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Skopje Alexander the Great Airport wird WizzAirs 17. Basis


Μακεδоν τ
Die Billigflug Gesellschaft Wizz Air nimmt Skopjes "Alexander the Great Airport" als weitere Basis in ihr Flugprogramm, mit hilfe staatlicher Subventionen werden ab 28.Oktober sechs neue Ziele angeflogen, ab einem Startpreis von 9,99€ plus Flughafengebühren. Die neuen Zielflughäfen sind: MUC = Munich Airport; DTM = Dortmund Airport; BSL = Basel/Mulhouse EuroAirport; EIN = Eindhoven Airport; MMX = Malmo Sturup Airport; BGY = Milan Bergamo Airport.
Der folgende Artikel ist sehr detailliert, so wird auch das fehlen einer nationalen Fluggesellschaft bemängelt und angesprochen Auch der jetzige Marktführer Austrian Airlines wird analysiert..

Macedonia gets big LCC boost following subsidised Wizz Air expansion


The Republic of Macedonia is set to see greatly increased low-cost carrier penetration in winter 2012/13 with the upcoming expansion by Hungarian LCC Wizz Air. Rather than simply increasing competition, the services will open up a wide range of new routes from the Macedonian capital Skopje.
Wizz Air announced earlier this month that it would launch six services from Skopje to Munich,Dortmund, Basel, Eindhoven, Malmo and Milan. The services will commence from the start of the winter 2012/13 schedule. The airline already operates to Skopje from London Luton and Venice Treviso, three times weekly and twice weekly, respectively.

The announcement by Wizz Air follows an international tender from the Macedonian Government, which aimed to attract European LCCs by offering subsidies to cover new services for the next three years. Macedonia currently has a LCC penetration rate of approximately 25%, mainly contributed by Turkish LCC Pegasus Airlines and Wizz Air. Other LCCs including Jetairfly and airberlin offer limited services to Macedonia.

Macedonia lacks home-based carrier following demise of MAT

Macedonia currently does not have an operational national carrier after the collapse of MAT Macedonian Airlines in 2009. In its wake, MAT Airways was established and unveiled plans to operate services to Rome, Barcelona and Prague. But the new MAT has yet to receive an Air Operator’s Certificate (AOC) from Macedonia’s Civil Aviation Directorate (CAD). In Mar-2012 the proposed start-up announced it would initially operate using Romanian carrier Alfa Air’s AOC but these plans have also not yet amounted to anything.
Remaining flag carriers in the other former Yugoslavian countries are also struggling, which has led to suggestions they should unite to secure their futures. Three of these carriers now serve Macedonia: Serbia’s Jat Airways, Croatia Airlines and Slovenia’s Adria Airways.
See related article: Flag carriers of the former Yugoslavia urged to unite
With the lack of a Macedonian carrier, the Turkish operator of Skopje Airport, TAV, tried to persuade Jat Airways and Turkish Airlines to base an aircraft at Skopje. After talks with these two carriers failed, the Macedonian Government issued the international tender to European LCCs.
Wizz Air responded and announced that it will dramatically increase its operations into Skopje with the launch of six new routes subsidised by the Macedonian Government. None of these routes are currently operated by any carrier.

New Wizz Air routes from Skopje in winter 2012/13
SKP-MUCTwice weekly28.Oct-2012
SKP-DTMTwice weekly28.Oct-2012
SKP-BSLThree times weekly30-Oct-2012
SKP-EINTwice weekly28.Oct-2012
SKP-MMXTwice weekly29-Oct-2012
SKP-BGYTwice weekly28.Oct-2012

[TH="bgcolor: #00529F"] Route [/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #00529F"] Frequency [/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #00529F"] Launch date [/TH]
[TH="bgcolor: #00529F"] Aircraft [/TH]
Source: CAPA – Centre for Aviation and Innovata
Note: SKP = Skopje Airport; MUC = Munich Airport; DTM = Dortmund Airport; BSL = Basel/Mulhouse EuroAirport; EIN = Eindhoven Airport; MMX = Malmo Sturup Airport; BGY = Milan Bergamo Airport

Wizz Air will be joined by another LCC, Flydubai, which plans to launch Dubai-Skopje service by the end of 2012. This service will also be operated with the assistance of subsidies from the Macedonian Government until 2015. FlyDubai’s service will commence following the finalisation of the Macedonia-United Arab Emirates bilateral air services agreement, which is expected in Sep-2012, according to Macedonia’s CAD.

