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Türkei weist israelischen Botschafter aus

Das Ganze erinnert mich an sowas:



Die Welt kennt die Wahrheit,ausser die Arabische...

Auszüge aus dem UN-Bericht:

"The speedboats were shortly followed by combat helicopters. IDF personnel began firing on the Mavi Marmara from both the speedboats and helicopters before boarding had commenced. This included the use of live fire .... bullets. Two passengers were killed by shots from the helicopters before the first soldiers had boarded the vessel. The Captain immediately changed the vessel’s course to the open sea on a bearing of 270º, but Israeli naval frigates approached the vessel from the starboard bow and forced the convoy to turn back towards Israeli waters."

"As a consequence nine passengers were killed. Turkish autopsy reports concluded that five of the deceased were shot in the head at close range."
Furkan Doğan received five gunshot wounds in the back of his head, nose, left leg, left ankle and in the back, all from close range. A citizen of the United States, Mr. Doğan was a 19-year-old high school student with ambitions of becoming a medical doctor. Mr. Doğan’s motionless, wounded body was kicked and shot upon, execution-style by two Israeli soldiers.

-Cengiz Akyüz received four gunshot wounds, in the back of his head, right side of his face, the back and the left leg. Mr. Akyüz was married and a 41-year-old father of three.

-Ali Haydar Bengi received a total of six gunshot wounds, in the left side of his chest, belly, right arm, right leg and twice in the left hand. Mr. Bengi was married, a 39-year-old father of four.

-İbrahim Bilgen received four gunshot wounds, in the right temple, right chest, right hip and back. Mr. Bilgen was married, 61-year-old father of six, who worked as an electrical engineer.

-Cevdet Kılıçlar, a photographer, was killed by a single distant shot to the middle of the forehead. He was shot most probably with a laser-pointer rifle. Mr. Kılıçlar was married, 38-year-old father of two.

-Cengiz Songür was killed by a single gunshot wound in the front of the neck. He was a 47-year-old textile worker, married and the father of seven.

-Necdet Yıldırim received two gunshot wounds in the right shoulder and left back. He was 32-years-old, married, father of one.

-Çetin Topçuoğlu was killed by three gunshot wounds in the back of the head, the hip and the belly. He was 54-years old, married and a father of one.

-Fahri Yaldız was killed by four gunshot wounds: left chest, left leg and twice in the right leg. He was 43 years-old, married and father of four, and worked as a fire-fighter."

Kompletter UN-Bericht und Quelle: http://graphics8.nytimes.com/package...nal-report.pdf
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Die Welt kennt die Wahrheit,ausser die Arabische...

Heute Morgen hat die Republik Zypern mit den - bereits angekündigten - Bohrungen im Block 12 unter Noble Energy angefangen.

Das türkische Gebelle und die angebliche "Gaza-Euphorie" waren - wie üblich - heisse Luft. :cool:

oh, platte, möchtegernsatirische Karikaturen :77:

* Bambi bedient sich an snjezis Popcorn.

greif ruhig zu :groucho:


Das ganze "Gaza-Theater" fand einzig und allein wegen der Ressourcen statt. Dass du das nicht erkannt hast, obwohl auch hier im Forum diverse Berichte darüber gepostet wurden, wurdert mich nicht. ;-)


und? was hat das mit dem aktuellen thema zu tun?