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[Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri] - Turkish Armed Forces - Türkische Streitkräfte

hy jungs, mal neh frage in die runde.

kann mir mal einer sagen, warum TAI das projekt "Talarion" einfach so aufgegeben bzw nicht weiterfortgeführt hat!? nachdem es doch finanzelle probleme für denn ersten prototypen zwischen denn mitgliedern der EADS gab, hätte man doch einfach am projekt weiterarbeiten können b.z sich einige rechte erkaufen können.

kann es einfach nicht nachvollziehen, dass Sie solch eine chance aus denn händen geben.

Würde mich echt freuen wenn unser ANKA / C vom optischen und Technischen ansatzweise wie der Talarion wird.




Kardesh, Damit hast du deine Frage selber beantwortet.
Der Preis zur Herstellung von so einem Teil war so Schweine Teuer, dass man anstatt so ein Teil, 2-3 Ankas/c produzieren kann.
Ich habe auch eine Frage, und zwar wann will die Türkei entscheiden wer den LPD baut und von wem sie das Flug-Abwehrsystem kaufen will? ( bitte Datum nennen, ich weiß leider nur das es in diesem Jahr ist.)
zum talarion selbst, dieses programm wurde aufgrund von finanziellen schwiriegkeiten von eads eingestellt. in der plannungsphase wollte man noch diese mit türkischer "hilfe" noch realisieren, was jetzt ja aber hinfällig geworden ist. eigenständig an dem programm kann TAI selbstverständlich nicht arbeiten, da es sich ja nicht um ihr prokekt handelt. zum LPD programm: Savunma Sanayii Müste was die entscheidung der flugabwehrsystemen belangt, so ist noch keine gefallen und auf unbestimmte zeit verschoben, soweit ich weiss.

gut informiert sind eigentlich die offiziellen seiten oder trmilitary.
zum talarion selbst, dieses programm wurde aufgrund von finanziellen schwiriegkeiten von eads eingestellt. in der plannungsphase wollte man noch diese mit türkischer "hilfe" noch realisieren, was jetzt ja aber hinfällig geworden ist. eigenständig an dem programm kann TAI selbstverständlich nicht arbeiten, da es sich ja nicht um ihr prokekt handelt. zum LPD programm: Savunma Sanayii Müste was die entscheidung der flugabwehrsystemen belangt, so ist noch keine gefallen und auf unbestimmte zeit verschoben, soweit ich weiss.

gut informiert sind eigentlich die offiziellen seiten oder trmilitary.

soviel ich weiß, wurden diese Entscheidungen verschoben, aber man wolle eventuell in der nächsten SSM Sitzung darüber reden, aber wann ist diese SSM Sitzung?

[TD="class: h2008_news_detail_subject"] ANKA ve Altay’a sürpriz talip! [/TD]

[TD="class: h2008_news_detail_text"]Laut Vatan soll letztewoche ein Saudischer General mit einem kaufvermögen von rund 2 milllarden Dollar in die Türkei angetroffen sein, um sich im bereich Turkish Defense industrie einzudecken.

Das hauptmerkmal des General für eine kaufabschluss war sowohl der einheimische ALTAY und die aufklärungdrohne TAI ANKA.

Suudi general 2 milyar dolarla geldi

Ankara’da üst düzey kabul gören Suudi generalin, 2 milyar $’lık silah alımı için Türkiye’ye geldiği öğrenildi

Suudi Arabistan Genelkurmay Başkanı Orgeneral Hüseyin Bin Abdullah Al Gobail, geçtiğimiz hafta Ankara’ya yaptığı resmi ziyarette, Genelkurmay Başkanı Orgeneral Necdet Özel’in yanı sıra, Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül ve Başbakan Recep Tayyip Erdoğan tarafından da kabul edildi. Gobail’in bu kadar yüksek seviyede kabul görmesinin ardından ise 2 milyar dolarlık silah satışı çıktı. Türkiye’nin, Suudi Arabistan’a, milli insansız hava aracı “ANKA” ile milli tankı “ALTAY”ı satmak için sözleşme görüşmeleri yürüttüğü öğrenildi.

Büyük anlaşma

TSK için üretilen ve ocak ayında uçuş testleri tamamlanarak, seri üretime geçilme aşamasına gelen ANKA’ya, Suudi Arabistan’ın ilgi gösterdiği ortaya çıktı. 200 kilometrelik link menziline ve 18 saat uçuş kapasitesine sahip olan ANKA, görüşmelerde bir pürüz çıkmaması halinde Suudi Arabistan ordusu için de üretilecek.