Austrian Airlines
is current market leader in Macedonia

Austrian Airlines is now Macedonia’s leading carrier with about a 17% share of international capacity share at Skopje Airport. Jat Airways is the second largest carrier at Skopje, with about a 15% share of capacity, and Croatia Airlines has about a 12% share. LCCs Pegasus and Wizz Air are already the fourth and fifth largest carriers in Skopje, respectively, but Wizz Air’s six new routes will make it the largest carrier at the airport from the end of Oct-2012.
Skopje Airport international capacity by carrier (seats per week): 18-Jun-2012 to 24-Jun-2012

Source: CAPA – Centre for Aviation & Innovata

There are only two airports in Macedonia with commercial service. The second airport is located in the city of Ohrid, which is located just over 100km from the capital. While Skopje is served by 10 carriers, Ohrid is currently served by only two carriers – Jat and Jetairfly – according to Innovata data.
Both Jat and Jetairfly combine Ohrid and Skopje on a single route, with Jetairfly operating twice weekly service on a Brussels-Ohrid-Skopje-Brussels routing and Jat operating one weekly flight on a Belgrade-Ohrid-Skopje-Belgrade routing. Unlike Jat, Jetairfly has the rights to pick up local traffic on the short domestic hop but demand for domestic services in Macedonia is virtually non-existent given the small size of the country.
Macedonia’s two main transportation markets, Eastern Europe and Western Europe, offer similar levels of capacity. Currently there is slightly more capacity to other Eastern European countries but after Wizz Air’s expansion takes place, Western Europe will overtake Eastern Europe as Macedonia’s largest market.

Macedonia international capacity by region (seats per week): 18-Jun-2012 to 24-Jun-2012


Source: CAPA – Centre for Aviation & Innovata

Meanwhile, FlyDubai’s entrance in the Skopje market will give the country its first service to the Middle East and its only route outside Europe. Combined the entrance of FlyDubai and expansion by Wizz Air will give Skopje 21 routes, a 50% increase compared to 14 destinations now served from the Macedonian capital.
As a result, winter 2012/13 will see a major expansion of services at Skopje. Considering winter schedules are usually significantly reduced in the Balkan region compared to peak season summer schedules, the success of the new routes may lead to even greater expansion by Wizz Air and other carriers heading into summer 2013. The expansion of LCCs could impact the existing full service carriers serving Macedonia but with the new routes being to new destinations, for now there will not be any direct competition.

Macedonia gets big LCC boost following subsidised Wizz Air expansion | CAPA

Tourismus in Mazedonien: Wizz Air to add Six new flights from Skopje
As of November 2012, Macedonian citizens will be able to fly from Skopje’s Alexander the Great Airport to six new low-cost flights of the Hungarian airline Wizz Air with Government’s subsidies.

Minister of Transport and Communications Mile Jankieski and Deputy Prime Ministers Zoran Stavreski and Vladimir Pesevski announced this at Thursday's press conference presenting the government’s decision to subsiding Wizz Air, company that was chosen as a result of the international tender call to low-cost airlines which offers government subsidies to those willing to operate flights to Macedonian capital.

Wizz Air flights will be subsided over the next 3 years. As of Oct. 28 should launch flights to Milan, Eindhoven, Dortmund and Munch twice a week, as of Oct. 29 flights to Malmo twice a week as well as flights to Basel three times a week as of Oct. 30.

Anmerkung: Makedonische Medien berichten das diese sechs Ziele ab Skopje zu Startpreisen ab 9,99€ "one way" zusätzlich Flughafengebühren erhältlich sein werden.

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Шест нови авиолинии за цена од 9.99 евра
Четврток, 14 Јуни 2012 12:43

Унгарската авиокомпанија „Виз Ер“ ќе добива субвенции од Владата на Република Македонија и ќе отвори најмалку шест нови редовни авиолинии кон европските градови.

Ова денес го соопштија министерот за финансии Зоран Ставрески, министерот за транспорт и врски Миле Јанакиески и вицепремиерот задолжен за економски прашања Владимир Пешевски.

