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Don-Salieri schrieb:
Is it true that Mel Gibson wanted to make a movie about Skanderbeg? Can someone confirm this, and please if you can provide a link where it says so.

and about as for a 'Gjergj Skanderbeg Castriot movie"
when i was working in lower Manhaten in New York city the building manager was Kosovar. he told my that there were talks between the Alabanians and the Germans about a New " Gjergj Kastriot" movie. The Kosovo and Albanian comunities in New york,boston, michigan and philadelphia were going to raise money if necessary to help the make of the movie.
but the Vatican and the Italian goverment were going to suply all the books and a good amount of money for the make of the movie.""
that is what he told me 1 year ago. since then i don't know what happen. hopefully they work something out.
Gibt es eine Quelle wo man das lesen kann?
5SterneGeneral schrieb:
Don-Salieri schrieb:
Is it true that Mel Gibson wanted to make a movie about Skanderbeg? Can someone confirm this, and please if you can provide a link where it says so.

and about as for a 'Gjergj Skanderbeg Castriot movie"
when i was working in lower Manhaten in New York city the building manager was Kosovar. he told my that there were talks between the Alabanians and the Germans about a New " Gjergj Kastriot" movie. The Kosovo and Albanian comunities in New york,boston, michigan and philadelphia were going to raise money if necessary to help the make of the movie.
but the Vatican and the Italian goverment were going to suply all the books and a good amount of money for the make of the movie.""
that is what he told me 1 year ago. since then i don't know what happen. hopefully they work something out.
Gibt es eine Quelle wo man das lesen kann?

Was willst du denn da lesen?Da steht das selbe.... glaube kaum das ich das geschrieben habe.