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[Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri] - Turkish Armed Forces - Türkische Streitkräfte

Dann beweis mir das Gegenteil.

Beruf dich bei deinen Quellen meinetwegen auch auf netzfrauen.org und ichwerdegebummst.de.

Soll ich dich zum weinen bringen? lol

Du hast schon zu viel Aufmerksamkeit von mir geschenkt bekommen für heute.

Kannst ja selber recherchieren wie Griechenland alle russischen Systeme ins heimische Verteidigungsnetzwerk integriert hat.
Muss wohl weh tun, jedes mal falsch zu liegen :lol:

Soll ich dich zum weinen bringen? lol

Du hast schon zu viel Aufmerksamkeit von mir geschenkt bekommen für heute.

Kannst ja selber recherchieren wie Griechenland alle russischen Systeme ins heimische Verteidigungsnetzwerk integriert hat.
Muss wohl weh tun, jedes mal falsch zu liegen :lol:

Keine Antwort?

Nun gut ich warte
Dauert mir zu lange. Lese und lerne

Warning Radar Systems​

Defense News November 2020 Global Security army industry Posted On Monday, 16 November 2020 14:37

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Turkish defence company Aselsan concluded the design phase of the new EIRS portable early warning radar system, the Turkish Presidency of Defense Industries (SSB) announced in November 2018. Aselsan has now completed this design phase. The first delivery of the system is planned for 2021, Cemal Acar reports on Twitter.
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Army Recognition Global Defense and Security news

The system consists of subsystems that can be transported on 10-ton class vehicles (Picture source: DefenceTürk.net via Twitter account of Cemal Acar)

EİRS is a new generation S-Band radar, developed for long range early warning purposes, with AESA and digital beamforming antenna architecture. In addition to air-breathing air targets, EIRS also has the ability to detect and track Ballistic Missiles and targets with stealth technology/ low RKA from long range.
Thanks to its EIRS, AESA and digital beamforming architecture and its multi-channel receiver structure, it has the ability to create more than one beam at the same time. EIRS has the feature of using meteorological data in order to increase its detection and tracking performance.

Army Recognition Global Defense and Security news

The radar, communication/command control and power subsystems that make up the EIRS are carried on tactical vehicles. For this reason, EİRS, which has high mobility, does not require any disassembly and assembly for installation and assembly. By connecting to existing radar networks, EİRS can share messages in AWCIES format, 3D aerial image with other systems and Control Notification Centers via radio or radio links.
EIRS has the ability to fuse data with other EIRSs and transfer trace information to transfer targets, which are critical for ballistic missile defense. The long range Mode 5 IFF interrogator is integrated with a high gain IFF antenna to support the operational modes of the radar. EIRS's AESA architecture and modular design approach support the concepts of low cost maintenance and high availability. EIRS has electronic protection features such as wide frequency band frequency and time mobility, side beam dimming, and low side beam levels.

Army Recognition Global Defense and Security news

The system consists of subsystems that can be transported on 10-ton class vehicles (Picture source: DefenceTürk.net via Twitter account of Cemal Acar)

Portable Early Warning Radar System (TEIRS): 4. Fixed Early Warning Radar System (SEIRS): 18 units. Some of these radars will replace older radars. Others will be deployed in areas with low altitude vulnerability due to rugged geography, depending on the need for radar coverage. In this context, ASELSAN works on two different long-range air surveillance and early warning radars with a rotating and fixed antenna using Active Phased Array Antenna technology.
EIRS will be able to detect air-to-air missiles, air-to-ground missiles, low-flying cruise missiles, anti-radiation missiles, llow face and low cross section UAVs, helicopters, airplanes, tactical, short, medium range ballistic missiles. Maximum detection range: 600+ km (target 700 km). Number of targets that can be tracked at the same time: 200-300. Broadcast frequency: X Band. Antenna: Active phased array. 3-dimensional target search, detection and tracking (coordinates and altitude). Automatic target classification. IFF (Friend/foe identification) inquiry. Separate beams for searching and tracking. Integration to control reporting centers and NATO ACCS. Electronic warfare resistant. Compliance with air and missile defense systems. Reducing the reaction time by directly transferring target information to weapon systems. Ability to work in all weather conditions and day/night. Ability to eliminate false target echoes that wind power plants can create
The system consists of the following subsystems that can be transported on 10-ton class vehicles: radar subsystem tool, command control vehicle, radio link subsystem tool, generator tool, local control from the command control vehicle or remotely from the command control and assembly time in 30 minutes.