1 milyar dolar ayrıldı

Suudi Arabistan’ın ilgilendiği diğer proje de milli tank “ALTAY” oldu. 1 milyar dolar ar-ge kaynağı ayrılan ALTAY, 60 ton ağırlığında. İlk etapta 250 adet üretilmesi planlanan tankın birim maliyetinin 5,4 milyon dolar olması tahmin ediliyor. Suudiler’in elindeki ABD yapımı “Abrams” tanklarının birim maliyeti ise 8,58 milyon dolar. Bu yüzden, Suudi Arabistan’ın ALTAY’ı tercih etmesi bekleniyor.

ANKA ve Altay’a sürpriz talip! | GAZETE VATAN ALTAY



[TD="class: h2008_news_detail_subject"] ‘Israel seeks Turkish airbase to enable Iran strike’ [/TD]

[TD="class: h2008_news_detail_text"] Netanyahu’s national security adviser travels to Ankara offering advanced defense technology in exchange for an airstrike launching platform, the Sunday Times reports

When National Security Council head Yaakov Amidror arrives in Turkey on Sunday to discuss compensation for flotilla victims, he will also be seeking to lay the groundwork for the stationing of Israeli fighter jets in an airbase near Ankara, ahead of a possible strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities, the Sunday Times reported.

“Until the recent crisis, Turkey was our biggest aircraft carrier,” an Israeli military source told the London-based publication. “Using the Turkish airbases could make the difference between success and failure once a showdown with Iran gets underway.”

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“Iran is warning openly about its intentions to destroy us and is working with all its might to carry it out,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said at a Holocaust Remembrance ceremony in Jerusalem earlier this month. “We won’t leave our fate in the hands of others, even the best of our friends,” he added alluding to the US’s promise to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.

According to the Sunday Times report, Amidror is expected to offer Turkey advanced missile and surveillance technology in exchange for a base and training facilities at Akinci air base, northwest of Ankara. The move would see a resumption of the arrangement that was established in 1996 and remained in place until the two countries all but severed ties in the wake of the May 2010 raid on the Mavi Marmara, when Israeli commandos killed nine Turkish nationals during the takeover of the vessel which was trying to reach Gaza.

A wary reconciliation between the two former allies was brokered by US President Barack Obama during the final moments of his visit to Israel last month. Just minutes before boarding Air Force One, Obama handed Netanyahu the phone and heard him apologize to his Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan for any “operational errors” made by Israel during the Mavi Marmara incident.

Amidror will reportedly be arriving in Ankara with a proposal to sell Turkey a variety of Israeli-developed weapons and military equipment, including Arrow anti-ballistic missiles, an advanced visual intelligence system developed by Elop, and an electronic warfare system made by Elta. The latter two systems were reportedly sent to Turkey for testing before bi-lateral ties deteriorated.

“The Israeli defense establishment has been lobbying hard for the politicians to find a form of apology, in order to restore the Israeli-Turkish alliance against Syria and Iran,” an Israeli defense source told the Sunday Times. “Turkey is very worried by Iran’s missile ambitions — countering this independently would take them years. With Israeli know-how based on the Jericho ballistic missiles, the time-frame will be cut short.”

“Turkey is talking about full normalization and a return of ties to the way they were before,” Turkey’s deputy prime minister Bulent Arinc told Maariv in an interview published on Wednesday. “I expect the talks to succeed. Normalization between Israel and Turkey will increase the chances of regional peace.”

Arinc said that Israel’s apology over the flotilla incident and acquiescence to Turkey’s other demands of paying compensation to the families of those who died, as well as easing the blockade on Gaza, have paved the way for re-establishing ties that broke off after the incident.

On Saturday, however, families of the Marmara victims objected to compensation talks with Israel, saying the Jewish state must first fully lift its blockade of the Gaza Strip.

The relatives also said they would not drop lawsuits filed against former Israeli military commanders they hold responsible for the deaths.

Earlier this month, an Istanbul court heard the charges that were filed against four of the most senior retired IDF commanders, including former chief of staff Gabi Ashkenazi, in absentia. Israel has characterized the case as a politically motivated stunt. [/TD]

Wir sollten uns auf solch ein spiel der isrealis nicht einlassen.
Einfach dankent ablehen, wie bei denn Amis zuvor.


[TD="class: h2008_news_detail_subject"] Countdown to start for two new Turkish satellites [/TD]

[TD="class: h2008_news_detail_text"]The Türksat 4A and Türksat 4B satellites, which have been built jointly by Turkish and Japanese engineers, are about to be completed, Transport Minister Binali Yıldırım has said.