Министерот Јанакиески соопшти дека компанијата до месец ноември ќе воспостави шест нови редовни авиолинии.

-Компанијата има обврска до ноември да воспостави линии двапати неделно до Милано, Ајндховен, Минхен, Дортмунд, Малме и трипати неделно до Базел, истакна Јанакиески.

Тој додаде дека до крајот на оваа година компанијата треба да има формирано база на Аеродромот Александар Велики, со најмалку еден авион.

Вицепремиерот задолжен за економски прашања Владимир Пешевски соопшти дека оваа мерка за субвенционирање на авиолинии ќе допринесе за зголемување на бројот на туристи во Македононија и истовремено македонските граѓани ќе можат да патуваат во европските градови по пониски цени.

-Според првичните информации почетните цени на авиобилетите ќе бидат од 9.99 евра во еден правец, плус аеродромските такси, соопшти Пешевски.

Der positive Aufwärtstrend der sich nach der Übernahme des Flughafens durch die türkisch TAV zeigt, könnte somit noch gesteigert werden:

Artikel vom 31.12.2011
Macedonias airports record impressive passenger number growthSkopje is enjoying a significant increase in the number of passengers since it opened the doors to its new terminal in September. Last month, Macedonia’s main hub welcomed 56.180 passengers, an increase of 17.1% compared to the same month last year. The strong growth was followed up by an increase in the number of flights being operated to Alexander the Great Airport , up 15.4% on November 2010.

Ohrid Airport, on the other hand, welcomed 1.332 passengers. Combined, the two handled 57.512 passengers, up from 50.541 passengers last November.
Gute sache Basel Flughafen ist aber Scheisse die wo in kennen Wissen warum;)
"Alexander the Great" Airport :facepalm: :lol:

Wen man dort hingeht sieht man sowieso nur Albaner :troll:
Die meisten Tickets sind ja von Prishtina Airlines haha:)

Aber besser von diesen Airport abfliegen als von Ohrid oder?
Wizz Air investiert 80 Mio. Dollar in MK und eröffnet 300 neue Arbeitsplätze.

In diesem Artikel steht das diese 6 Ziele für preise INKLUSIV Flughafengebühren für 8,99 bis 17,99 Euro angeflogen werden!!!!!!

Визер ќе инвестира 80 милиони долари и ќе отвори 300 нови работни места во Македонија

20.06.2012 - 13:23 | Унгарската авиокомпанија Визер со субвенции од Владата денеска најави оперирање на шест нови дестинации од Македонија по цени кои во еден правец со вклучени аеродромски такси ќе се движат од 8,99 евра до 17,99 евра.

По потпишувањето на Договорот за субвенционирање со министерот за транспорт и врски Миле Јанакиески, извршниот потпретседател на Визер Џон Стивенсон информира дека инвестицијата за старт со oперирање на новите дестинации ќе ги чини 80 милиони долари што ќе биде проследено со отворање 300 нови работни места.
Од 28 октомври годинава Визер треба да почне со летови од Скопје кон Дортмунд и Ајнховен, а цената на билетите кои се веќе во продажба во еден правец со вклучени такси ќе изнесува 12,99, односно 17,99 евра.
Двапати неделно унгарскиот авиопревозник ќе сообраќа кон Малме, Милано и Минхен од 29 октомври, за каде билетите ќе чинат по 17,99 евра и 8,99 евра.
Трипати неделно Визер ќе сообраќа до Базел од 30 октомври, а цената на билетот е, исто така, 17,99 евра. Од следното лето, според Стивенсон, Визер ќе воведе летови и кон Брисел, а се размислува и за Рим и Барселона зависно од потребите на граѓаните.
Плановите на авиокомпанијата се да ангажира вработени од локалното население. Првично пилотскиот кадар ќе биде од страна, но подоцна се планира ангажман од Македонија. За субвенционирање на Визер, македонската Влада согласно потпишаниот тригодишен Договор ќе одвои 306 милиони денари.
Министерот за транспорт и врски Миле Јанакиески оцени дека дестинациите што се воведуваат од наесен со субвенционирањето на Визер се атрактивни и ќе одговорат на потребите на граѓаните за поврзување со Европа.
Man das ist fast zu schön um wahr zu sein. Bei solchen Preisen würde ich natürlich öfter nach MK fliegen hoffe sie halten ihre Versprechungen