Army Recognition Global Defense and Security news

The system consists of subsystems that can be transported on 10-ton class vehicles (Picture source: DefenceTürk.net via Twitter account of Cemal Acar)

Du könntest Millionen mit deinem Fachwissen verdienen. Beratervertag für die griechische Luftwaffe ist auf jeden Fall drin. Wenn die wüssten, dass sie 50% ihrer eigenen Flugzeuge abschiessen werden hätten sie das alles nie gekauft.

Man merkt hier ganz klar, griechische Militärs verstehen davon einfach nicht so viel wie du. Aber klar, jahrelang Beiträge im BF gelesen und geschrieben, so eine Fachausbildung bekommst du sosntnirgends.


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Türkei feiert ihre 2230 Jahre Türkische Militär bestehen jetzt fragen sich die Hirnamputierten wie geht das denn einfach Geschichtsbücher Aufschlagen und schauen welche Türkische Imperien es gab von Osmanen bis Seldschuken von Seldschuken bis Göktürken usw. 😉😎
Dauert mir zu lange. Lese und lerne

Warning Radar Systems​

Defense News November 2020 Global Security army industry Posted On Monday, 16 November 2020 14:37

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Turkish defence company Aselsan concluded the design phase of the new EIRS portable early warning radar system, the Turkish Presidency of Defense Industries (SSB) announced in November 2018. Aselsan has now completed this design phase. The first delivery of the system is planned for 2021, Cemal Acar reports on Twitter.
Follow Army Recognition on Google News at this link

Army Recognition Global Defense and Security news

The system consists of subsystems that can be transported on 10-ton class vehicles (Picture source: DefenceTürk.net via Twitter account of Cemal Acar)

EİRS is a new generation S-Band radar, developed for long range early warning purposes, with AESA and digital beamforming antenna architecture. In addition to air-breathing air targets, EIRS also has the ability to detect and track Ballistic Missiles and targets with stealth technology/ low RKA from long range.
Thanks to its EIRS, AESA and digital beamforming architecture and its multi-channel receiver structure, it has the ability to create more than one beam at the same time. EIRS has the feature of using meteorological data in order to increase its detection and tracking performance.

Army Recognition Global Defense and Security news

The radar, communication/command control and power subsystems that make up the EIRS are carried on tactical vehicles. For this reason, EİRS, which has high mobility, does not require any disassembly and assembly for installation and assembly. By connecting to existing radar networks, EİRS can share messages in AWCIES format, 3D aerial image with other systems and Control Notification Centers via radio or radio links.
EIRS has the ability to fuse data with other EIRSs and transfer trace information to transfer targets, which are critical for ballistic missile defense. The long range Mode 5 IFF interrogator is integrated with a high gain IFF antenna to support the operational modes of the radar. EIRS's AESA architecture and modular design approach support the concepts of low cost maintenance and high availability. EIRS has electronic protection features such as wide frequency band frequency and time mobility, side beam dimming, and low side beam levels.

Army Recognition Global Defense and Security news

The system consists of subsystems that can be transported on 10-ton class vehicles (Picture source: DefenceTürk.net via Twitter account of Cemal Acar)

Portable Early Warning Radar System (TEIRS): 4. Fixed Early Warning Radar System (SEIRS): 18 units. Some of these radars will replace older radars. Others will be deployed in areas with low altitude vulnerability due to rugged geography, depending on the need for radar coverage. In this context, ASELSAN works on two different long-range air surveillance and early warning radars with a rotating and fixed antenna using Active Phased Array Antenna technology.
EIRS will be able to detect air-to-air missiles, air-to-ground missiles, low-flying cruise missiles, anti-radiation missiles, llow face and low cross section UAVs, helicopters, airplanes, tactical, short, medium range ballistic missiles. Maximum detection range: 600+ km (target 700 km). Number of targets that can be tracked at the same time: 200-300. Broadcast frequency: X Band. Antenna: Active phased array. 3-dimensional target search, detection and tracking (coordinates and altitude). Automatic target classification. IFF (Friend/foe identification) inquiry. Separate beams for searching and tracking. Integration to control reporting centers and NATO ACCS. Electronic warfare resistant. Compliance with air and missile defense systems. Reducing the reaction time by directly transferring target information to weapon systems. Ability to work in all weather conditions and day/night. Ability to eliminate false target echoes that wind power plants can create
The system consists of the following subsystems that can be transported on 10-ton class vehicles: radar subsystem tool, command control vehicle, radio link subsystem tool, generator tool, local control from the command control vehicle or remotely from the command control and assembly time in 30 minutes.

Army Recognition Global Defense and Security news

The system consists of subsystems that can be transported on 10-ton class vehicles (Picture source: DefenceTürk.net via Twitter account of Cemal Acar)

die katarischen rafale jets ,konnten ohne probleme in einem radius von 600km vom türkischen radar geortet werden.

der neue heimische mehrzweckhubschrauber t-625 gökbey. prototyp nr 3

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