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Stars vor und nach Schönheits-op´s

Gina lisa lohfink
Rechts - vorher ,links - nachher


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waaas ist dass? hat sie einen waffenschein für ihre fresse?

[smilie=to funny.gi:

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Nikki Cox


Angelina Jolie

Lindsay Lohan 2003 :love10:

Btw: Zum Thema passende, aktuelle Story (Eine Chinese hat nach geschiedener Ehe seine Frau erfolgreich auf Schadenersatzzahlungen verklagen können - Die Frau habe ihn, indem sie sich noch vor der Ehe mit zahlreichen Schönheitsoperationen aufpeppte , in die Irre geführt. Ein "unglaublich hässliches Kind" habe erst die Geschichte ans Tageslicht gebracht.
Die Frau: Links vor der OP, rechts danach.

Chinese man sues wife for being ugly and wins
A man from northern China divorced and sued his wife earlier this year for being ugly. That’s not a joke.
Neither is this: That man recently won the lawsuit.
That man is Jian Feng and he said his issues with his wife’s looks only began after the couple’s daughter was born. Feng was appalled by the child’s appearance, calling her “incredibly ugly” and saying she resembled neither one of her parents.
With that being the case, Feng initially accused his wife of cheating. It was at that point that his wife, who has not been named, came forward, saying she had spent $100,000 on intense plastic surgeries to drastically change her appearance before she met Feng.
She never told Feng about those surgeries.
When Feng found out about the procedures, he filed the lawsuit. He said the woman convinced him to marry her under false pretenses.
A judge agreed, awarding Feng $120,000.

Both of these photos show Jian Feng's Chinese wife. The shot on the left shows her before she underwent $100,000 of plastic surgery, and the shot on the right shows her after those extensive procedures.
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