Das Türkische Herr ist von 500.000 Man auf 720.000 Man Gestiegen.
Türkei wird noch die 1.000.000 knacken.
Turkish General Staff discloses personnel numbers
There are 460,000 conscripted soldiers in the military. Hürriyet photo
The chief of General Staff disclosed a detailed list of Turkish Armed Forces personnel on its website today.
It was the first time that the military publicized information regarding its personnel numbers.
According to the information on the website, there are a total of 720,000 military and civilian personnel in the Turkish Armed Forces, including 365 generals and admirals.
Conscripts make up the bulk of the armed forces with more than 465,000 soldiers.
There are nearly 40,000 officers and 96,000 noncommissioned officers in the military while specialist personnel – professional corporals and sergeants – amount to almost 202,000.
Number of personnel
General/admiral: 365
Officer: 39,975
Noncommissioned officer: 95,824
Specialist gendermarie: 24,700
Specialist soldier: 40,515
Total specialist personnel: 201,379
Reserve officer (drafted): 6,829
Conscript: 458,368
Total conscript: 465,197
Total military personnel: 666,576
Civilian personnel: 53,424
Grand total: 720,000
Top 10 military in size of military personel:
1- China: 2.225.000
2- USA: 1.426.713
3- India: 1.325.000
4- North Korea: 1.106.000
5- Russia: 1.037.000
6- Turkey : 720,000
7- South Korea: 687.000
8- Pakistan: 619.000
9- Vietnam: 484.000
10- Egypt: 450.000
Turkish General Staff discloses personnel numbers - Hurriyet Daily News