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Srebrenica CSI

Internationale Forensische Experten fanden kürzlich ein neues Massengrab mit 850 Ermordeten,

Bisher konnten dank DNA-Analysen 5600 Opfer indentifiziert werden, die Opfer wurden zuerst in 3 Massengräber beerdigt dann auf 70 weitere verteilt um Spuren zu verwischen.

BOSNIAN forensic experts have completed exhumation of a mass grave believed to contain dozens of victims of the 1995 Srebrenica massacre, prosecutors said today.
"Thirty skeletons and 851 detached human bones have been exhumed from the grave," Jasna Subotic, spokeswoman for the prosecution office in the eastern city of Tuzla, said.
Many victims had their hands and legs tied with a rope, she said.
"As the bodies are so defragmented the experts collected many small bones, enough to fill 19 plastic bags," Ms Subotic said.
Several identification documents and jewelry were found with the remains.
The exact number of victims would only be known after DNA testing.
There were total of 12 graves discovered in Kamenica, a small village near the eastern town of Zvornik, where hundreds of bodies have already been uncovered.
Experts believe the remains belong to Srebrenica victims as the identification of previously uncovered remains from other Kamenica sites proved they all belonged to those killed in the massacre.
Kamenica's Muslims abandoned the village, which lies close to the border with Serbia, during Bosnia's 1992-1995 war.
Serb forces overran the then UN-protected Muslim enclave of Srebrenica in the final phase of the war, summarily killing some 8000 Muslim men and boys in Europe's single worst atrocity since World War II.
The victims were initially buried in a dozen mass graves, but were later moved elsewhere in a bid to cover up war crimes.
The remains of thousands of the victims have been exhumed from about 70 mass graves around the ill-fated town, with more than 5600 people identified by DNA analysis.
Bosnian Serb wartime leader Radovan Karadzic is being tried before a UN tribunal in The Hague on charges of genocide and crimes against humanity for atrocities including the Srebrenica massacre.
Karadzic's army commander and co-accused in the genocide case, former Bosnian Serb general Ratko Mladic, remains at large.

Die Ausgrabungungen und Untersuchungen werden von ICMP- International Comitee for Missing Persons in Bosnien geleitet.

ein echter Drecks-Job, ich meine, jemand muss es machen, aber da muss man sicher psychisch recht viel verkraften können. Diese Bilder sind echt grausam. Da empfinde ich echt Mitleid mit den Angehörigen dieser Leichen.
Ist da eigentlich noch immer diese Amerikanerin unten, die forensische Spezailistin, die kostenlos bei der Aufklärung und Identifikation hilft?
Das ICMP und Rote Kreuz überwachen und unterstützen die Behörden, vorallem haben sie sich zum Ziel gesetzt politische Manipulation der Opferzahlen zu verhindern sondern eine lückenlose aufklärung zu ermöglichen, nicht nur in Srebrenica sondern in Ganz Bosnien

ICMP, ICRC and other organizations. The central list will be subject to a rigorous verification process that will ensure its accuracy and eliminate political manipulation of numbers of missing persons.

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Also nicht alle Serben hier im Forum sagen dass es das Massaker niemals gegeben hätte, bleibt mal fair :happyhippy: