Greek-speaking Muslims in Turkey
One of the most interesting phenomena in modern Turkey is the existence of Greek-speaking Muslims.
The traditional Greek-Turkish conflict, Turkey’s authoritarian administration, the Kurdish uprising and the survival of stereotypes surrounding the formation of newer nations in the region have made studying this particular ethnic group difficult.
The way Greek-speaking groups passed from Christianity to Islam during Ottoman rule is unknown to modern Greek scholars.
Today there are four main grecophone groups in Turkey: the Cretans, Pontics, Macedonians and Cypriots. Each of them is of extreme historic interest. The way these groups express themselves is of great importance as it reveals an unknown aspect of modern Turkish society that is becoming more and more important.
The public appearance of these groups is not only of interest to Turkish society, which is slowly becoming aware of its multicultural nature, but also to Greek society. These groups illuminate how modern nation-states in the region were formed and the way groups caught in the middle – created by history – were forced to be incorporated into the ideological foundation and the religious doctrine of the particular state they were living in.
By Vahit Tursun (1)
(1) Vahit Tursun is a grecophone from Ofi, Trebizond. He wrote this article for the major center-left Turkish newspaper Radikal on Sunday February 25 2007.