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Switzerland,Greece or Italy ... think again ALBANIA!


With its crisp, clean air and snow-capped mountains, Tropoje Albania is a vision for the soul.With more and more travelers looking to take a breather from pollution, it’s no surprise that destinations are starting to boast about having the world’s cleanest air. In Tropoja, Kukes and dukagjin, Shkodra. You’ll find number of interesting villages from one end of the country to the other, each with its own special charm.One of the most beautiful and striking mountain chains in the world, which rise above the surrounding land like islands of rock in a sea of green. Each of the major gruppos stands alone, each to be enjoyed like a sculpture from all angles, set apart from one other by deep channels of river Valbona, and Drini valleys and connected by some of the most breathtaking passes in the world. The rock soars near vertical, forming towers, spires, castles, and battlements, the pockmarked cliffs and frequent shrouds of mist lending a tattered medieval atmosphere.Nature has definitely smiled upon this remote spot on Earth and that so much of it remains untouched by human habitation is, perhaps, Tropoje’s biggest attraction. It can’t be appreciated through the window of a tour bus, one must get out to explore the National Parks, stand on one of those spectacular mountains peaks and breathe some of the cleanest air in the world or, deep in the forest in place call Sylbica, Doberdol , sit by a waterfall and watch the fine mist settle on those magnificent giant trees. If you love food, you’ll be in heaven here. Taste the local wild honey, it’s the best anywhere, or dip your bread in olive oil and ‘bush dust’, a delicious concoction of various herbs and spices. Although tourism to Albania has increased tremendously in recent times, Tropoja has yet to find its place on the travel list for Americans. So far, it’s mostly mainland Albanians and Europeans who come here to enjoy nature’s bounty, learn about the fascinating history, and take away some truly incredible experiences.

mir hat das mal eine US-Amerikanerin so erzählt:

"Wir machen einen ganzen Monat Europa-Urlaub.
Eine ganze Woche sind wir in Europa und nur 21 Tage in Greece."

Vielleicht macht man Werbung in den USA, damit die USA-Touristen wenigsten auf der Durchreise von "Europa" nach "Greece" sich für ein paar Stündchen in Nordepirus aufhalte. Die anderen Angelsachsen Europas fliegen ja gleich direkt nach Greece.

Was? Griechenland ist also kein Europa? Unterlass es bitte den Thread zu zu spammen.


With its crisp, clean air and snow-capped mountains, Tropoje Albania is a vision for the soul.With more and more travelers looking to take a breather from pollution, it’s no surprise that destinations are starting to boast about having the world’s cleanest air. In Tropoja, Kukes and dukagjin, Shkodra. You’ll find number of interesting villages from one end of the country to the other, each with its own special charm.One of the most beautiful and striking mountain chains in the world, which rise above the surrounding land like islands of rock in a sea of green. Each of the major gruppos stands alone, each to be enjoyed like a sculpture from all angles, set apart from one other by deep channels of river Valbona, and Drini valleys and connected by some of the most breathtaking passes in the world. The rock soars near vertical, forming towers, spires, castles, and battlements, the pockmarked cliffs and frequent shrouds of mist lending a tattered medieval atmosphere.Nature has definitely smiled upon this remote spot on Earth and that so much of it remains untouched by human habitation is, perhaps, Tropoje’s biggest attraction. It can’t be appreciated through the window of a tour bus, one must get out to explore the National Parks, stand on one of those spectacular mountains peaks and breathe some of the cleanest air in the world or, deep in the forest in place call Sylbica, Doberdol , sit by a waterfall and watch the fine mist settle on those magnificent giant trees. If you love food, you’ll be in heaven here. Taste the local wild honey, it’s the best anywhere, or dip your bread in olive oil and ‘bush dust’, a delicious concoction of various herbs and spices. Although tourism to Albania has increased tremendously in recent times, Tropoja has yet to find its place on the travel list for Americans. So far, it’s mostly mainland Albanians and Europeans who come here to enjoy nature’s bounty, learn about the fascinating history, and take away some truly incredible experiences.

