW II 14,500 of the total number of 16,000 Serbian Jews perished, accounting for 90 percent of the population living on the territory of Serbia in April 1941. The predicament of 12,000 Belgrade Jews was similar. By mid-May 1942, the extermination of Jewish families was complete.
The agility and efficiency demonstrated in killing the Jews in Serbia were emphasized and commended at a conference of Hitler’s top operatives held at Wansse lake in early 1942: Belgrade Jews became the victims of a new, “economic” means for mass liquidation – truck-mounted gas chambers… That is where a wide-scope action on all territories under German occupation was considered – the “last stage” in “solving the Jewish problem”.
“In this way, with the predicament of its small Jewish community, Belgrade became a kind of a killing ‘testing range’ of the Nazi project for complete physical liquidation of Jews in Europe,” emphasizes Dr. Milan Ristovic in his Foreword to the book The Perishing of Jews in Occupied Belgrade, 1941-1944, recently published by Srpska skolska knjiga.
Europe has, this year, arranged a large meeting of its statesmen in the former Auschwitz camp to mark the 60th anniversary of liberation of this fascist death machine. Heads of 25 states, Chirac, Putin, Blair, Schroeder...all came to pay their homage to the dead. The president of Serbia and Montenegro cancelled his attendance because he “had a cold”, but that notwithstanding turned up before TV cameras that same evening to cheerfully chat with Bojana Lekic...

ernsthafte frage, hast du geschlechtsverkehr mit deinem computer?
das ist ja das problem daran....:rolleyes:

weil man es verschiegen hat und alles unternommen hat die zu verschweigen weist du nichts darüber....:idea1:

und all die das thema nicht interessiert lasst es doch einfach sein es zwingt euch niemand euch daran zu beteiligen.....

und mich beleidigen oder sonst mundtot kriegen müsst ihr schon was besseres einfallen lassen....:cool:

etwas gereizt heute??? als ich versuch dir nicht den schnabel zu verbieten :angel4:
quack ruhig weiter ...ich wolle dich nur unterstützen und als gutes beispiel voran gehn das ich nie was von dem gehört habe!