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sprüche, zitate, gedichte, reime, lieder, verse.....

Man kann nicht jeden Tag etwas Großes tun, aber gewiss immer etwas Gutes.

Verlierer denken darüber nach, warum etwas nicht gehen könnte.
Gewinner denken darüber nach, wie etwas geht.

Wer heute nichts tut, lebt morgen wie gestern!

Brennende Kerzen
Ich denke an Dich - brennende Kerzen,
eine grosse Leere - in meinem Herzen.

Ich vermisse Dich - Schatten und Licht,
Tränen der Sehnsucht - auf meinem Gesicht.

Das Kind hängt an der Mutter,
Der Bauer an dem Land,
Der Protestant an Luther,
Das Ölbild an der Wand.
Der Weinberg hängt voll Reben,
Der Hund an Herrchens Blick,
Der eine hängt am Leben,
Der andere am Strick...
"Wash Away Those Years" - Creed

She came calling
One early morning
She showed her crown of thorns
She whispered softly
To tell a story
About how she had been wronged
As she lay lifeless
He stole her innocence
And this is how she carried on
This is how she carried on

Well I guess she closed her eyes
And just imagined everything's alright
But she could not hide her tears
'Cause they were sent to wash away those years
They were sent to wash away those years

My anger's violent
But still I'm silent
When tragedy strikes at home
I know this decadence Is shared by millions
Remember you're not alone
Remember you're not alone

Well if you just close your eyes
And just imagine everything's alright
But do not hide your tears
'Cause they were sent to wash away those years
Well if you just close your eyes
And just imagine everything's alright
But do not hide your tears
'Cause they were sent to wash away those years
They were sent to wash away those years
Maybe we can wash away those years

For we have crossed many oceans
And we labor in between
In life there are many quotients
And I hope I find the mean
the mean, the mean

Well if you just close your eyes
And just imagine everything's alright
But do not hide your tears
'Cause they were sent to wash away those years
Well if you just close your eyes
And just imagine everything's alright
But do not hide your tears
'Cause they were sent to wash away those years
Maybe we can wash away those years
I hope that you can wash away those years