“98.8 percent of Türksat 4A and 89 percent of Türksat 4B is finished. After their tests are completed, we will send Türksat 4A to space at the end of this year and Türksat 4B in the first quarter of 2014,” Yıldırım said.

He also said the final stage of equipment building and integration of the two satellites that started being built two years ago in Japan had been reached. The building of the two satellites is continuing under the supervision of Türksat AŞ. Company, with the participation of 15 Turkish engineers.

“With Türksat 4A, also the African continent will be covered by our satellites. With this satellite, we will be able to cover the entire continent … The satellite functional and environmental tests, known as space environment compliance tests before the launch, will be conducted soon. We plan to finish these tests in six months and launch Türksat 4A into space,” Yıldırım said.

Türksat 4B is also being assembled alongside 4A, and will host 43 channels when finally operational. Türksat 4B will be orbiting at 50 degrees east and, like Türksat 4A, will cover North Africa, Europe, the Middle East and Asia.

It will also offer Internet services, and will be able to provide cheap broadband Internet to those regions in Turkey where the Internet is not available through the current terrestrial infrastructure, as well as to some neighboring countries. With the launching of the two satellites, Turkey’s satellite capacity will increase to three times the present one. [/TD]


[TD="class: h2008_news_detail_subject"] Atak pilots will use Aselsan [/TD]

[TD="class: h2008_news_detail_text"]The VMFD-68 ( Multifunctional Display) man-machine interface reducing pilot workload and night-vision compatible state-of-the-art optical specifications has been installed to Atak T-129 helicopters. New cockpit will be used in early delivery and serial production helicopters
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
TÜBİTAK, F-16 savaş uçaklarında kullanılan ve dünyada sadece 5 ülkenin üretebildiği "Elektronik Harp Sistemi"nin (EHS) yerlisini yapmak için çalışma başlattı.

EHS, F-16 uçaklarının en kritik elektronik sistemi olarak kabul ediliyor. Harekat esnasında savaş uçaklarının tehdit radarlar ve hava savunma sistemlerine karşı güvende olmasını sağlayan sistem, uçağı tehdit eden radar bulunduğunda pilotu ikaz ediyor ve otomatik olarak kendini izleyen radarları yanıltıyor. Halen yurtdışından ithal edilen bu sistemin olmaması ya da çalışmaması durumunda savaş uçakları savunmasız hale düşüyor.

Yüksek bütçeli proje

Kritik proje için Milli Savunma Bakanlığı (MSB) ve Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı ile birlikte düğmeye basan TÜBİTAK, F-16'ların sistemin milli olarak tasarlanması ve geliştirilmesi için hazırlanacak yüksek bütçeli projelere destek verecek. TÜBİTAK Savunma ve Güvenlik Teknolojileri Araştırma Grubu (SAVTAG) bu amaçla 1007 Programı kapsamında sistem için çağrıya çıktı.

İhracat da yapılacak

Projenin milli savaş uçağı geliştirme yolunda ilk adım olacağını belirten Bilim, Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanı Nihat Ergün, yurtdışında tasarlanan ve üretimi Türkiye'de yapılan EHS'lerin artık güncelliğini yitirmeye başladığını söyledi. Ergün, MSB ve TÜBİTAK'ın öncülüğünde en son teknolojiler kullanılarak milli olarak geliştirilecek ve uzun yıllar kullanılabilecek sistemin çerçevesinin çizildiğini belirtirken, Türkiye'nin bu alanda ithalatçı olmaktan çıkıp ihracatçı olacağını belirtti.

'Altıncı ülke olabiliriz'

Türkiye'nin savunma alanında ileri teknolojiye sahip ürünler geliştirme kabiliyetini bu alanda kullanarak dünyada altıncı ülke olabileceğini vurgulayan Ergün, şunları söyledi: "Destek konusunda maddi imkanlarımız geniş. Projenin başarıyla sonuçlanması durumunda uçak başına yaklaşık maliyeti birkaç milyon dolar olan bir sistemi yerli olarak üreteceğiz."

Vurucu gücü artıyor

TÜBİTAK, Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri'nin (TSK) vurucu gücünü artırıyor. Türkiye'de ilk kez geliştirilen seyir füzesi SOM, beton delici bomba NEB, akıllı bomba olarak bilinen HGK, lazer güdümlü füzelerin dedektörü, füze ve güdüm kitlerinde kullanılan ısıl piller TSK'nın kullanımına sunuldu.

Bugün Gazetesi
