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sprüche, zitate, gedichte, reime, lieder, verse.....


This is a true story about friendship that runs deeper than blood.
This is my story & that of the only 3 friends in my life who truly mattered.
Two of them were killers who never made it past the age of thirty.
The other is a non-practicing attorney living with the pain of his past...
...too afraid to let it go, never confronting its horror.
I'm the only one who could speak for them...and the children we were.
My three friends and I were inseparable...
...happy and content to live in the closed world of Hell's Kitchen.
The West Side streets of Manhattan were our private playground...
...a cement kingdom where we felt we were nothing less than absolute rulers.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Michael Sullivan lives in a small town in the English countryside...
...where he works part-time as a carpenter.
He no longer practices law, and he has never married.
He lives quietly and alone.
Carol still works for a Social Service agency and lives in Hell's Kitchen.
She has never married...
...but is a single mother supporting a growing -year-old son.
The boy, John Thomas Michael Martinez, loves to read...
...and is called Shakes by his mother.
It was our special night, and we held it for as long as we could.
It was our happy ending.
And the last time we would ever be together again.
The future lay sparkling ahead...
...and we thought we would know each other forever.
Niemand weiß, wie lange ich dich noch lieben werde, doch eines Tages wird mein Hass gewinnen.
"Der Schleier zieht sich zu, Wolken ziehen auf, nie wieder Sonnenschein. Ich dreh mich um und lauf, mit Tränen im Gesicht durch die Strassen im Gewitter, das Stechen in mein Herzen fühlt sich an wie tausend Splitter, manchmal ist die Wahrheit bitter, doch noch leichter zu ertragen als viel zu viele Fragen die dich nerven, quälen, plagen. So langsam wird mir klar, das ich dich nie wieder krige, doch ich will nur das du weisst dass ich dich auf ewig liebe!"
"I mean, one half a step too late or too early and you don't quite make it. One half second too slow, too fast and you don't quite catch it. The inches we need are everywhere around us"