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[Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri] - Turkish Armed Forces - Türkische Streitkräfte

Turkey’s TAI and Italy’s AgustaWestland have a good chance of winning a bid to jointly produce 30 helicopters for South Korea, an official tells the Daily News


This file photo shows an A-129 helicopter, manufactured by AgustaWestland. The Italian company and Turkey’s TAI offers the T-129, a version developed for the Turkish military, to South Korea. The T-129 has been shortlisted by the Asian party. Hürriyet photo

A team of Turkish and Italian companies is seeking to win a South Korean contract for 30 attack helicopters worth $1 billion with the group’s T-129 gunship, a senior Turkish procurement official said Nov. 2.
“South Korea’s competition is a major one for at least 30 gunships and the T-129 has been shortlisted among a very small number of candidates. It has very good chances to become the winner,” said an Ankara-based defense analyst.
The partnership is between Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) and Italy’s AgustaWestland, which presently is co-producing 59 T-129s, a Turkish version of the Italian company’s A-129 Mangusta International, for the Turkish Army.
A senior TAI team went to Seoul last month to discuss a possible deal for the attack helicopters, the procurement official said.
AgustaWestland won a Turkish contract in 2008 worth billions of dollars to jointly build with TAI 50 T-129s for the Turkish Army.
Following intensified attacks by the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) against Turkish targets in the summer of 2010, Ankara signed another contract with AgustaWestland for the production of nine additional T-129s for the Army. Those nine attack helicopters are planned to be delivered to Turkey by the end of next year.
Turkey and Italy said the T-129 would be exported to allied and friendly countries. South Korea is the first known third country interested in buying this chopper.
Separately, the arms-selling body of the Pentagon on Oct. 28 notified the U.S. Congress that it intends to sell three AH-1W Super Cobra attack helicopters to Turkey, whose Army uses these gunships effectively against the PKK. These choppers are due to arrive from the inventory of the U.S. Marine Corps. If no congressional opposition comes by Nov. 13, the sale will automatically be approved.
Turkey earlier this year signed a multibillion-dollar contract with the U.S. Sikorsky Aircraft for joint production with TAI of more than 100 T-70 military and civilian utility helicopters, a Turkish version of the U.S. company’s S-70i Black Hawk International.
TAI also plans to produce a light utility helicopter, weighing less than 5,500 kgs, with an international partner to be selected next year.
Turkey also signed a $400 million contract with the U.S. Boeing to buy six CH-47 heavy lift helicopters, the first in the inventory.
Turkey and South Korea are major political allies since Korean War in the early 1950s and have boosted defense cooperation over the past 10 years. Turkey is manufacturing howitzers under South Korean license.
They also are jointly building a basic trainer aircraft for the Turkish Air Force. A South Korean company is providing Turkey with technology transfer and know-how for the manufacture of Turkey’s first national battle tank. TAI and South Korea are discussing possible cooperation for the construction of a joint fighter aircraft in the 2020s.
But a team from Turkey’s procurement office and the German HDW shipyards are competing with South Korea’s Daewoo to win a $1 billion Indonesian contract for at least 2 Class-209 submarines.

Gunship offer hard to refuse for Seoul - Hurriyet Daily News
Türkei wird sein Millitär Budget im jahre 2012 von 6 Millarden auf 10 Millarden aufstocken.

Turkey unveils $10bn military budget


Turkey's Defense Minister Ismet Yilmaz

Turkey's Defense Minister Ismet Yilmaz has submitted the country's 18.2-billion-lira (USD 10-billion) military budget for 2012 to the Turkish parliament, Press TV reports.

Attending the parliament's planning and budget commission on Friday, Yilmaz also announced ambitious defense projects including the production of national military aircraft.

The minister noted that Turkey will begin producing a domestically-made helicopter within five years and its own fighter jets in 10 years.

He added that the country has also launched a project to set up a home-made missile defense system.

In October, Turkey announced that it will begin the mass production of its first domestically-made cruise missile, named SOM, in 2012, as part of Ankara's plans to reduce defense reliance on foreign countries.

Meanwhile, Turkey has boosted the budget of its National Intelligence Organization (MIT) in response to public anger over the death of two dozen Turkish soldiers in a recent battle with the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) terrorist group.

Turkey's MIT and the security forces will receive an additional USD 6 billion from the defense industry support fund, provided by the government.

PressTV - Turkey unveils $10bn military budget
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Weiss jemand über die neuen Soldaten etwas bescheid die ab 2012 auf den Bergen eingesetzt werden ? Die Ausbildung 15 Tausend dieser Soldaten ist fast beendet
sie sollen in den Bergen leben und gezielt töten soviel ich weiss.
TÜBİTAK to develop critical NATO software


TÜBİTAK will develop NATO software enabling members to access NATO’s military radio frequency database.
The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TÜBİTAK) will develop software that will allow NATO members to access NATO's military radio frequency database and automate the coordination of NATO's communication infrastructure, the Anatolia news agency reported on Tuesday. TÜBİTAK began developing several programs for Turkey's National Frequency Management System (MFYS) in 2001, and these studies have borne fruit in the international arena, when the Advanced Technology Institute (İLTAREN), the department of TÜBİTAK that handles frequency management projects, won a 2011 NATO tender to reconfigure NATO's military frequency spectrum software. İLTAREN was previously awarded NATO tenders in 2009-2010 to develop a new software program which was essential to the infrastructure for NATO frequency management.
The MFYS project helped the Turkish General Staff improve its data management infrastructure and technical message analysis, developing its frequency management at the strategic level. Thanks to TÜBİTAK's work, the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) became the first to be able to send messages using NATO's frequency spectrum that comply with the standards laid out by the SDG, a NATO project to standardize the communication database that coordinates data transfer among the military forces of member countries. Turkey works together with the US, the UK and the Netherlands as the Standardization Drafting Group (SDG) to reconfigure the NATO's military radio frequency spectrum, called SMADEF-XML, and to standardize frequency management.
Alper Kutay, the head of İLTAREN, told Anatolia on Tuesday that it is no coincidence that his department has won three consecutive NATO tenders in the field of frequency spectrum resources, because Turkey has made significant progress in information technology.

Milli tanka milli motor

Türk milli tankı Altay için kolları sıvayan Savunma Sanayii Müsteşarlığı, milli imkanlarla motor üretilmesi için düğmeye bastı.

Geçmişte bu amaçla bir konferans düzenleyen müsteşarlık vizyonunu çizdi ve aralarında Otosan, Pi Makina, Hema Dişli, İTÜ gibi pek çok kuruma davet gönderdi. Hürriyet gazetesinin haberine göre; SSM Müsteşarı Murad Bayar, motorla ilgili planlarını şöyle özetledi:

Araçlara motor

Yalnız Altay tankı için motor üretmenin yatırım maliyetleri çok yüksek olur. Biz yalnız tanka değil, yüksek motor gücüne ihtiyaç duyan zırhlı kara araçlarına ve deniz araçlarına bu motoru koyacağız. İhtiyaca göre motorun özellikleri değişse de temeli aynı olacak. Böylece bir motor ailesinden bahsedebiliriz. Bu durumda yatırım maliyetleri çok daha karşılanabilir olacak.

Çok sayıda firma

Motor ve güç aktarımı konusunda çalışan pek çok firma var ancak bu tek bir firmanın altından kalkabileceği bir konu değil. Firmalara ne beklediğimizi, kriterlerimizi anlattık. Maliyeti çok kaba hatlarıyla belli oldu ancak şu aşamada rakam söylemek doğru olmaz.

Milli tanka milli motor - Sabah